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Archive for November, 2016

Markets closed at new all time highs. What’s next?

It is sort of hard to believe. Bears were convinced of an imminent market crash and with any decline they loaded up their portfolios with more bearish trades. Yet it was apparent that we are no in a bear market and all reversals showed up to be just bear traps. The Brexit was a bear Continue reading →

Posted by Guest November 13, 2016

Here’s Why Most Traders Lose Money

It is a well known fact that most investors lose money in the stock market. The numbers vary from 80% to 95%, but the fact remains. There are many reasons why people lose in the stock market. But the main reason is related to human emotions.    · Role of Psychology in trading   Dr. Van Continue reading →

October 2016 trading, investing, and dividends results

It looks like time is moving faster and faster every month. I feel like I have written a September report just yesterday and it is already time to write it again for October. I was busy trading (besides my other less loved activities) and dealing with violent markets struggling to find direction. People in Wall Continue reading →