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Supper quicky note #7

The beginning of May started with a sell off in the markets. The talking heads are placing their bets whether this is a beginning of a long anticipated correction or whether the buyers step in and start buying tomorrow. Well, the after market and futures are pointing to rising markets tomorrow. But that can change.

Others are questioning whether the stock market will be or will not be affected by FOMC meeting or recent FED chairman’s comments about FED’s monetary policy.

Another group is mentioning the traditional sell off in May (I bet you know the adage “Sell in May and walk away”) and whether it is the same case as last year and the year ago when markets actually dropped significantly in May and this will repeat again.

So, what do you think? Is the old saying going to materialize and investors start selling their assets in May?

From the dividend growth investor’s perspective, I am not selling anything and if those crazy guys out there start panicking and selling like crazy, I will gladly pick up their “trash” and add it to my portfolio.

2 responses to “Supper quicky note #7”

  1. I think the market is due for a correction, just so tough to tell when!

    • Martin says:

      I agree. It doesn’t look like the market wants to correct although it is too overbought. Every little dip is immediately picked up by buyers. So we have to wait.

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