Trading Account: New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: Stocks bought or added to portfolio this week: none Stocks dropped from portfolio this week: none Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Stop ATR Risk tostop (%) [tag]DV[/tag] 12 66.26 -12.36 -1.53 62.64 1.0413 -6.91 [tag]V[/tag] 10 90.25 57.50 6.80 86.81 1.7743 2.73 Contribution this Continue reading →
Archive for March, 2010
Picks 03/15 – 03/19
Trading Account: New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: Stocks bought or added to portfolio this week: DeVry, Inc. (DV) Bought 12 DV @ 67.29 Stocks dropped from portfolio this week: none Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Stop ATR Risk tostop (%) [tag]DV[/tag] 12 67.28 -0.12 -0.01 62.64 1.1500 -6.91 [tag]V[/tag] 10 88.84 Continue reading →
DEVRY (DV) searching for the new trade
Last two weeks I have been searching for a stock which would pass my new criteria and I would be able to open a new position. My screener has been shooting many candidates at me, but further screening blocked those stocks from buying them. Recently I reviewed the following potential candidates for buying: ACU; AKAM; Continue reading →
Picks 03/08 – 03/12
Trading Account: New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: Stocks bought or added to portfolio this week: none Stocks dropped from portfolio this week: none Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Stop ATR Risk tostop (%) [tag]V[/tag] 10 93.25 87.50 10.36 86.81 1.6100 2.73 Contribution this week: $0 Current [tag]capital exposure[/tag]: -3.04% New positions Continue reading →
No new trades available
On Saturday I calculated my total portfolio risk based on my adjusted rules: trade must be larger than $800 to lower the cost ratio when buying stocks existing positions must be positive or the total current risk exposure to stop loss must be less than 3% or the total liquidation value of the portfolio must Continue reading →
Picks 03/01 – 03/05
Trading Account: New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: Stocks bought or added to portfolio this week: none Stocks dropped from portfolio this week: none Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Stop ATR Risk tostop (%) [tag]V[/tag] 10 88.51 40.10 4.75 83.35 1.2900 -1.36 Contribution this week: $0 Current [tag]capital exposure[/tag]: -2.50% New positions Continue reading →
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