I had this dilemma when I was figuring out what I wanted to do with my ROTH IRA account. I opened this account sometime in 2006 and had no plan at all. I was just buying some ETFs with somewhat messy allocation and I truly had no clue what to expect from the portfolio. Was Continue reading →
Archive for May, 2010
Picks 05/17 – 05/21
Recently I was busy or out of town so I wasn’t able to update my blog as often as I would wish to. The most recent news is that I liquidated all my positions in my trading account (quite in time to avoid larger loses) and currently I am sitting in cash. Mostly I will Continue reading →
Visa under panic but creates great opportunity
When I opened the computer on Friday and saw the drop in price, my first thought was “what happened again?” and that “I might have jumped in too early” when I bought Visa (V) the previous day. But then I stopped panicking and started thinking again. What caused the major defeat of Visa along with Continue reading →
Visa sold today
I gave up on Visa and even though my original stop loss was lower then today’s sell I decided not to wait for further loses and sold. I am going to wait for the market reversal and buy Visa back when it shows some strength and will to grow. Right now it looks like the Continue reading →
Picks 05/10 – 05/14
Trading Account: New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: Stocks bought or added to portfolio this week: Bought 18 V @ 86.71 Bought 45 MED @ 34.13 Stocks dropped from portfolio this week: none Stocks watched this week: none Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Stop ATR Risk tostop (%) [tag]MED[/tag] 45 35.76 72.90 Continue reading →
Visa (V) added to portfolio
Today I bought back Visa (V), which I consider a great stock with a great growth potential. 13:40:39 Bought 18 V @ 86.718
Medifast (MED) added to portfolio
This time I weighted my decision to buy this stock and since the stock is one of the leaders which survived the drop and even rose in price, recently it received “strong buy” recommendation I decided to add shares of this stock into my portfolio. 14:07:44 Bought 45 MED @ 34.1399
Should we chase this rally attempt?
When looking what the stocks, mainly those I was ready to buy back did this morning I said to myself “I should have hold them and I shouldn’t have stop loss applied. Today these stocks opened mostly with gaps and I could have made money.” Yeah. This is what I have tried last Friday and Continue reading →
Picks 05/03 – 05/07
Trading Account: New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: Stocks bought or added to portfolio this week: Bought 20 V @ 84.04 Bought 50 MED @ 32.53 Stocks dropped from portfolio this week: Visa (V) Medifast (MED) Stocks watched this week: none Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Stop ATR Risk tostop (%) Contribution Continue reading →
Grrr I am so upset
I am so upset with myself now. All the rules and strategies I was working on for so long trying to protect my money and today morning I threw it all away. Visa has been already sold on stop loss with a loss. I am such an idiot!!! Well I am expecting MED to follow Continue reading →
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