I often browse the internet to find ideas about investing, trading stocks, options, investing opportunities and strategies. I like to read about investors and what their investing/trading approach to create income you can live on is. This week I found the following interesting posts: How To Screen 52 Week Lows – Brick By Brick Continue reading →
Archive for March, 2013
Trade exit – Armour Residential (ARR)
Armour Residential (ARR) cut its monthly dividend to $0.07/share from $0.08. It’s the 2nd cut in as many quarters and the price dropped. For me it is the end of holding this stock. This morning I sold my shares in ARR and I am no longer interested in this paper. Now I will be looking Continue reading →
New Trade – Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP (KMP)
Today my order from yesterday was executed and I purchased 11 shares of Kinder Morgan Energy Partners. The KMP is part of a Kinder Morgan trilogy. It pays nice dividend and has a great dividend history. The company is one of the biggest and oldest pipeline transportation and energy storage company in North America. KMP. Continue reading →
Stocks which sparked my attention for addition #2
The list of stocks which sparked my attention for addition narrowed from a week ago down to two stocks. All other stocks reversed and continued marching higher or just stayed flat. They may however continue falling later as the market turns into correction. That is however something we do not know at this point. So Continue reading →
Lending Club Goal 2013 Completed!
I would like to announce that I completed my first goal I set for 2013 and that was to reach 14% annual return rate. I am very happy about it, because with this rate of return, my investment will double every 5 years! My other goals are going well too. It looks like I under-sized Continue reading →
My inspiration in last week #13
I often browse the internet to find ideas about investing, trading stocks, options, investing opportunities and strategies. I like to read about investors and what their investing/trading approach to create income you can live on is. This week I found the following interesting posts: Monthly Update – February 2013 – All About Interest ….. Continue reading →
New Trade – Safeway Inc. (SWY) put selling
I was searching for stocks which I can buy, but couldn’t find anything at a decent price. Everything I was interested in is so elevated that I wasn’t comfortable buying at the current price. So I was thinking that the only way I would be willing to do is to sell a longer term put Continue reading →
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