I typically add new stocks into my portfolio, when the overall portfolio value reaches a certain threshold (see here). Before that happens I accumulate the holdings I now hold based on their price action. At today’s high levels I am mostly waiting gor prices to drop. When the stock reverses for either a small or Continue reading →
Archive for March, 2013
Do you pay your fair share?
Imagine the following situation. You and your neighbor work hard. You both make let’s say $50,000 a year salary. You both are married, have a new-born child, nice decent house and a car. You happen to be colleagues from the same company which you started working for in about same time. You both take part Continue reading →
How to Spot Bad Notes in Lending Club Before They Turn Bad – Part 1
Since a few months ago when I claimed that I had zero In Grace Period, Late, or Defaulted notes in my Lending Club account, I have started receiving emails from other investors whether I would be willing to share my strategy how I avoid the notes before they turn bad. Originally I was just responding Continue reading →
Strategies to manage your money and reduce monthly outgoings
This is a guest post by Julie Cheung. Julie is a freelance online marketer with a keen interest in business, investment and finance. She can be contacted via Twitter at @juliecheung or on LinkedIn. Wouldn’t it be great if you could put a bit of cash aside every month to save for a rainy day? Continue reading →
Trade adjustment – Lorillard, Inc. (LO) addition
Today I added 25 shares of Lorillard to my portfolio. The trade trigger was triggered and the order was executed. It seems that the selling hysteria of this stock over a potential menthol ban calmed down. Of course, it still may happen, but it may not as this issue was on the table a year Continue reading →
My inspiration in last week #12
I often browse the internet to find ideas about investing, trading stocks, options, investing opportunities and strategies. I like to read about investors and what their investing/trading approach to create income you can live on is. This week I found the following interesting posts: 1 Step Closer To The End Of The Correction In Continue reading →
Joining Yakezie challenge
Thanks to my fellow bloggers-friends I have seen and experienced what actively managing your blog and be active in blogosphere can do to your blog. It is time consuming, but it is rewarding. Since I started being active again a few months ago my blog started seeing more traffic. The increase in traffic is motivating Continue reading →
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