Archive for June, 2013

Posted by Martin June 25, 2013

The art of saving money

The art of saving money

Savvy people save money. It is an important part of everyone’s life and it shows how educated financially a person is. There are several ways, methods, and purposes for saving cash. I learned saving cash at early age. When I was about 12 years old I was keen on building models of historical man-o-war sailing Continue reading →

Posted by Martin June 23, 2013

My inspiration in the last week #25

My inspiration in the last week #25

I skipped my link love review for two weeks due to my vacation last week. This week I am back to present the following interesting web sites and links. I often browse the internet to find ideas about investing, trading stocks, options, investing opportunities and strategies. I like to read about investors and what their Continue reading →

Trade exit – Taser Int. (TASR) – covered call expiration with 11.81% gain

Trade exit - Taser Int. (TASR) - covered call expiration with 11.81% gain

Today was expiration Friday and I had one position (contract) in Taser Int. covered call. You can see my original trade setup in this post where I am showing the entire calculation of what would happen if I buy 100 shares of the stock and sell 1 call option against the shares. This trade is Continue reading →

Markets react on FED so turn your computer off and walk away

Server Yahoo posted several articles this morning in reaction to Mr. Market’s behavior today asking a basic question: “Is the market overreacting?” Well, in my opinion of course it is! Have you ever seen markets reacting rationally recently? I haven’t. As much as I am involved in the stock market I understand more and more Continue reading →

Posted by Martin June 19, 2013

Supper quicky note #9

So, a few months or weeks ago, FED chairman Ben Bernanke said that they may possibly start tapering the stimulus and stocks tanked (mREITs and real estate especially). Today, FED said that although the job and the US economy outlook risks eased, they will continue spending $85 B monthly buying bonds, and stocks are tanking Continue reading →

How to Eliminate Debt for Good

How to Eliminate Debt for Good

This is a guest post by Richard of Simple Living Australia, a personal finance blog out of Sydney Australia. They provide a range of information covering everything finance with an emphasis on getting out of debt and savings. Extraneous spending and poor money management can result in personal loan and credit card debt. Unsecure debt Continue reading →

My thoughts on chasing the dividends and dividend investing strategy

My thoughts on chasing the dividends and dividend investing strategy

I once held in my portfolio a stock which paid nice dividend and had a promising outcome as monthly dividend payer. Right before it collapsed. I was fortunate enough to get rid of the stock before it actually happened. I am talking about mREIT stock Armour Residential (ARR). This stock can be a great example Continue reading →

Posted by Martin June 17, 2013

We need vacation to rest from our vacation (and trades I made during my vacation)

We need vacation to rest from our vacation (and trades I made during my vacation)

Do you also feel tired when you return from your vacation and the first day at work you wish you had more vacation to rest from your vacation you just spent? Well, this is exactly my case. We had fun in Disneyland. It was tiresome, we spent a horrendous money (although I saved for this Continue reading →

Posted by Martin June 08, 2013

Time for vacation

Not that I am taking a vacation because of reaching my Yakezie goal, but it was time to recharge the batteries. We are spending a week in Disneyland. We planned for this vacation for some time and the day has arrived. I will be posting and be active with my blog rarely for this week. Continue reading →

Posted by Martin June 04, 2013

Yakezie challenge completed!

A few days ago I completed my Yakezie challenge! I broke thru 200k Alexa rank as it currently reads:         189,664 I would like to thank you all for helping me reaching this goal. This accomplishment however won’t stop me from striving to provide a better content about investing.