Archive for February, 2017

Posted by Guest February 20, 2017

How To Make The Most Out Of Your Budget For 2017

There are so many ways in which you can make the most out of your budget in 2017. From scrimping and saving all the way to investing there is something you can do in the New Year which will change your financial situation. First of all you need to set yourself a budget and organize Continue reading →

Why Investing in an Organic Farm is Profitable

Why Investing in an Organic Farm is Profitable

  The organic farming industry is one the fastest growing industries around the world. People who now know about the disadvantages of eating chemically treated foods are converting to the traditionally grown vegetables and fruits. Inorganic farming is not just harmful to the consumers; it is also adversely affecting the environment. This is because the Continue reading →

Posted by Martin February 09, 2017

January 2017 options income

Trading options in January ended very well. I definitely didn’t expect such results. At first it was slow and much of our cash was tied to other trades and I didn’t expect freeing them for trading. In fact, they are still blocked by those trades. I expected barely $1,200 income, although I planned for $1,500 Continue reading →