Recession is the time when, media constantly talks about the doom and gloom of financial crisis, credit crunch and plummeting stock markets. During such a time, every individual starts worrying over the impact of recession on his job, finances, business and even personal life. The sudden decline in economy and rising cost of living can take many individuals by surprise. During the hectic period of recession and economic downturn, most of the individuals search for techniques to survive financially. Dealing with recession is not an impossible task and counteracting the impact which it may create on your finances is something you should learn during this critical period. Here we have explained some useful tips on how an individual can live a recession proof life and how to deal with financial catastrophe –
Take Proper Control on Your Budget
It is obvious that spending less is a great way to take control on your budget. Thinking over where to purchase cheaper items and where to splurge extra will definitely help to save you hundreds of dollars in long term. It could also mean doing some small tasks on your own such as washing the car or growing vegetables in your back garden. Being frugal will offer you great pay off in long term and you end up achieving lot of satisfaction as well.
Be Proactive
If you lose your job and owns too much of debt then set out an objective to control your expenses and work on improving your sources of income. You can also think of another job or work on part time basis. This will help you to keep busy and you don’t have to utilize your savings to run your household or meet your debts. Multitasking is one of the important things you have to learn in order to tackle with recession successfully.
Don’t Consider Switching to New Company
The worst thing to do during recession is to switch your job from one company to other. Most of the employers consider cutbacks when their profit margin goes down and new employees are normally the first to be axed from the company’s balance sheet. Recession is the time when you have to deliver optimum performance to show your competency in your current job. This way you can stand out in the competition and make your position strong in the organization.
Get Yourself Out Of Debt
Bad debt is vital reason behind any credit crunch. So keeping this crucial fact in mind, getting rid of debt must be an important priority to bring your finances on right track. If you always utilize your credit card and possess any on-going borrowings then you must consider paying them off before due date. You can also try to avail a zero percent balance transfer deal on the credit card, if you have decent credit rating. One more strategy will be to figure out a monthly budget to meet your payments on time. You will definitely feel better after knowing that your debt is sinking every month.
Don’t Ignore Your Mortgages
If you fail to meet your mortgage payments then don’t try to run away from them. The mortgage must be the first thing which should be paid ahead of your credit card bills and some other form of debts. During recession, most of the borrowers ignore telephone calls or letters sent by their lenders. Running away from your debt problems will only going to make them worse. In fact, you have to think over some effective solutions which will assist you to resolve your debt problems on time.
Contact your Mortgage Lender
If you are struggling to pay your mortgage payments on time then the first thing you can consider is to get in touch with your mortgage lender and discuss about your problems. If you take some constructive actions to meet your mortgage and show your positive intentions to mortgage lender then there are chances that your lender may figure out some personalized solution for you.
Don’t Lose your Patience
Recession is not a time to get depressed, stressed or feel panic. In fact, it is the time when you have to take every decision after giving deep thought and show utmost patience. You can focus on things which you can control and take some productive actions to work on your personal finance and business objectives. Think over your long term financial goals as they will definitely help you to take proper decisions in short term.
Consider Starting your Own Business
During recession time, you can also think of starting your own business. This may sound risky but recession is definitely an ideal time to start your dream business. This is because you can get cheap labor during economic downturn which helps to keep your business cost at lower level. The biggest advantage of running business during recession time is that if you have a great idea then you can definitely stand out in the competition.
Conclusion –
During recession time, you will get sick of watching the gloomy news and stories explaining how bad things are going there. Recession is something you can’t avoid but you can definitely follow some important tactics to beat it and keep your financials on track. The only individual who can control your destiny and financials is you. The best way to beat the recession is to rely on your own skills and capabilities. If you know your current financial status very well then you can definitely figure out some ways to cope with the tiring recession.
This is a great site. I’d say you’re doing what I’ve been wanting to do with my investing history. You and I also share a lot of similar strategies (income, put sells, dividends) and even a few stocks we favor.
Regarding this article, I just wanted to comment that I think the best way to look at a recession is as an opportunity. Investors like Buffet and others love recessions because assets become cheap. If you wanted to own a company/stock/home at X price, then if its cheaper than that, it should be an even better deal. You may have to deal with the “catching falling knife” issue in your mind – but once you get yourself to realize you will never get the perfect price, just a really good one, then you will be happy with your decision to buy.
In order to be ABLE to buy, one needs to follow a dedicated strategy over many years, building up low cost credit, assets and cash, so that when the next recession comes, you can be in there buying with both hands like the rest of the smart money.
Note: the website mentioned (, is not an investing website, but one I run which is about energy and technology that I find personally exciting, explained in the least technical way possible, with links provided to back up claims and add information. Feel free to visit it if the topic is interesting to you (I’m also lftrnow on Youtube).