I didn’t expect to get early assigned on this but it just happened. At least, I do not have to wait until expiration to get assigned.
Today, I bought back 100 shares of AGNC @ 22.50 a share.
This closes this trade cycle. I do not plan trading any more options using this underlying as there are no premiums. This whole trade was in fact a bad idea. So not anymore.
UPDATE: June 19, 2017
Today I added the in the money put trade:
STO 1 AGNC June23 22.50 put
@ 0.29 credit
AGNC at $22.29
If I get assigned to this stock at the end of this week, it would be the end of this trade cycle as I do not plan on continuing selling options against this stock.
UPDATE: June 16, 2017
Today, we got assigned to our calls and we had 100 shares of AGNC called away (it will actually happen tomorrow).
We will be buying 100 shares back on Monday. I still will evaluate an option of selling in the money puts to buy the shares.
UPDATE: June 15, 2017
Our covered calls are now in the money and we have expiration this Friday.
Unless the stock drops below $21 a share in the next 2 days, we will get assigned (we may even get assigned early) and we will sell 100 shares of the stock.
I was thinking whether to roll this trade or not and decided not to roll it. I would have to roll all the way into December and keep the same strike. Unfortunately, this stock doesn’t offer good option premiums and it is basically untradeable.
I will let the option assign and on Monday we will repurchase 100 shares back. I will no longer trade options against this stock.
In my ROTH IRA account I own over 166 shares of AGNC stock. It is not a very good stock for trading options as there is no volume, no premiums, no interest.
Yet I was thinking how to utilize my amount of shares to trade options against this underlying.
Since I have now an experience trading options against ETE in my ROTH IRA and have a better understanding how to use dividend capture strategy I decided to try it against AGNC too. Let’s see how that would work.
What I will be doing is basically selling 45 – 56 DTE covered calls and if I get assigned I buy the shares back via selling puts or outright. Here is my trade:
STO 1 AGNC Jun16 21.00 call
@ 0.21 credit limit day
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