Financial planning is something every individual has to do in his life but most of us postpone it for the future. This is because financial planning requires consistency and discipline, which is so hard to practice in existing era of consumerism. Money plays extremely important role in everyone’s life but when you have it, you hardly give it an attention it rightly deserves. Most of the people look forward to earn extra money instead of giving thought on managing funds which they already have. Here are some useful tips which will help you to realize importance of financial planning and they will surely encourage you to make financial planning as your major goal in life.
Spend lower than what you earn
If you spend everything what you earn, you will never become rich, no matter how much money you have been making. The wide is the gap between your spending and earnings, the faster you accumulate your wealth. Spending lesser than how much you make is one of the best ways to achieve financial security. It is quiet easy to control your spending than increasing your earning. It doesn’t demand much sacrifices from your side and find-tuning of your expenditures may result in substantial savings in long term.
Start early
Make proper planning and start early on your endeavor of achieving financial goals. Compounding interest is highly powerful money building tool which can turn your minimal amount of money into bigger ones, provided you give enough time for your investment to grow. It is common behavior among investors to put things off, but earlier you embark on moving toward your financial goals, the closer they will appear.
Keep savings on your priority
Before you pay for your grocery bills or any other expenditure, you must keep aside bulk part of your regular income. Don’t forget the famous saying, ‘Pay Yourself First’. You can start with smaller amount and then increase your savings gradually, while fulfilling your financial liabilities. The important thing to consider here is that only savings are not sufficient unless those are channelized into highly productive and safe investments.
Get rid of your credit card debts
Credit card expenses are something you have to be extra careful with. Those small pieces of plastic are extremely convenient to use and its common thing to forget that it is real money you are dealing with when you swipe them to make any purchases. There are high chances that you will face credit problems if you fail to realize when and how to use your credit.
Review your all borrowings properly
In present market scenario when return on investment is extremely low, it definitely makes more sense to take proper control on your expensive debts. If you have credit card liabilities or loan repayments to make then get rid of all your borrowings before investing your surplus amount anywhere. Once you take care of your existing borrowings, you will get a clearer picture on how much funds you afford to invest for your secure future.
Diversify your portfolio
Always make sure that your investment and risks are well diversified to protect you from any market fluctuations. This is also the stage where you have to seek advice from any professional expert. Your financial advisor will analyze your financial status and future priories to figure out an investment plan which will match your financial needs. The younger you are, the higher risk you can take as you get enough time to cover your losses.
Regularly Review your financial plan
Your financial conditions and future priorities keep changing according to time. So make sure that you review your financial plan regularly to confirm that it is rightly balanced and will meet your financial needs. Procrastination may result in risky investment strategies that may leave you vulnerable to fluctuations in market which will diminish your long term savings. In case you are married, then analyze how much savings you can make on your spouse’s income. Identify whether any expenses can be shared among both, so that you can contribute more towards your savings.
Know where your money goes
Budgeting is one of the important financial aspects which most of the investors struggle to deal with. You will not able to save anything unless you know where your money is exactly going and you are in right position to manage your expenditure. You must keep proper track of money that comes in and goes out of your pocket. In initial time, it may be bit difficult but you can take help of different financial tools available in the market to manage your financial budget. Keeping track on your expenses will help you to avoid unnecessary purchases so that you can save significant amount of money over long term.
Know about your Social Security Benefits
Government plays vital role to supplement your retirement income but don’t rely on it completely to meet your retirement needs. Though SSA can cover your 40% of pre-retirement income, but when you get retire the amount might be lower than what you have expected. So along with government benefits try to do your own retirement planning and start saving as early as possible.
Keep adopting new financial strategies
Financial planning is long term thing which has to get attention it deserves. So always keep your mind busy and keep adopting new investment strategies. Conduct proper risk – return analysis and opt for investment avenues which can give you optimum returns within minimum risk. If you think that the return on investment is high on a particular product then you can always take calculated risk.
Insure your family
Many people assume that they are rightly covered under their insurance plan but they put themselves in catastrophic situation when they realize that they are not adequately covered. It is extremely essential for every individual to do his insurance-needs analysis at right age. The earlier he enrolls for insurance policy, the lesser premium he has to pay. An Umbrella insurance policy which offers you home and car insurance is definitely a good idea, if valuation of your asses is over $1 million.
Make and update your will
More than 60% of US citizens don’t have a will. In case, you have dependents then you definitely need a will, no matter how much property and wealth you are. If your financial situation is extremely complicated then you can seek advice from a financial expert or solicitor to update your will.
Figure out how you are currently doing in above mentioned financial aspects. If you are doing well only in half of the aspects then review your financial situation immediately to make necessary improvements. Choose one aspect at a time and set a strategy to incorporate all above mentioned things in your financial plan.
Taking resolution to enhance your financial situation is a nice thing to do during any time of year. Most of the people begin with it when they get job, while others start it when they get married. No matter when you start, the basics always remain the same. The most important thing is to take an action and the earlier you do so, the higher benefits you can achieve.
Great post….I will definitely refer these points while doing financial planning for my next quarters. Please keep posting similar kind of tips on more such financial topics.
These are great tips, Martin. Being that I recently finished paying off all of our debt, I’m really starting to scrutinize our financial plan and long-term goals. I’ll have to keep all of this advice in mind.
Agree. I know about your debt elimination success. It is amazing and motivating.
To me the first one is most important. Positive cash flow is best for you. This will alone keep you out of debt trap.
I agree. That is the core of everything. If you spend more than what you make all other planning is in vain.