You probably already know that a college degree is beneficial for many reasons, ranging from job security to career satisfaction and even the legacy you will leave for your children. There is yet another benefit to obtaining a college degree, although it may not be directly apparent. That personal finance class during your freshman year and even the algebra course you slugged through, just because you needed it for your general education requirements, might not be so worthless after all. The liberal education structure that most college degrees are based on (yes, even degrees in music or psychology that are quite remote from calculating the area of a circle) equip students with a solid base of general knowledge that can be applied to many other areas of life.
You don’t need a college degree to invest, but you do need significant knowledge of financial affairs. Also, a willingness to “learn the ropes” of investing in the specific field in which you are interested (stocks, real-estate, etc.) and a primary mathematical ability are essential. All of these tools can be gained through the pursuit of a college degree. A college education develops work ethic as well as knowledge, a skill that is useful for improving a lifetime learning mindset and increasing your earning power as an investor.
Accounting Degree Benefits
Certain degrees are more helpful for investors than others because their coursework is specifically geared toward helping students enter careers in fields that are firmly related to financial investing. For example, an accounting degree provides a broad knowledge base of financial management and taxation, among other similar areas of expertise. Typical courses that compose an accounting degree include Principles of Managerial Accounting, Cost Accounting, and Analysis of Corporate Financial Statements. Fortunately, many online accounting degree programs can be implemented into busy lifestyles. This implementation allows many people to gain more in-depth financial knowledge and abilities and, as a bonus, streamline their investment endeavors.
Self-Sufficient Investing
Many available investment options don’t require a specific degree in the field of finance. However, whatever college degree you may have already can be helpful — and even save you money. A college education often develops self-sufficiency, which is vital to your success with any goal. According to College Plan, “For many who attend and live at school, achieving a bachelor’s degree is a crash course in time management, self-control, basic life skills (like how to make delicious dinners from a microwave) and much more” ( With stock and bond investments, individual investors have the option to manage their stocks or pay for professional management of their finances. A willingness to learn and essential mathematical expertise can help you to gain confidence in managing your investments, cutting the need for an assistant and the associated charges.
Responsibility for Your Investments
Another investment option is real estate investing, which often require a significant amount of time and effort. However, a college degree can be useful here as well. Many real estate investors are landlords who make their money by purchasing a specific property and renting it out (, which requires a much higher level of responsibility than merely waiting around for your stock assets to grow. Responsibility is a necessary quality for the attainment of any college degree. You must learn how to manage your time to maintain your grades efficiently.
A college degree is useful in a variety of ways because it equips you to handle different life situations. Your investing ability is just one example of the impact your college education can have on your personal life.
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