January 2019 trading and investing results

S&P 500  2,706.53 +199.68 (+7.96%)  Dow 30  25,063.89 +1,736.43 (+7.44%)  Nasdaq  7,263.87 +628.59 (+9.47%)

September results

I just finished reporting December 2018 and we are again at the end of another month. True, I reported December late.

January started off slow, but ended up well. Our accounts are up and recovering from last year slaughter. But the question is, are we out of the forest or is more carnage coming? Boy, I wish I knew.

In January, we continued trading successfully in our IRA account and made nice income of $2,661.00 in received premiums. In our other accounts, TDA and ROTH, we didn’t trade this month. We only managed opened trades to roll what was necessary to do.

We are posting our results:

IRA Equity:

IRA account equity

ROTH Equity:

ROTH account equity

TD Equity:

TD account equity


We post our trades on our Facebook page.


 · Dividend stock investing


Dividend investing is doing great on both accounts – ROTH and IRA. We keep using 50% of all options income and buy dividend stocks. IRA account keeps growing fast with new stocks being purchased every month. ROTH is more or less stagnant.


Here is a review of our accounts stock holdings:

Traditional IRA
Trading Results

Trading Results

TD account
Trading Results

January started very slow and at first, it looked like we will not be able to purchase any shares this month as we didn’t meet cash flow criteria to purchase new shares. However, two weeks before month end our income jumped up and it allowed us to buy a few shares to add to our dividend income portfolio.

In January 2019 we purchased the following shares:

IRA purchases:
Dividend growth stocks

It wasn’t easy to choose which stock to buy as many great sotcks in our watch list were indicated as “buy”. We decided to add STX in the end.

At the very last week of the month, our income increased enough to allow us more purchases next week.

We haven’t purchased any shares in ROTH or TD this month.

We keep spending 50% of our options trading proceeds to buy good dividend growth stocks using our screener to get a better entry into the stocks. Although capital appreciation is not our goal but a secondary target, timing the entry creates good results as our positions are mostly up. However, do not be too excited, any large selloff can temporarily send those stocks down again. It is a dividend income what matters to our portfolios, not the portfolio value and capital appreciation. It seems to be evident that using options to grow the portfolio is the right way to do.


 · Dividend Income


IRA dividend income
Trading Results

ROTH IRA dividend income
Trading Results


 · What’s next in the stock market?


I am unsure what to expect from the market in upcoming month. January 2019 was definitely one of the best months since 3 years ago. We went up +8%, almost 9%. We went up however, too much and too fast.

I wish this rally / recovery continues but, when reviewing historical charts, it could actually be bad for the market if we do not see any pullback or consolidation at the current levels. Many bearish charts from the past since 1955 indicated bad things happening in similar situation when the market hasn’t pulled back.

Thus the market is giving us mixed signals. I can’t say where we are heading from now.

Nevertheless, I held a believe through the entire 2018 year that the market selloff was just a correction and not a bear market. I still think, this is the case. Although we have mixed signals and we should expect any outcome in this market, it is starting to look like more and more as the previous bullish instances in the past:

Trading Results
(Source: CCM)

I recommend Chris Ciovacco’s (CCM) video who covers the historical charts and market behaviors and compares it to today’s market conditions to assess his equity allocation. I believe, his outlook can be helpful to assess the next market’s move and trade accordingly:



Happy Trading!

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