New stock picks this week:
no new positions
Existing & new holdings:
Symbol | Qty | Last | Gain($) | Gain(%) |
FUQI | 3 | 26.27 | -8.19 | -9.41 |
STEC | 3 | 39.90 | 15.33 | 14.69 |
V | 7 | 70.50 | 43.75 | 9.73 |
Contribution this week: $0
Current capital exposure (total risk of the entire portfolio): -3.31%
New positions available to open: 0
Starting account value = $1,625.41
Account value = $1,655.06 (without margin)
Buying power = $963.05
[tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = 1.82%
[tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for AUGUST 2009 = -2.44%
Portfolio Gain/loss for 2009 = -25.10%
[tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): -35.40%
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