Started weekly options against MicroFutures /MES for weekly income

Let’s see how this trading goes from now on. I am trading all sorts of strategies and sending them all to our subscribers and you can pick up the one that works best for you. I trade regular futures, options against futures and now I am adding options against Micro-Futures for weekly income. The benefit of this trading is that it only requires $1,000 starting capital and it can be compounded to larger income.

At the beginning, we will be receiving a small income, only about $30 per week, but we will slowly scale it up. Once we double the amount allocated for this strategy, we will scale up. And we will also slow down based on the market conditions. If the market start flashing trouble, we may even stop trading and move to cash completely or trade bearish strategies instead.


What we will be trading to generate weekly income?


Mostly naked puts. Unlike other instruments, these will require $1,000 buying power. In a bear market, we may go to cash or trade naked calls. In neutral markets, we may go with Strangles.


Why not SPX strategies we traded before like Iron Condors?


The problem with SPX Iron Condors was that if a trade turned against us it was very difficult to adjust that trade. Many times, you have to close it for a loss. Some traders place a stop loss order but in bad market conditions, you can start accumulating losses before you give up and stop trading whatsoever. Micro-Futures allow to trade a naked put for only $1,000 (or less) buying power. SPX naked put would require $80,000+ buying power so you have to trade vertical spreads. Rolling spreads vs. rolling naked puts is a different story.


Here is our weekly income spreadsheet to start with


Here is a spreadsheet, let’s the journey begin. I hope, this will be way better than trading the SPX index (more capital efficient):

weekly income strategy

Good luck everyone!

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