Posts Tagged With 'ABT'

Posted by Martin September 19, 2014

Volatile week offered opportunities again

Volatile week offered opportunities again

Another trading week is over and we can review our accounts and see how we were doing and how our investments performed. The last week was volatile as many investors were nervous about the Fed and its policy. On Wednesday we were expecting what Janet Yellen would come up with in regards to interest rates Continue reading →

Posted by Martin January 09, 2013

Replacing ABT with AT&T (T)

Replacing ABT with AT&T (T)

For the reasons I wrote in my previous article I am replacing Abbott with AT&T stock. This stock paid dividends since 1881 and it has a history of 8 years of increasing the dividend. Currently the stock is trading below 200 day MA and it pulled back due to ex-dividend date which was today (Jan-08, Continue reading →

Posted by Martin January 08, 2013

Unloading ABBV from my portfolio, what about Abbott?

I was looking for information about ABBV and ABT to find out whether to keep these stocks or get rid of them. It was very difficult to find anything which would help me to make the decision. Keep the stocks or not? That’s the question. Mostly I used information about ABBV and ABT from Morningstar Continue reading →

Posted by Martin January 03, 2013

Is Abbott providing a chance of doubling your money?

Recently Abbott realized a spinoff when the company split into two entities – Abbott (ABT) and AbVie (ABBV). If you happened having some shares of ABT, right now you should have the exact amount of shares of ABBV in your account. Both stocks are now prices roughly at the half of the previous ABT price. Continue reading →

Posted by Martin December 27, 2012

New trade – adding Abbott Laboratories (ABT)

Today I bought more shares of ABT to my dividend portfolio at $65.37 per share. 12/27/2012 09:40:48 Bought 15 ABT @ 65.3699 Total shares held as of today: 34 Estimated annual dividend*: $73.44 Consecutive Dividend Increase: 39 years Dividend yield today: 3.44% Dividend 5yr Growth: 10.23% Dividend paid since: 1926 * Note: The dividend is Continue reading →

Posted by Martin December 14, 2012

Abbott Declares 356th Consecutive Quarterly Dividend

1:59 PM Abbott Laboratories declares $0.54/share quarterly dividend, 6% increase from prior dividend of $0.51. Forward yield 3.31%. For shareholders of record Feb. 15. Payable Feb. 15. Ex-div date Jan. 11. (PR)

Posted by Martin November 23, 2012

New trade – adding Abbott (ABT)

Today I bought more shares of ABT to my dividend portfolio at $63.58 per share. 11/23/2012 09:30:14 Bought 6 ABT @ 63.5799 Total shares held as of today: 19 Estimated annual dividend: $38.76 Consecutive Dividend Increase: 39 years Dividend yield today: 3.22% Dividend 5yr Growth: 10.23% Dividend paid since: 1926

Posted by Martin November 10, 2012

Market sell off, are you scared?

I am freaking out! It is not a pleasure watching my holdings evaporating and showing a loss. It is also difficult to hold and sit tight. It is even harder investing more money into falling stocks. Some people say “do not try catching the falling knife…” others say it is a great opportunity to buy Continue reading →

Posted by Martin October 25, 2012

New trade – Abbott (ABT)

New trade - Abbott (ABT)

(TD Account) I bought ABT as part of the accumulation phase. The goal is to continue saving in Lending Club as long as the account reaches 10,000 dollars. Then I will start focusing more on TD account and accumulating 10,000 dollars in TD account. Then I will switch to ROTH and accumulate 5,000 dollars in Continue reading →

Posted by Martin October 23, 2012

Market shake out or in trouble?

Market shake out or in trouble?

Today the market got beaten down by worse than expected earnings reports. This can be a temporary over reaction as we experienced many times during previous seasons or it can be a significant game changer turning the markets back to south. Which way the markets will go? It depends on many factors. Let’s take a Continue reading →