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Posts Tagged With 'Alibaba'

Posted by Martin October 19, 2014

I do not trade stocks but couldn’t help trading BABA

If you follow my blog, you know that I use two strategies – 1) I invest into dividend growth stocks and 2) I trade options.   When speaking about stocks, I invest into stocks. I do not trade them. In the past I chose dividend stocks for two reasons: Dividend income Long term investment In Continue reading →

New Trade – Alibaba (BABA), I too decided to take this play and bought a few shares

New Trade - Alibaba (BABA), I too decided to take this play and bought a few shares

Not exactly a dividend growth stock here, but the prospect was appealing and made me think to buy some shares of Alibaba (BABA). When I first heard about BABA in the news and all the frenzy it created I said myself “Not interested”. I do not do IPOs nor buy post IPOs. I only made Continue reading →