Avoiding debt is the primary and most efficient technique for protecting your family assets. To achieve this, you have to design a comprehensive asset protection plan for your family. This involves purchasing insurance and actively managing your family finances to avoid exposure and help you pay off debts. While there are many options to managing Continue reading →
Posts Tagged With 'debt'
NEVER Cash Out Retirement! (Unless…)
If you must deal with burdensome debt or a financial crisis, a reserve of ready cash may seem like the perfect solution. In fact, financial experts suggest that you set aside three to three-to-six month’s income as an emergency fund, or you may be tempted to tap your retirement account for cash to cover an Continue reading →
Equity vs. Debt in Real Estate Crowdfunding Investments
Few would question that investing in real estate can be very lucrative. Look no further than Donald Trump who has been running away with news headlines since he announced plans to run for president of the United States. The real estate mogul boasts funding his campaign with money he earned through his real estate holdings. Continue reading →
Be aware of next bubble to burst
There are many many news media out there excitedly creeping around “finally solved” or “European hopes” bushes (read: news). The news media such as Yahoo or CNN Money are among them. Almost worthless to read it! However, you can find commentaries out there that are not that optimistic and that are providing with more realistic, Continue reading →
Stocks ended higher today
Late rally today pushed DOW index back above 12,000 points on Euro optimism. In my opinion this optimism doesn’t take into account Italy’s problems with ECB and bonds rate rocketing up. As per the news, the rally started at 2 pm EST on news that Greece will receive the latest installment of emergency aid. However, Continue reading →
Fed is going to help faltering economy, said Ben Bernanke
(Reuters) – The Federal Reserve is prepared to take further steps to help an economic recovery that is “close to faltering”, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Tuesday. Great! And investors got crazy about this proclamation and started buying. Good move if you want to lose money. Are these idiots out there blind? O.k. I Continue reading →
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