Posts Tagged With 'dividend investing'

Weekly Results – Feb 23, 2018

  Our IRA account is fully recovered by now. Unless something bad happens again, our monthly chart record will look like no correction ever happened. This is what every investor and trader should do – never panic, never over react; have your plan, strategy in place and let others to panic and scream. You execute Continue reading →

Weekly Results – Feb 16, 2018

  The market saw a nice recovery during last week. Many are still predicting and forecasting that this market will crash again. They are all idiots. Do not put your money on their bets. Study the market’s history and you will see that in the last 16 occurrences of 10% corrections since 1950 the market Continue reading →

Weekly Results – Feb 10, 2018

  The last week was brutal to say it nicely. The market lost over 5% in that week and our portfolios followed. The selloff however, provided a great opportunity to buy new shares of now once again cheap stocks. Last week we purchased the following shares:   Realty Income (NYSE: O) 11 shares at $47.84 Continue reading →

Weekly Results – Feb 03, 2018

  With one of the largest selloff in recent few years our Net liquidation values (Net-Liq) got obviously a hit. Great gains (on paper) turned down in a day. But it happened only due to a spike in volatility. As of now many of our trades are still in good shape thanks to trading our Continue reading →

Posted by Martin December 26, 2017

Our strategy for 2018 and probably beyond

It is time to review our trading strategy and update it if it no longer fits all our rules and comfort zone of our trading. Although this strategy will still be based on the basic frame posted earlier on this blog, it is time to tweak it a bit and – update it. Another reason Continue reading →

Dividend CCCs Link

Over time my trading strategy evolved. I went from chasing high yield to chasing high options premiums and now I realized that it is all futile. And dangerous. So, I am now in a position that I am OK collecting a few dollars every month or week as these small payouts will compound and grow Continue reading →

May 2017 dividend income

May is over and it is time to once again review our dividend income in our ROTH IRA account. It was again another successful month as our annualized dividend income increased. We haven’t received as many dividends as in April but it still was a successful month. In our ROTH IRA we collect income from Continue reading →

ETE triple play – dividend capture trade

UPDATE: May 22, 2017   The trade executed today morning and we collected 0.35 or $35 dollars credit. Now we will wait until expiration which is in June 23, 2017 for the call either expire worthless (if the stock stays below $19.50 strike) or ends in the money (ITM) in which case we will get Continue reading →

Posted by Martin April 28, 2017

April 2017 dividend income

April dividend and options trading in our ROTH IRA account has been very successful. From the dividend income perspective it was the best month so far. Both incomes also helped the account balance growth although the stock market shows a lot of bearishness and fear. However, last few days in the markets boosted the value Continue reading →

Posted by Martin April 28, 2017

Why I stopped contributing to 401k despite “free money”

This post was originally published on March 13, 2017   As soon as I posted my article about flaws of 401k and why I stopped contributing to it I had a reader telling me that I forgot about 3% – 4% employer match which is free money. It is a good point from him and Continue reading →