Posts Tagged With 'SPX futures'

Posted by Martin July 05, 2015

Greeks vote NO and send futures to abyss

Here we go again. Now I can say I thought Greeks would reject the Euro-offer, but before that I didn’t dare to say it. What if they chose the opposite, right? I must say that this vote contains so much stupidity in it that it stunned me a lot. If we take off all the Continue reading →

Posted by Martin February 16, 2015

S&P 500 futures collapsed. If it doesn’t recover by tomorrow, markets will open down.

The news came in. Greece refused to apply for a bailout plan extension considering it “unacceptable”. This is sending dollar higher against Euro and S&P 500 futures just collapsed from last Friday’s new all-time high: Although there is still plenty of time for the futures to recover (until tomorrow morning when the US markets open) Continue reading →