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Weak stocks rally the market

Last couple days were exciting. On Tuesday March 10th the market started a [tag]rally[/tag]. Finally, one would say. It was depressive watching the [tag]market[/tag] dropping further down every single day. So this weeks’ [tag]gains[/tag] make me feel positive. At least it provides nice feeling about the market’s long expected turn-around.

Dow Jones Average

When looking at the chart, gains are really very impressive and even today I wasn’t expecting the market rallying again. Originally I didn’t want to write about the first day rally, because I expected immediate [tag]correction[/tag] next day. So is this the bottom?

However, there is nothing to buy out there!

When you look at the [tag]stocks[/tag] leading this rally, all are weak, almost unknown stocks and companies, or companies (mostly financial) which were beaten down by this [tag]crisis[/tag] and now they seem to be correcting their huge drop in [tag]price[/tag]. When you look to my previous posts about the [tag]stock market[/tag] you can notice I was writing about several previous rallies which all of them failed.

It would be nice if this rally attempt sparks the new [tag]confirmed rally[/tag], but I do not believe in it much and most likely I am expecting another failure. However, since technically I should consider the market as in rally attempt I have changed the market status to “Rally attempt”, but do not be too excited about it. I am not either.

Tip: It is not time to [tag]start investing[/tag] yet. Wait for the [tag]market[/tag] to confirm itself. This rally attempt can still fail. I would stay out of the market, watch potential [tag]winning stocks[/tag], add them to a watch list and wait. There always will be plenty of opportunities to [tag]buy winning stocks[/tag] when the rally confirms itself.


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1 response to “Weak stocks rally the market”

  1. Sasha says:

    The whole market is weak!

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