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Posts Tagged With 'transportation'

Posted by Martin November 15, 2017

Transportation index (DJT) points to economy slowdown, so they say…

Transportation index (DJT) is usually considered a good indicator of the US economy.   An old say goes – “manufacturing makes, transportation takes”. Transportation is considered a leading indicator and usually slows down first before we notice in any major indexes or economic reports.   Some investors use DJT for economic forecasting.   There is Continue reading →

Posted by Martin January 10, 2016

What a halted commerce tells us about economy?

Transportation sector is usually the first one which signals trouble with the market and economy overall. But transportation sector is a wide branch. So take a look at one significant portion of it – maritime transportation. Typically, majority of goods are still transported by sea using large cargo ships and tankers. Typically, you can see Continue reading →