December 2015 trading, investing, and dividends results

December is over and it is time to review how my trading and dividend investing performed during this month and throughout the year 2015. I will be posting a few posts about my trading and investing these days. Today, I am posting about the December’s trading and investing results. In my next posts I will Continue reading →

November 2015 trading, investing, and dividends results

November passed by even faster than October. I feel like it was just yesterday when October finished and cannot believe that it was already November which ended a few days ago. It is time to review my November result and see how my investing and trading performed. Those of you, new to my blog, here Continue reading →

October 2015 trading, investing, and dividends results

I cannot believe October is gone already. I was so busy lately that I even haven’t noticed that we are approaching mid-November already and I haven’t posted my monthly review of my trading and investing effort. Although October was spectacular as far as the market moves I wasn’t able to adjust my positions successfully. Let’s Continue reading →

September 2015 trading, investing, and dividends results

Another month is over and it is time to summarize it and review how my trading and investing did. This month wasn’t good for me from the trading perspective. In June 2015 I created my new options trading strategy, but I was overconfident about so I neglected defense. I didn’t expect at all that the Continue reading →

August 2015 trading, investing, and dividends results

August is gone and it is time to review my investing and trading effort again. This month was bad as far as results go. First in my trading account I was getting rid of bad trades from the beginning of the year I no longer wanted. I had a question from one investor why I Continue reading →

July 2015 trading, investing, and dividends results

July 2015 is over and it is time to review my trading, investing, and dividends results for the month. A month ago I adopted a new trading strategy, which works perfectly so far. It is however too early to judge. Also, the market is relatively calm (except a few sell offs) and I would like Continue reading →

June 2015 trading, investing, and dividends results

Another month is over and I am back to make a reflection of my trading and investing. Many times when I think everything is great and bright I get a snap from Mr. Market. He always reminds me that trading or investing is not easy way up. And it is not always a way up. Continue reading →

May 2015 trading, investing and dividends results

Another choppy, crazy month in the stock market is over. It was a month about which people have a saying: “Sell in May and Go Away.” If you have done that, you would lose money. I watch other investors and traders at StockTwits to see what they have to say about the market. I found Continue reading →

April 2015 trading, investing and dividends results

April 2015 is over and I am going back to reporting my results. I wasn’t much consistent in reporting in the past as many times I either didn’t have time or was lazy to write a report. I am still looking for the best way to report my results but keep it simple since at Continue reading →

My miserable performance in 2014 and goals for 2015

It is time to quickly review my performance in 2014 and set goals for 2015. I have a few accounts I use to deal with my finance. I have an account which I call TD account, ROTH IRA account, 401k account, Scottrade account, and Motif investing account. I use each of the account for a Continue reading →