The old year is almost over, the new one knocks on the door. It’s time to review our goals and set the new ones. The 2013 year has been a great year and very fast as well. I cannot believe it is over. (MORE: Goals for 2013 Review) It was a great year. Continue reading →
Another milestone reached! My account reached 10k!
I reached my goal for 2013 today!! My goal for 2013 was to recover my TD account after I almost wiped it out and reach 10,000 dollars balance. A few months ago I haven’t expected reaching this goal at all. Since I decided to pay off my debt first I stopped contributing to my TD Continue reading →
My Investments 1Q 2013 results
This 1st Q 2013 statement is my first publicly presented results and it will be a bit longer than the reports I will be posting in the next quarters. When I was thinking about how I wanted to share with you my results I was considering providing monthly reviews. Later, I decided to use quarterly Continue reading →
Lending Club Goal 2013 Completed!
I would like to announce that I completed my first goal I set for 2013 and that was to reach 14% annual return rate. I am very happy about it, because with this rate of return, my investment will double every 5 years! My other goals are going well too. It looks like I under-sized Continue reading →
Dividend achievements
So the year 2012 is over. The King is dead, long live the King! A new year is here and I am quite optimistic amid all the tax hike issues and Obama screwing this beautiful and blessed country. My 2012 year investing plan was either non existent or chaotic. I was finally able to spell Continue reading →
My Goals 2013
We are heading towards the end of 2012 year and it is time to review the progress of the goals we made last year and set a new set of goals for the upcoming year. I hope you all had a great year and that the next one will be even better. In past years Continue reading →
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