

Real Time Economic Calendar provided by



Earnings Calendar provided by


2 responses to “Calendar”

  1. […] got this inspiration from Hello Sucker’s Calendar page. At a glance it gives me a head’s up on the months and days that the companies I own payout. It […]

  2. Stalflare says:

    Ciao Mart,

    Are the earnings and other details inputted by hand or do you pull them from sites/yahoo finance? I am really interested in this because it’s more and more evident that I need a calendar to work out the options and everything…

    Thanks and great work here!


    • Martin says:

      The dates are imported automatically from other site, I believe it was Yahoo Finance or Nasdaq. Same goes with the ex-dividend date. The issue however, is that sometimes the import doesn’t work well and you get many errors. It would be nice if Google Finance had it included in the spreadsheets.

  3. […] got this inspiration from Hello Sucker’s Calendar page. This basically gives me a head’s up on the months and days that the companies I own payout. The […]

  4. […] first change is the creation of a dividend calendar. I got this inspiration from Hello Sucker’s Calendar page. This basically gives me a head’s up on the months and days that the companies I own payout. […]

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