Posted by Martin November 24, 2023

The best time to buy REITs is now (even if you think otherwise)

People are avoiding REITs, and many said they wouldn’t touch them with a ten-foot-long pole. It is interesting to see the irrational behavior of people not experienced in investing. For example, in 2021, when Realty Income (O) was trading at $70 a share, everybody was rushing in and buying. Everybody was claiming to be a Continue reading →

Posted by Martin August 16, 2023

Technical view: Arbor Realty Trust, Inc. (ABR)

  ABR is in stage #2. This is one of the better mREITs out there. I have invested in a few of them in the past and got burned in all of them. I invested in AGNC or ARR. A friend of mine invested in NLY. All three failed. AGNC looked promising but after a Continue reading →