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Posted by Martin September 30, 2020

#002 Trades opened today

We have added a few more trades today to our accounts:   Bought 10 PPL shares @ 27.08 Roll 1 IWM Oct9 150 call to Oct23 152.50 call for 0.21 credit   We bought 10 more shares of PPL reaching our goal of 100 shares in our account #1. Now we will start accumulating AT&T Continue reading →

Posted by Martin September 28, 2020

Bought 5 PPL shares @ 26.64

We added a few more shares raising our holdings to 85. Once again, our goal is to reach 100 shares so we can start selling covered calls or covered strangles, or what have you to further monetize our position and receive more income than just the dividends.

Posted by Martin February 26, 2019

PPL increased dividend by 0.61%

PPL increased the dividend by 0.61% making this dividend contender‘s 18th consecutive dividend increase. The old dividend rate was 1.64 annual dividend payout (0.41 quarterly), the new rate is 1.65 (0.4125 quarterly). Our current fair value of the company is $36.27 a share so at the current price of $31.93 the stock is undervalued.However, in Continue reading →

Dividend paying stocks worth adding to portfolio

Dividend paying stocks worth adding to portfolio

Although the markets are undecided in the trend, which seems to be slowing down, some stocks continued with sell off today. I am not watching all stocks, but some, mainly dividend paying stocks. And these are under pressure. My almost entire watch list is in red. Some stocks are retreating slowly in small amounts, some Continue reading →