Trade adjustment – Demand Media (DMD) – covered call

The last Friday my covered call against Demand Media (DMD) expired worthless. That left me with an uncovered stock. I reviewed the stock and the entire trade and decided to exit the trade via a covered call trade. Selling covered calls against this stock is almost impossible due to a significant price drop of the Continue reading →

Expiration Friday tomorrow – collecting gains and creating a ladder

Expiration Friday tomorrow - collecting gains and creating a ladder

Tomorrow is expiration Friday. My favorite day. Tomorrow I will officially collect my gains. Although I collected them physically a few months ago when I opened my options trades, those gains were still in jeopardy of being wiped out. Tomorrow those gains will be mine forever.     (MORE: Options Assignment – Southern Company (SO)) Continue reading →

New Trade – fixing Demand Media (DMD) – put selling

New Trade - fixing Demand Media (DMD) - put selling

My covered call trade against Demand Media DMD turned to be a stinky trade. It turned against me when the stock dropped significantly leaving me with a large loss. Is there a way to repair it? I believe so. What is Demand Media and why it sucks? I must admit that when I was opening Continue reading →

Trade adjustment – Demand Media (DMD) – new covered call (11.24% gain)

Trade adjustment - Demand Media (DMD) - new covered call (11.24% gain)

Another stock I used for covered call writing in my portfolio was Demand Media (DMD). You can see the previous trades here. As you can see I opened the first covered call in December last year. The trade didn’t go as well as I would expect (the stock wasn’t called away), so I bought back Continue reading →

Posted by Martin January 29, 2013

Trade adjustment – DMD covered call repair

As I wrote in my article “My DMD covered call and fiscal cliff? my covered call against DMD may go against me. I expected that to happen if the fiscal cliff happens. Well, fiscal cliff didn’t happen (yet, and maybe won’t happen at all), nevertheless DMD is not going in my favor. Since the covered Continue reading →

Posted by MartZee December 30, 2012

My DMD covered call and fiscal cliff?

Recently I opened a covered call position in DMD using a total return approach, which means that I am expecting and want the stock being called away. I used a low priced stock, since that would provide a higher return than higher priced stock when using small account (or small amount of money available). I Continue reading →

Posted by Martin December 27, 2012

New trade – Demand Media Inc (DMD) covered call

Last week I took a position in Demand Media Inc (DMD) and wrote a covered call (buy-write), but posting it now (during Christmas time I didn’t want to post anything). This position was taken as a total-return trade, meaning that I want the stock being called away. Here are some details on the trade: 12/24/2012 Continue reading →