Posts Tagged With 'put selling'

Selling naked puts and calls – managing an ugly trade into a winner

This is a chart a user named KubaW created and posted on StockTwits. I asked him based on what he believed that what he drew would rally happen and that his drawing was just a coloring book for kids and had no predictive value. My comment sparked rage from him and his ass-lickers who typically Continue reading →

Posted by Martin June 11, 2016

Trade Alert – ROTH IRA cash secured put (LGCY)

I am going to open a cash covered put trade (CSP) in my ROTH IRA account on Monday using LGCY stock. The stock has been beaten up severely and I own it at $12.40 a share but it currently trades at $2.24 a share. It paid dividends, but about a year ago it suspended it. Continue reading →

Markets higher, ugly, but still bullish

What a day on Wall Street today! As bullish the market was today as ugly it looked. My feelings about the market are totally derailed and I do not know what to think about it. In the morning the S&P lost ground to turn bullish and during the day it rallied up. But on low Continue reading →

Posted by Martin May 17, 2016

Rolling in the money puts to repair a trade

You know it. You sell a put option and the trade goes busted next day. If you have never experienced this, then you are still going to. That I can guarantee. In the past, I tried to predict the market/stock direction so I could be on the right side of the trade. Today, I laugh Continue reading →

Posted by Martin March 02, 2016

My Strategy update

Time to update my strategy. Again. I know it sounds weird but yes, I need to update my strategy, because the one I wanted to use showed up to be a dead end. I was trading naked puts at some point against dividend stocks but later I turned into spreads. When analyzing why I found Continue reading →

Posted by Martin February 18, 2016

Going back to selling puts against dividend paying stocks strategy: sold (PSEC) Aug put

Going back to selling puts against dividend paying stocks strategy: sold (PSEC) Aug put

Correction: I collected $89 dollars and not $75 premium as mistakenly shown in this post.     I must admit that I am getting frustrated trading spreads against SPX (S&P500). It is extremely hard trading that damn index. The market is volatile and whenever I sell calls, the market follows for a few days, then Continue reading →

Posted by Martin April 05, 2015

Selling Seadrill (SDLP) & LGCY puts to add stock into my portfolio amid all negative sentiment

It is hard to be buying when everybody is negative on a stock, predicting its further collapse or struggle. These days we see oil exploring companies out of favor. Many had to cut on employment, investment and even vut the dividends. When reading what other investors think about oil companies, you get scary stories, gloomy Continue reading →

Posted by Martin February 01, 2015

How do I select stocks for trading options?

A few of my followers and subscribers asked me the same question: “How do I evaluate stocks and select them to trade options”? When I was relatively a novice to trading options I also didn’t know what stocks to use trading options. But the selection process is exact same as if you select stocks to Continue reading →

Trade adjustment – Carlyle Group (CG)

Trade adjustment - Carlyle Group (CG)

On 8/22/2014 I opened a put selling trade against Carlyle Group (CG). I sold 2 put contracts to collect premiums. Here is the trade detail: STO 1 CG Dec14 30 put @ 1.10 LIMIT GTC Later, after opening the trade it turned against me. I wasn’t panicking and continued sitting tight to see the outcome. Continue reading →

Posted by Martin September 02, 2014

Breaking trading rules can be costly

Breaking trading rules can be costly

I just lost my whole year gains. Everything, I was slowly building up over the course of 2014 year went down the toilet. Why? Because I broke my own rule which I try to tell everybody interested in options trading – stay small, do not overtrade. I didn’t do it, pushed my luck forward and Continue reading →