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Trade adjustment – Carlyle Group (CG)

Trade adjustment - Carlyle Group (CG)

On 8/22/2014 I opened a put selling trade against Carlyle Group (CG). I sold 2 put contracts to collect premiums. Here is the trade detail: STO 1 CG Dec14 30 put @ 1.10 LIMIT GTC Later, after opening the trade it turned against me. I wasn’t panicking and continued sitting tight to see the outcome. Continue reading →

New Trades, rollovers and adjustments (TASR, GG, CG,), speeding to early retirement

New Trades, rollovers and adjustments (TASR, GG, CG,), speeding to early retirement

As April is heading towards the end I decided to report the trades I made recently which I have failed to report due to my busy schedule at work. If you follow my blog, you may remember my desire to change the purpose of my accounts to different strategies. Thus my TD account is now Continue reading →