Posted by Martin December 21, 2020

Market gapped down on Covid fear, new trades, and adjustments for 12/21/2020

The stock market gapped down more than 2% on renewed fear of the new strain of Covid. That is, what the media are telling us. I don’t think this is the reason for selling. The market was quite over-extended and some sort of a pullback was needed. That is what has happened this morning. Since Continue reading →

Disaster continued, but navigated my account well thru the storm

Last week loses mounted in my account. At first I started panicking, but then took a deep breath and told to myself: “Hey, calm down, you have a plan!” Sharply falling stocks are an arch enemy of a put selling strategy. If stocks decline smoothly, slowly and not too fast, you can navigate the trades Continue reading →

New Trade – Taser Int. (TASR) and Realty Income (O) put selling

New Trade - Taser Int. (TASR) and Realty Income (O) put selling

As soon as I bought back a few of my put contracts (SWY and TASR) I released my maintenance cash and was allowed to open another trades. I was searching for new candidates for put selling and these days it became difficult to find some which would provide nice and juicy premiums. It is an Continue reading →

New trade – Taser Int. (TASR) – closing old trade (14.94% profit) opening new put selling trade

Today, I decided to close my put selling trade which was about to expire this month. The reason was that the option contract was valued at 0.05 (or $5.00) and closing that trade with my broker was free (if the option is priced at $5 or less TD Ameritrade doesn’t charge a commission), so there Continue reading →

Trade adjustment – AT&T (T) put selling roll over

Trade adjustment - AT&T (T) put selling roll over

Today I decided to roll over my existing put selling trade against AT&T (T). I had a trade which was expiring next month: -1 April 18, 2014 34 strike put As the stock continued drifting lower and it hit $32 a share this morning, and continued lower, I decided to roll this trade to a Continue reading →

Trade adjustment AT&T (T) – put selling (building my options ladder)

Trade adjustment AT&T (T) - put selling (building my options ladder)

This trade was inspired by my fellow blogger Integrator from the blog Get financially Integrated! and his latest article at Seeking Alpha “My Dividend Portfolio: Evaluating AT&T“. He is evaluating the AT&T (T) stock in his article concluding that the stock didn’t drop low enough for him to be buying this stock although the recent Continue reading →