Archive for December, 2008

Posted by Martin December 29, 2008

Picks 12/22 – 12/26

No [tag]new picks[/tag]. There is nothing to buy out there. Existing holdings: 100% CASH Contribution this week: $0 Starting account value = $2,009.80 Account value = $2,009.80 (without margin) Buying power = $2,009.80 [tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = 0.00% [tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for DECEMBER 2008 = 0.00% Portfolio Gain/loss since inception = -19.19% [tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): Continue reading →

Posted by Martin December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays
Posted by Martin December 23, 2008

Madoff’s lesson

America is shocked and people are angry, because they lost a lot of [tag]money[/tag] and the “government didn’t protect them”. Are we in socialism? [tag]Madoff[/tag] provided us with a very good lesson. One of the best actually. Unfortunately some people had to pay a large fee for it. A [tag]ponzi scam[/tag] is well known and one of Continue reading →

Posted by Martin December 19, 2008

Picks 12/15 – 12/19

No [tag]new picks[/tag]. There is nothing to buy out there. Existing holdings: 100% CASH Contribution this week: $200 Starting account value = $2,009.80 Account value = $2,009.80 (without margin) Buying power = $2,009.80 [tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = 0.00% [tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for DECEMBER 2008 = 0.00% Portfolio Gain/loss since inception = -19.19% [tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): Continue reading →

Posted by Martin December 17, 2008

Stock Options review

On Monday, December 15, 2008 I filled my first [tag]stock option[/tag] [tag]covered call[/tag] trade. However it was very confusing for me and when I reviewed it I didn’t understand what I was doing. The [tag]account[/tag] results were confusing and I couldn’t see how I am supposed to [tag]make money[/tag] by covered calls. This table was Continue reading →

Posted by Martin December 15, 2008

Stock option positions opened

Note: This is a [tag]virtual trade[/tag] for learning purposes. This morning I have: bought 100 AFAM @45.79, total [tag]market value[/tag] $4,579 and sold 1 .KQAAJ @0.05, total market value -$5.00 I will write more about this [tag]trade[/tag] later. If you want to know, how my stock option trades are doing, click hereto get regular updates. Continue reading →

Posted by Martin December 14, 2008

Stock options, the first kick off

As I said, I am not experienced in [tag]stock options[/tag] at all. I have never traded it, but I really want to. As many books or literature say [tag]options[/tag] can be a great [tag]source of income[/tag], among other [tag]strategies[/tag]. There are many option strategies, maybe hundreds or thousands of them. I am looking for only Continue reading →

Posted by Martin December 12, 2008

Picks 12/08 – 12/12

No [tag]new picks[/tag]. There is nothing to buy out there. Existing holdings: 100% CASH Contribution this week: $0 Starting account value = $1,809.80 Account value = $1,809.80 (without margin) Buying power = $1,809.80 [tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = 0.00% [tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for DECEMBER 2008 = 0.00% Portfolio Gain/loss since inception = -19.19% [tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): Continue reading →

Posted by Martin December 11, 2008

A bailout for automakers failed

Senators didn’t pass the [tag]loan[/tag] for automakers tonight, because [tag]UAW[/tag] didn’t accept lowering salaries of employees to the same level as Japanese [tag]automakers[/tag] in the US. The US [tag]manufacturers[/tag] have about $69/hour salary overhead per employee, Japanese producers manufacturing in the US are at about $48/hour level ([tag]Gross salary[/tag] with all [tag]benefits[/tag]). I have only Continue reading →

Posted by Martin December 10, 2008

Stock investing psychology

Stock investing psychology

During my learning period, even today I am experiencing one psychological trap every [tag]investor[/tag] probably went through and every new [tag]beginner investor[/tag] will experience. Some may handle this with a brilliance, some may suffer the similar way I do. I am talking about the psychology during [tag]investing[/tag] into a particular [tag]stock[/tag], which later, after you Continue reading →