2020 Year End results in a nutshell

December 2020 and the entire year 2020 is over. I trade 4 accounts and have slightly different strategies for each. That depends on the type of account. If it is a cash account, the strategy is different than in the margin account.

Considering how difficult the 2020 year was, it was a very profitable year for my trading business. And I love this business.

Account #1 ($20,624.47) YTD: +419.15%
Account #2 ($22,216.46) YTD: -2.54%
Account #3 ($37,116.28) YTD: -0.39%
Account #4 ($11,312.36) YTD: +37.96%

My Account #1 was an account I placed a lot of effort and focus on in 2020. I made many mistakes trading options without properly protecting my money. Fortunately, in 2019, I realized I was wrong and changed my strategy to what I knew was working for me. The results exceeded my expectations.

Account #2 is a cash account and the loss was due to the same mistakes I made in account #1 (trading 0 DTE SPX Iron Condors). This account was definitely suitable for this strategy, well this strategy is not suitable for me at all. Although the account shows a loss for the year, I was actually down almost 30% due to losses I accumulated. I dedicated this year to fix this account and I am satisfied with the results.

The same could be said with account #3 which I was also in a “repair mode”.

Account #4 is a very conservative account. I trade the same strategy as in account #1 but not as aggressive. So, I could call it a passive income account.

I have seen people despising 30% a year gains in the stock market (or even 12% a year) saying that starting a business brings better results some in a realm of 1000%. Yes, it may. But be realistic. How many people achieved such success? Definitely not all of those who despise 12% a year. Even mature and well-established companies such as Amazon are growing by 30% a year, AAPL’s CAGR is 30.5% a year. Yes, they grew by thousands of percent over the decades, but annually, they only grow 30%. If you manage to grow your trading business by 30% a year (my personal expectations were 45% a year), you do the exact same as Amazon or Apple.

Happy New Year 2021 and let’s see what my trading will look like in 2021.

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