What you find here
This blog is most likely to be my own trading journal in which I decided to share my thoughts with others. Maybe, one day someone new to investing would find it helpful implementing his or her own strategy and ideas. So what you may expect from this blog and how it is structured?
I decided to have three categories. Let’s take a look at each of it:
Picks history category:
This should be a trading journal recording all my new picks and drops of selected stocks. Whenever I select a stock for trading I will post it immediately at the same time when the new pick occurs and when I place a buy order. I will post immediately my sell orders when either a stop loss will be hit or I decide to liquidate a position when the trading goal is accomplished.
When I make a decision to buy a stock I will post why I did it and what is the goal and a risk of such trade. Very helpful to avoid buying pets instead of stocks which meet my criteria. In this category you will find notes when I add stocks into a watch list and why.
Every once a week I will post a resume of the portfolio to show how I am doing, with possible new picks, existing holdings, contributions and results. In Portfolio performance you will find an overall review of the portfolio. If you want to follow my picks and buy same stocks, read the Disclaimer first. Then you may subscribe to Hello Suckers to stay tuned to my picks and drops.
Strategy category:
In this category you will find my advice on investing, selecting strategies, saving money, etc. Mostly I will be writing about a strategy I have selected and implemented into my own trading style. Writing about it helps me to learn and remember the strategy so I can stay focused without double-guessing, making exceptions, or asking why-questions. You can benefit from this category by learning from my own mistakes. Also be aware that all ideas written in this category may be completely wrong, so you should do your own decisions based on your research. This category can give you an idea and some help.
Market category:
The purpose of this last category is to comment the market overall to stay focused on it so I would be able to determine the trend. It is crucial that an investor trades following the trend instead of going against it. All my thoughts and analysis posted in this category are my own ideas, market reviews and are subjective to my own methods used when analyzing the market. How successful I am or I will be in the future you would be able to see on this blog.
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