I really enjoy investing with Lending Club. I’ve been investing with Lending Club for almost 3 years and over that time I have developed a method of selecting, evaluating and watching new notes in which I want to invest and those I am already invested in. The method of watching the notes I already own helped me to avoid late or defaulting notes. And by that I mean absolutely no troubled note at all. By watching carefully my notes I was able to sell any note before it turned bad. This process helped me to have only current notes and increasing my return.
The following charts are showing my current record and I added a new page named Lending Club Holdings for quick review of my account progress.
For the upcoming period (not necessarily next year) I have a plan to save $10,000 in Lending Club and then I will continue reinvesting all proceeds only. After I reach this goal, I will focus on my TD Ameritrade trading account and save/invest $10,000 in TD account.
Interest rate over time:
Current account value:
Monthly payments (interest & principal):
Annual interest income:
Are you considering investing with Lending Club? Do you need help? Contact me for information or help.
Happy trading!
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