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Market correction

The market finally truned into a correction. Hold your hats, we may be running low. My estimate is to pull back down to $145 – $146 level (SPY). Have you saved enough money to buy more stocks?

3 responses to “Market correction”

  1. admin says:

    @Marvin @Dan,

    Exactly, but it not always was my case and even today I sometimes feel uncomfortable and it takes a lot to convince myself that this is what I like and want. That’s probably why so many retail investors start panicking when selling hits instead of welcoming the new opportunity. But it also depends on at which side of the river you are. I bet those who are close to retirement or retired are freaking out. Which, on the other hand, is another reason for investing into dividend paying stocks.

  2. I love corrections, I’m hoping to pick up some new stocks!

  3. Dan Mac says:

    As a long term investor I welcome any market correction as an opportunity to get some shares of dividend stocks at more reasonable valuations.

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