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Posted by Martin April 27, 2023
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Crocs (CROX) reported earnings, beat, but dropped more than 17%

CROX CROX beat the estimates but provided weak outlook for the next quarter. Morons rushed to sell everything, including their house, wives, kids, dogs, and CROX. The stock dropped over 17% (as of now), and it was down more than 21% this morning.

It amazes me how stupid the market is (or market participants). A CEO polishes his or her crystal ball, looks into the future, and prophesies a new number. And the prophecy was bad. Spooky investors and algos rushed to exit and screamed along the way.

CROX stock drop

They completely ignored the fact that the stock is extremely undervalued based on the adjusted operating earnings (yes, the valuation may change, but the long-term outlook is still way positive). The short-sighted Wall Street doesn’t look beyond the next quarter. Chasing a quick buck prevents them from seeing the whole picture. While to them, the next quarter is a catastrophe, to me, it is an opportunity.

CROX stock valuation

And so, while they were selling, I decided to be buying. Thank you for letting me enter 20% cheaper than yesterday!


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Posted by Martin April 25, 2023
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Morons dumping and chasing the market

The longer I am in the markets the more disgusted about the stupidity of the morons trading and investing out there I am. Recently, the markets were weak and it seems they are rolling over, but the overall narrative from the media was that “investors were selling awaiting big tech earnings.” Or similar nonsensical crap.

So, if we accept this imbecilic view, the investors were selling afraid of their own shadow. They were selling tech companies (Google among them) because they were afraid that the companies may miss their earnings. If you think that this is stupid and the media usually tell us nonsense that we cannot believe at all, since they are these click baits only, and they usually are, this time I would give them some credibility.

Why? Well, look what happened to Netflix recently. Idiocracy in the making. Netflix posted better-than-expected results pretty much in every aspect that usually matters, like free cash flow, but missed EPS by some insignificant number. The stock sold off by 10% after hours. Then these imbeciles realized (maybe) that they were morons, and start buying the stock back. Before the morning open, the stock was losing only a mere 3%.

And today, we have seen a similar stupidity. Google was on sale. Everybody was dumping the stock. After hours, the company reported earnings and beat expectations. At some point, the stock went up by more than 4% from a losing 2% at the close. So a 6% run AH. Idiots were selling low and now buying high.

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Posted by Martin April 23, 2023
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The bull market is still intact

The bull market that started on October 2022 is still intact. It may change, but it hasn’t changed yet. The bond market still continues to show a bullish setup and so far, it is wrong to be on the bearish side. A soft landing is still a strong possibility. The investors are still extremely bearish. Per JP Morgan’s survey, 95% of investors think the stock market will fall for the rest of the year, and 5% think that the prices will remain the same. None (NONE!!) believe that the market may go up. This is usually a pretty good contrarian indicator.

The fund managers are also extremely exposed to defensive equities such as bonds, staples, utilities, cash, or healthcare stocks. What does this tell us? Well, at some point, there will be a moment of reallocation, namely when these fund managers realize that they are behind and will be required to show performance. As the market continues crunching higher, their current positions will hurt them. FOMO is nearby.

Nevertheless, this adds to the choppiness of the market. The market goes higher, bears buy defensive positions, mostly put options, and market makers must hedge against these positions, and that creates the rocking boat we are in right now. I saw this clearly last week in the Optionstrat flow. It was extraordinary to watch how many investors were extremely bearish, buying puts on all underlying equities like crazy. And guess what, many of these positions expired worthless this last Friday. Investors lost millions. Add to it the losses of retail investors trying to day trade 0DTE options. They lose $358,000 per day!

Bull market

We are still seeing weak economic data, though. So that still may turn into a recession! However, the labor market is still extremely strong, contributing to the expectations of a soft landing.

Some market analysts say that the rate hikes already induced a mild recession, and the economic bottom has already happened. That is why we see the stock market defying the skeptics, and it keeps rallying despite their doom and gloom predictions. They say that the recession started in 2022 and is pretty much ending. Honestly, I am in the same camp.

Technical view weekly

A Bloomberg model indicates that the market (and the US economy) bottomed out in December 2022. And today, the less bad is a strong bullish force. But to know for sure, we need to wait. And while waiting, we need to approach the market carefully and with caution. This uncertainty will continue contributing to higher volatility. We saw it last week. The markets opened low almost every day (usually -0.13% to -0.65%) and then rallied the rest of the day and erased the early morning losses. This may continue.

How will it translate to our trading? Keep higher cash. Trade small, only a few positions per week, ideally one position a week, depending on your account size. And trade only after the old trades are gone. If they are not gone, close them, roll them or otherwise adjust based on your strategy, and do not open any new trade. If you just buy stocks, buy small and buy dividend stocks only. Do not buy high-flying, risky stocks. There will be plenty of opportunities once this uncertain time passes.

This post was published in our newsletter to our subscribers on Saturday, April 23rd, 2023. If you want to learn more about our stock technical analysis subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

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Posted by Martin April 19, 2023
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Technical view: Jackson Financial Inc. (JXN)

Technical view

JXN is in stage #2. The stock bounced at 200-day MA support. The recovery from the recent “banking crisis” selloff continues. The price is “hugging” the 200-day MA and the upward-moving trend line. At the current level, the stock is extremely undervalued, but it may take several years before we see the stock reach its valuation (the valuation may also drop before the price gets there). The stock pays good dividends and at the current price, it is a buy.

Technical view weekly

The company is a spinoff of Purdue insurance company, so its revenue track record is short and so far, somewhat choppy. Despite the choppiness, the company seems to be growing its revenue:

Technical view weekly

Free cash flow is also growing:

Technical view weekly

The company pays 2.48 annual dividends (6.75%) and despite its short history, increased the dividend twice:

Technical view weekly

Since the spinoff, the company also reduced shares outstanding significantly:

Technical view weekly

The company has plenty of cash and very little debt, so it is not affected by the current interest rates. This is very good news. With rising interest rates, we want to be investing in companies that have little to no exposure to debt (leveraged). JXN is one of them:

Technical view weekly

The stock is well undervalued, and it offers an astounding 745% rate of return by 2025 (119% annualized return). The question is when investors recognize it and start buying this stock up.

Technical view weekly

Technical view weekly

The stock is now AGGRESSIVE BUY

This post was published in our newsletter to our subscribers on Saturday, April 15th, 2023. If you want to learn more about our stock technical analysis subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

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Posted by Martin April 18, 2023
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Technical view: Nuvei Corporation (NVEI)

Technical view

NVEI is in stage #2. NVEI is my new addition to the portfolio. I was resisting investing in fintech companies as I couldn’t find any diversified enough to give me the comfort of not investing in companies exposed to cryptocurrency only. It is a purely speculative trade. I plan on holding this and selling options against this position (spreads). The stock is now under pressure from a short seller (Spruce Point) who claims a few issues with the company. First, they brag about their correct prediction that the stock would drop by 35% (they called it in December 2021). Then they posted a few issues with the company, such as that Ryan Reynolds didn’t disclose his investment properly and the management had ties to FTX. I think this is not a reason for the additional 50% drop. But I am competing against a bunch of analysts who do nothing the entire day but dig out anything they can about a company of their interest, so I may be utterly wrong. Nevertheless, on the chart, the stock is in stage #2 and may continue recovering if the report turns out to be bogus just to push the stock down (note, short sellers usually post their reports after they open their short positions. And just because they were right once doesn’t mean they will be right again. It may easily be that they remained short and now trying to prevent a short squeeze as the markets, tech, and fintech stock start recovering.

Technical view weekly

The weekly chart also indicates potential, and the stock may, in fact, recover to the previous levels of $100 – $120 a share. Will it happen? No one knows, but if we take a look at the fair value correlated to the adjusted operating earnings, we see that the stock’s fair value should be around $100 a share by 2025. Today’s fair value is at $63.92 a share, so the stock is undervalued:

Technical view weekly

However, Spruce Point claims that the stock value is inflated by the company’s buybacks to “channel cash out of business.” If we look at the shares outstanding, this claim doesn’t seem to hold water much. The company was diluting shareholders for years, though nothing significant, just about 2.2% 5-year average dilution. In 2022 it started buybacks at a rate of 1.09%. I do not think that is a reason for fraudulent money drainage claims, and Spruce Point might be just inflating a problem that isn’t there.

Technical view weekly

The company is increasing its revenue every year. There was a small hiccup in 3Q 2022, but then the revenue improved. The revenue chart below indicates total revenue, not revenue per share, so buybacks do not impact the numbers.

Technical view weekly

Another claim is that Nuvei’s acquisition of Paya, exposure to cryptocurrency, and inflating customer base will hurt the company and fail. Where does the free cash flow come from if that is the case?

Technical view weekly

The company has more cash in hand than the debt, and it is paying it off. I consider this a good sign. So, if we summarize the claims of Spruce Point that the company:
1. Was draining money from the coffers by questionable buybacks.
2. Was inflating customer base.
3. Was involved in questionable acquisitions
4. Had questionable ties to failed FTX

Where did it get the cash needed to show positive and growing free cash flow and could keep its debt at a reasonable level without borrowing more money? Consider that this is a fintech company in the realm of high-flying tech stocks that are usually leveraged.

Technical view weekly

So, yes, the company is new, in an interest rates sensitive territory, in the same category as the PayPal company, it may be fraudulent, and yes, it crashed during the latest bear market (which company didn’t crash?). Still, I think the Spruce Point report is not a very convincing one. I have seen better reports.

I still think that the Spruce Point report is to keep the stock price suppressed as they maintain a short position, and they may want to close it at a better price. I don’t think the stock will drop another 50% (though it may, if I am wrong). So I am taking a small position and will see what happens next. I am also placing a stop loss. If the company drops, I will be kicked out. If it keeps moving higher, I will make money. But I think the company offers a good opportunity.

Technical view weekly

The stock is now MODERATE BUY

If you want to learn more about our stock technical analysis subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

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Posted by Martin April 15, 2023
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Soft landing or recession?

Here we go again. Retail investors and even some bigger players are again afraid of inflation, recession, and ghosts. Media are digging out bears and recycling their stories and narratives, such as Mike Wilson from Morgan Stanley, who has been notoriously predicting a 50% (now only 20%) crash since 2009. Yes, he was right in 2022 when the market shed almost 30%, but he still kept predicting an additional 50% crash.


And people listen to this crap. Sure, we may go lower again, but I do not see any reason for it. Here is my logic: The FED was raising the interest rates aggressively. Everyone was seeing it as a dangerous game that would put the US economy under such strain that it would break and crash. But it didn’t happen. Even after the aggressive hikes, the economy remained extremely strong. Yes, it is slowing, but it is not collapsing. The labor market also remains extremely strong. And on top of that, inflation is slowing down at a faster pace than anyone expected. So the FED paused hiking the rates.

If the economy hasn’t crashed during a year of aggressive interest rate hikes, why would it crash now when inflation is slowing, and the FED is probably done hiking the rates?
And people listen to doom and gloom predictors like Roubini, Grantham, or Wilson and keep buying puts. And they are losing money. They are selling their stocks and staying aside because people like Wilson are telling them that the markets will crash more. And they are missing the opportunity. Retail investors are still sitting on huge losses despite the recent rally, just because they stayed out of the market.

losses in recession

Analysts, who are usually wrong and more pessimistic than they need to be, predict earnings to drop by 7% this year. After 13 years of gains, a 7% drop in earnings is not catastrophic. In 2015 earnings dropped by 18%, and yet the US avoided recession. In 2011, earnings dropped by 2%, and the economy avoided recession, too, despite bears like Grantham saying that recession was imminent. Since 2021, earnings have dropped by 10.6% already, yet we are not in a recession. Well, technically, we are, but there is no catastrophic crash; the market already corrected almost 30% last year, if you haven’t noticed.

losses in recession

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Posted by Martin April 12, 2023
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Technical view: Medical Properties Trust, Inc. (MPW)

Technical view

MPW is in stage #4. The company recently started fighting back against one of the biggest short sellers. That caused the stock to bounce two weeks ago. But the company still faces strong headwinds as the interest rates rise fast and hospital owners are weak. It is ironic that MPW is one of the largest hospital REITs owning properties around the world but struggles with them.

Technical view weekly

The weekly chart above shows a rapid selloff after recovery from October lows. There is no sign of relief, at least not yet. The recent bounce may be another bounce in the end. The company now expects another hit to their earnings so this could be a problem and the stock may drop more. However, this could be a good opportunity, similar to 2008-2009 when the stock dropped hard as well:

Technical view weekly

Definitely, investing in MPW now you need strong guts to do it. If you are worried about the financial situation of MPW, then wait until this clears up.
Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the dividends and that the company will cut them because the current yield is not sustainable. But looking at the financials of the company, there still is no reason for a dividend cut:

Technical view weekly

As the free cash flow indicates, the company is bringing in approximately $180 bn in free cash and pays out approximately $162 bn in dividends.

Technical view weekly

MPW pays nice dividends and keeps raising it annually at a steady pace of 3% (5-year average). There appears to be only one cut so far in 2008 and that was obvious:

Technical view weekly

Earnings were steady, not overly growing but positive except in 4Q 2022. We may see another decline in 1Q 2023:

Technical view weekly

But this decline may already be included in the recent price as the stock trades significantly below its fair value.

Technical view weekly

The company’s debt is a concern. But recently they started improving their balance sheet and reducing their debt burden. Hopefully, this trend will continue:

Technical view weekly

The debt that was due in 2023-2024 was covered by cash and sales of their Australian assets. This can boost the cash flow even in the case of one of their tenants (Prospect) should pay $0 in rent (which is unlikely).

The short selling of this company is so intense (currently sits at 20% short interest) that there may be a short squeeze brewing under the hood. At some point, the short sellers will start taking their profits and that may spark more covering and rapid price action.

Investing in MPW can be risky but it seems the stock hit bottom. If so, the recovery can be rewarding.

Technical view weekly

The stock is now AGGRESSIVE BUY

This post was published in our newsletter to our subscribers on Saturday, April 9th, 2023. If you want to learn more about our stock technical analysis subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

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Posted by Martin April 08, 2023
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Technical view: Main Street Capital Corporation (MAIN)

Technical view

MAIN is morphing back to stage #2. The stock seems to be performing well and offers a good buying opportunity. It pays dividends monthly. However, fundamentally, the stock seems to be providing grim data which may have an impact on the stock growth. MAIN was offering great dividends and small growth matching the index (7.16% vs. 7.23% of SPY). This may not be the case unless financial data improve.

Technical view weekly

Technical view weekly

The monthly chart shows the stock moving higher slowly over time since its inception. It had a huge setback in 2020 when the stock crashed but the company kept paying dividends. On top, the company paid a few special dividends further boosting investors’ income.

Technical view weekly

The chart above seems to be indicating a dividend cut in 2021 but other sources do not show it:

Technical view weekly

MAIN is unfortunately trading above its NAV making the stock relatively expensive:

Technical view weekly

The company has a somewhat erratic revenue stream but overall, its revenue is growing over time. It however grows 6.75% annually. Five-year revenue growth is 9.47%.

Technical view weekly

The free cash flow of MAIN is pathetic and the company seems to be burning cash.

Technical view weekly

Another concern is growing debt and little cash to cover it:

Technical view weekly

The company may cover the lack of cash by issuing more shares and issuing new debt. In the raising interest rate environment, this may backfire and break the company’s financials. Thus, investing in this company requires caution and not investing all of your money.

Technical view weekly

The company may be a bit expensive based on the NAV valuation (currently, it trades at a premium). Still, I believe this is compensated for by dividends well enough to be investing.
Fundamentally, the stock offers good value at the current price. It appears safe to buy here.

Technical view weekly

Price vs FCFE/AFFO shows, at least for now, that the company makes enough money to cover the dividend:

Technical view weekly

Technical view weekly

The stock is now AGGRESSIVE BUY

This post was published in our newsletter to our subscribers on Saturday, April 2nd, 2023. If you want to learn more about our stock technical analysis subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

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Posted by Martin April 01, 2023
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March 2023 $100 Challenge account review

We didn’t trade much during this turmoil of the banking crisis, recession fear, and end-of-the-world imminency. Rather we preserved the cash. Remember, our account is still small and we cannot take risky trades (we did two times and it backfired, but we have time on our side). Also during the recent sharp market selloff (chart below), our buying power went negative (!!) and it was wise to stay in cash as much as possible and wait for this stupidity to end. And at some point, it will end. Investors will realize how dumb they were and start rushing back in propping the market back up.


$100 Challenge account review


Besides that, our Challenge account continues grinding higher, and as the market stabilizes, I expect it to improve more.

Accumulation phase

The account is still underperforming our goal but started growing again. We are investing in stocks of our interest and building equity positions. We also started selling Iron Condors and spreads. We got rid of QYLD stock, and we will no longer invest in this ETF as its performance is terrible, and its dividend income doesn’t look as enticing as it looks on paper. We want a stable company that provides some price appreciation and dividend growth. So we replaced QYLD with MAIN.

March 2023 Challenge account review


January 2022: $924.00 $594.29
February 2022: $1,027.00 $283.87
March 2022: $1,130.00 $301.74
April 2022: $1,233.00 $350.56
May 2022: $1,336.00 $428.82
June 2022: $1,439.00 $459.70
July 2022: $1,542.00 $641.27
August 2022: $1,645.00 $653.32
September 2022: $1,748.00 $617.92
October 2022: $1,851.00 $829.46
November 2022: $1,954.00 $1,003.01
December 2022: $2,057.00 $1,152.65
January 2023: $2,160.00 $1,221.22
February 2023: $2,263.00 $1,286.04
March 2023: $2,366.00 $1,392.45


$100 Challenge account review

From the chart above, the red dot (line) indicates the current account value, compared to the blue line (plan). Our account is underperforming our goal. But I expect this to improve with the market. We will keep buying assets and monetize them once we accumulate enough shares.

March 2023 Overall Challenge account review

The chart below indicates our account value compared to the overall goal and plans to grow the $100 investment into a $75,000 portfolio. As of today, we are still at the beginning of our journey.

Year 0: $100.00 $100.00 $100.00
Year 1: $1,300.00 $1,336.00 $459.70
Year 2: $2,500.00 $3,016.96 $1,392.45
Year 3: $3,700.00 $5,303.07  
Year 4: $4,900.00 $8,412.17  
Year 5: $6,100.00 $12,640.55  
Year 6: $7,300.00 $18,391.15  
Year 7: $8,500.00 $26,211.96  
Year 8: $9,700.00 $36,848.27  
Year 9: $10,900.00 $51,313.64  
Year 10: $12,100.00 $70,986.56  


$100 Challenge account review goal


March 2023 Challenge account Income


Total Invested in Stocks $1,266.64
Stocks Unrealized Profit -$87.42
Stocks Realized Profit -$57.18
Strangles Income -$1,316.00
Spreads Income $49.00
Dividends Income $55.56
Deposits Total (lifetime) $2,300.00
Cash $214.97
Net-Liq $1,392.19


If you want to see what investments we take and what trades and strategies we will use to grow this small account, join our program today and grow your money. We engage in safe investments, select strategies to maximize winning trades and grow our portfolio. And you can do it too, today! We do not provide quick rich promises, gambling, or reckless strategies. We want our portfolio to grow steadily and preserve our capital while maximizing returns.

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Posted by Martin April 01, 2023
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March 2023 SPX put credit spreads trading review

February and March SPX trading improved well. We were actively trading our SPX strategy which delivered a $3,971.00 gain. Many of our trades got slammed in 2022 and instead of closing these trades for pretty large losses, I decided to use a rather unorthodox strategy. Many people will probably disagree with me and despise it outright, but the strategy works well for me. I open a “box” trade that delivers a lot of credit and use that credit to roll trades in trouble. And I keep rolling until the trade is safe and expires. All I do is maintain a positive balance between credit received from the “boxes” and spent on rolls.

In March 2023, our trading delivered a gain of $3,971.00. Our account was up by 8.38% while SPX gained 4.00%.

Our SPX account is up +1,327.22% since the beginning of this program, and we have $35,880 in unrealized gains.


Initial SPX trade set ups


I dedicated a $3,600 initial amount that will be used to trade SPX PCS strategy per week. Today, the account is up at $51,379.95. However, due to the recent bear market, many trades are still open, and the funds are tied to those open trades. The trades need to expire or be closed for a profit to release the funds.

Our SPX strategy is designed as directional options trading. We are selling credit put spreads to collect premiums, and hopefully, these spreads expire worthlessly, or we repurchase them for a small debit.

We use a set of indicators, trend prediction (primarily based on moving averages, volume profiles, and trend forecasting), and market sentiment that generates bullish signals. The trading is based on a “trend-following strategy.” We open the trade if we have a bullish signal and a bullish trend. If we do not have a signal, we stay away. We also trade credit call spreads when we have bearish signals. In a choppy market, we stay away from or trade very short expirations (usually 1 or 2 days or up to 7 days), but the trading is muted as we need a trending market.

Unfortunately, today, the market is headline sensitive and can gap in either direction to fail and reverse. It is not easy to trade and not get whipsawed. That’s why we are managing our older trades and not opening new ones until we see a clear market direction.

Here you can see all our 2023 trades:

SPX PCS account value
Click on the picture above to see the entire list.

Last month trading


Overall, the strategy resulted in a +1,327.22% gain last month.

Initial account value (since inception: 12/07/2021): $3,600.00
Last month beginning value: $47,408.95
Last month ending value: $51,379.95 (+8.38%; total: +1,327.22%)
The highest capital requirements to trade this strategy: $19,995
Current capital at risk: -$17,880
Unrealized Gain: $35,880 (-200.67%)
Realized Gain: $4,109 (22.98%)
Total Gain: $39,989 (-223.65%)
Win Ratio: 49%
Average Winner: $739
Average Loser: $644

As you can see, our account currently shows a realized gain of $4,109, and we have an additional $39,989 unrealized gains.


SPX PCS account value
SPX PCS account value

SPX PCS account vs SPX
SPX PCS account vs SPX index net liq

SPX PCS account vs SPX
SPX PCS account vs SPX index

If you want to receive trade alerts whenever we open a new SPX put credit spread or a hedge trade, you can subscribe to our service:



Note that if you wish to subscribe to multiple levels, you can only subscribe to one level and send us an email that you want to be added to other levels.

Also, if you like this report, hit the like button so I know there is enough audience wanting to see this type of report. If you have any questions or want to see anything else about my SPX trading, do not hesitate to contact me or comment in the comments section. Thank you!


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