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Posted by Martin January 04, 2023
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01.03.2023 – TUESDAY MARKET OUTLOOK – choppy market ahead

Market Outlook

The market responded to bad data as forecasted with sharp selling in the morning, but it managed to recover almost all losses by the end of the session. This is the same choppy behavior as we saw last week:

Market Outlook

The market is still indecisive and going sideways. That is good unless the support at 3,800 fails and we crash. If this level holds, we may see a resumed buying and a new rally.

Market Outlook

Tomorrow, we will probably see a choppy market which may finish down by the end of the day.

Market Outlook

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Posted by Martin January 03, 2023
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01.02.2023 – MONDAY MARKET OUTLOOK – Selling set to continue

Market Outlook

The year 2022 ended lower and in a recession-fear mode, but we have already started seeing some analysts turning bullish, saying we have seen the lows. Have we? Or are we heading lower in 2023? The economy is still strong and resilient to fallout. The labor market is seeing some layoffs, but unemployment is still extremely low. I believe we are seeing a return to the median or a return to normalcy. Before, businesses were overinvesting, oversupplying, and over-employing. Now they are correcting their mistakes, and that brings a decline cycle. We may see some slowdown, and that is normal. After a hot boom, there will be slow growth or even contraction, but that doesn’t mean a recession. Unfortunately, the new breed of investors does not understand it and panics. And this market is emotions driven.

Market Outlook

On Monday, the markets were closed for the holidays. And the futures opened with a gap up, but that quickly sold off, and we are seeing a candle called a shooting star (on the chart above as well as the one below). Of course, it means nothing at this moment. The market can still open and rally tomorrow.

Market Outlook

But the odds of it happening are low. The trend forecast indicates selling to continue tomorrow. Last week didn’t work much, and the market behaved exactly opposite from what I expected. We had a large selloff in the morning with a sharp reversal in the afternoon. That was difficult to trade, and so we stayed on the sidelines. Tomorrow it may be similar, and we may stay aside and wait for some trend to display the direction of this market.

Market Outlook

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Posted by Martin December 31, 2022
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Market Outlook

Last day of the 2022 year. It was a horrible year. But I must say, I was able to navigate it relatively well. Although I decided to roll the trades and not close them for a loss, I managed to stay positive and grow the accounts. The only problem is that many of these trades are now open with a long time to expire, and it will take time to clear them and collect my premiums. But I am optimistic. I believe 2023 will be better, and the recession will not come (yet, I will protect my portfolios just in case). And when the markets start trending again, I will make more money.

Market Outlook

The market was selling the whole day on the last trading day, but we saw a robust rally in the end, which erased all intraday losses. That is yet another day when the market rejected bears and held the support at 50% Fib. The price managed to stay above the red cloud line. It is held inside the green cloud, but the issue here is that the blue line is still deep below the red line and not much reversing, and the cloud is about to change into a red one again. We need bulls to step in and push the price up.

Market Outlook

We are still seeing the blue line sharply below the red. And there is no sign of the blue line trend reversing. That is not a good sign. It can indicate further decline to come. We need bulls to step in, push the price higher, and reverse the blue line back up.
The good thing is that we are above the red cloud support line. If that holds, the market can be saved. The cloud is also slowly changing from green to red, and so far, in this choppy market, it has indicated a potential bottom. So let’s see how this develops.

Market Outlook

So far, the Ichimoku chart resembles the price action from September 2022 (see the blue boxes: blue crossing below red, cloud changing from red to green, etc.) and what followed after that was not good.

Market Outlook

The chart above shows how the market continued declining the whole day, but in the last hour, it rallied and erased all losses (well, almost all of them). Yet, it defied my forecast, so the last two days didn’t work. The market did the exact opposite. What is going to happen next? It is difficult to say right now as the market is like a bouncing boat on a stormy sea. We have no direction and too many emotions out there. We need the sentiment to calm down first. In a market like this, the best approach is to sit tight and wait for some clue about where this thing wants to go.

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Posted by Martin December 30, 2022
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Market Outlook

Yesterday, everyone was panicking about the inevitable recession, today, after we received jobless claims showing more people asking for unemployment support, everyone was no longer afraid of a recession, and the markets erased yesterday’s losses. This is a type of market that is hard to predict and expect. And subsequently hard to trade.

Market Outlook

At least, we can be relieved for a moment seeing the market reclaiming the support that was lost yesterday. We are back above the 50% Fib. But will it hold?
The chart below shows the cloud that provides more room for decline (the market can decline to the red cloud line and still be positive, though it would have a negative effect on future price action).

Market Outlook

The problem is that we are in the cloud, and there is no decisive action to move above it, but the most concerning action is that the blue line crossed (sharply) below the red line and that is never a good sign, even in this choppy market. This happened only once in recent history (in December 2021), and the blue line was hugging the red line, then briefly moved above it and, after two months, crossed back down, and the bear market developed. Today, we see the blue line sharply down.

Market Outlook

Although the trend forecasting indicates a choppy day with some positive upward-moving trend, I do not think this will happen. Yes, we may see the last day of the 2022 rally, but the price is set to collapse. Will it be tomorrow? Or early next year? Even the WVAP line on the chart above is sharply down, which is a line that doesn’t reverse easily either. All this points to more selling to come.

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Posted by Martin December 29, 2022
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Market Outlook

We had another selloff based on no news, just recession fears. Since most people working on Wall Street are on vacation, this selling is mostly retail. That could be good as it may spark a rally in January.

Market Outlook

However, the problem we are seeing is that the market is breaking below its support. The chart above shows the price still holding at 50% Fib retracement, but the chart below indicates that this support is crumbling as the price closed below the red cloud line.

Market Outlook

The expectations for today didn’t play out, and expectations for tomorrow are negative. There is a possibility that the market will try to return to the point of control at 3,840, but then it may go lower from there. And it may not happen at all, and we may continue selling.

Market Outlook

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Posted by Martin December 28, 2022
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Market Outlook

The market acted as expected at first and went down, but then rec covered some losses and traded sideways on a low volume. It managed to hold the support levels:

Market Outlook
Market Outlook

My expectations for tomorrow (Wednesday) are positive and I expect the market to go higher. The trend forecast shows a strong rally but it may be muted due to holidays.

Market Outlook

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Posted by Martin December 28, 2022
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Technical view: iShares Russell 2000 ETF (IWM)

Technical view

IWM is in stage #1. The index is trading in a wide sideways channel so far, and even if it drops back to the $165 level, the expectation will be the index may bounce back up. The chance is that the IWM (small caps) will outperform large caps next year. Expect the “January effect” to play out early next year.

Technical view weekly

The stock is now MODERATE BUY

This post was published in our newsletter to our subscribers on Saturday, December 24th, 2022. If you want to learn more about our stock technical analysis subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

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Posted by Martin December 25, 2022
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2022 Week 51 investing and trading report

Last week we bought back a few shares I sold to release my buying power, such as Netflix, ABNB, and Google. But when the market tanked again, I had to sell Google again. However, I plan on buying these shares back. I also traded credit call spreads that delivered gains. I will reinvest these gains into dividend-paying stocks.

Our NetLiq-cash-buying power ratio is still a shit show, and I hate it:

Cash - Net-Liq - BP 51

Our trading delivered $387.00 premiums last week, ending December 2022, at $3,231.00 (5.37%) options income. Our net-liq value increased by +0.48% to $60,158.62 value. That is still a terrible result. I do not understand it anymore. I have defined risk option trades. These shall have no impact on the net-Liq. I have a few strangles. Yes, these can impact the net-liq, but I have only a few trades with long expiration, so they are not that sensitive. This is insane. Our overall account is now down -42.51% YTD.

Here is our investing and trading report:


Account Value: $60,158.62 +$287.56 +0.48%
Options trading results
Options Premiums Received: +$387.00
01 January 2022 Options: +$8,885.00 +8.36%
02 February 2022 Options: +$10,009.00 +10.34%
03 March 2022 Options: -$1,662.00 -1.47%
04 April 2022 Options: +$1,047.00 +1.19%
05 May 2022 Options: +$8,604.00 +11.32%
06 June 2022 Options: +$9,691.00 +13.73%
07 July 2022 Options: +$8,717.00 +11.39%
08 August 2022 Options: +$7,987.00 +12.15%
09 September 2022 Options: +$2,997.00 +5.76%
10 October 2022 Options: +$3,979.00 +6.36%
11 November 2022 Options: +$3,555.00 +5.26%
12 December 2022 Options: +$3,231.00 +5.37%
Options Premiums YTD: +$67,040.00 +111.44%
Dividend income results
Dividends Received: +$232.43
01 January 2022 Dividends: +$303.38
02 February 2022 Dividends: +$732.81
03 March 2022 Dividends: +$393.74
04 April 2022 Dividends: +$337.31
05 May 2022 Dividends: +$343.99
06 June 2022 Dividends: +$445.80
07 July 2022 Dividends: +$367.66
08 August 2022 Dividends: +$683.58
09 September 2022 Dividends: +$555.20
10 October 2022 Dividends: +$359.89
11 November 2022 Dividends: +$723.16
12 December 2022 Dividends: +$495.23
Dividends YTD: +$5,741.75
Portfolio Equity
Portfolio Equity: $180,704.20 +$1,490.86 +0.83%
Portfolio metrics
Portfolio Yield: 5.66%
Portfolio Dividend Growth: 15.73%
Ann. Div Income & YOC in 10 yrs: $141,945.74 69.99%
Ann. Div Income & YOC in 20 yrs: $35,151,725.47 17,331.40%
Ann. Div Income & YOC in 25 yrs: $6,083,579,105.01 2,999,480.61%
Ann. Div Income & YOC in 30 yrs: $12,030,514,195,812.10 5,931,589,512.34%
Portfolio Alpha: 106.38%
Sharpe Ratio: 8.44 EXCELLENT
Portfolio Weighted Beta: 0.45
CAGR: 250.52%
AROC: 71.21%
TROC: 7.61%
Our 2022 Goal
2022 Dividend Goal: $4,800.00 119.62% COMPLETED
2022 Portfolio Value Goal: $151,638.03 39.67% FAIL
6-year Portfolio Value Goal: $175,000.00 34.38% In Progress
10-year Portfolio Value Goal: $1,000,000.00 6.02% In Progress


Dividend Investing and Trading Report


Last week we have received $232.43 in dividends bringing our December’s dividend income at $495.23.

Last week, we did not purchase any dividend stock.

Here is a chart of our account equity showing our accumulation goal and the value of all stocks in our account. It shows a nice upward-sloping chart as our equities grow. This is a result of our options trading and using premiums to buy dividend stocks:

Account Equity week 50

And here you can see the dividend income those equities pay us every year:

Annual Dividend Payout week 50


Growth stocks Investing and Trading Report


Last week, we bought the following growth stocks and funds:
I only bought back shares I already owned before. I bought back 12 shares of Google, but later I had to sell them again (for a small gain). I bought back 10 shares of Netflix and 5 shares of Airbnb. I still hold these, and hopefully, the market is done with selling for a while, which would increase my net-liq, and I will be able to repurchase these shares.


Options Investing and Trading Report


Last week options trading delivered a gain of $387.00 making our December options income $3,231.00.


We were actively trading our SPX strategy that delivered -$20.00 loss.


Expected Future Dividend Income


We received $232.43 in dividends last week. Our portfolio currently yields 5.66% at $60,158.62 market value.

Our projected annual dividend income in 10 years is $141,945.74, but that projection is if we do absolutely nothing and let our positions grow without adding new positions or reinvesting the dividends.

We are also set to receive a $7,135.07 annual dividend income ($594.59 monthly income). We are 5.03% of our 10 year goal of $141,945.74 dividend income.

Future Divi on YOC week 51

The chart above shows how our future dividend income is based on the future yield on cost and what dividend income we may expect. The expected dividend growth depends on what stocks we add to our portfolio and the stocks’ 3 years average dividend growth rate. It is interesting to see what passive income we may enjoy 10, 20, 25, or 30 years from now.


Market value of our holdings


Our non-adjusted stock holdings market value increased from $179,213.34 to $180,704.20 last week.

In 2022 we plan on accumulating dividend stocks, monetizing these positions, HFEA strategy, and SPX trading. We plan to raise more of our holdings to 100 shares to sell covered calls. We continued rebalancing our options trades that released buying power significantly. That allowed us to start repurchasing shares of our interest.

Stock holdings trading week 51

We aim to accumulate 100 shares of dividend growth stocks we like and then start selling covered calls or strangles around those positions. We also planned on reinvesting all dividends back into those holdings.


Investing and trading ROI


Our options trading delivered a 5.37% monthly ROI in December 2022, totaling a 111.44% ROI YTD. We will exceed our 45% annual revenue goal in selling options against dividend stocks.

Our entire account is still down -42.51%.

Our options trading averaged $5,586.67 per month this year. If this trend continues, we will make $67,040.00 in trading options in 2022. As of today, we have made $67,040.00 trading options.


Old SPX trades repair


We traded our SPX put credit spread strategy, which you will be able to review in my next report. The SPX strategy has held well so far, and our signals kept us from opening new aggressive trades.


Investing and trading report in charts


Account Net-Liq


TW Account trading Net-Liq week 51

This drawdown of our account is highly discouraging. It’s like all previous gains were all wiped out. But this is just a temporary drawdown. Despite the losses, I am not selling any stock positions (except strategically sold Amazon and Netflix, which I will buy back). I will keep buying more shares if possible. I also have realized losses in my options trades. I am rolling those trades to keep them alive and adjusting them slowly, one by one, until they expire as winners. Then, this terribly-looking chart improves. It will be a long process to get back up, but I am determined.


Account Stocks holding


TW Account holdings week 50

Last week, S&P 500 grew 32.91% since we opened our portfolio while our portfolio grew 9.87%. On YTD basis, the S&P 500 fell -31.85% and our portfolio -19.90%. We are outperforming the market.

The numbers above apply to our stock holdings only.


Stock holdings Growth YTD


TW Account holdings Growth YTD

Our stock holdings outperform the market. Hopefully, this trend will stay, and we will constantly do better than S&P 500.

Our 10-year goal is to grow this account to $1,000,000.00 value in ten years. We are in year two, and we accomplished 6.02% of that goal.

Our 6-year goal is to reach $175,000 account value to be eligible for portfolio margin (PM), and today we accomplished 34.38% of that goal.

Our 2022 year goal is to grow this account to a $151,638.03, and today we accomplished 39.67% of this goal.

I am afraid our account is no longer on track to accomplish our 2022 year goal. We failed this goal. We achieved our dividend and options income goals, but our account balance (Net-Liq) will be down significantly.


Investing and Trading Report – Options Monthly Income


TW Options Trading Income week 51

Investing and Trading Report – Options Annual Income


TW Options Annual Trading Income week 51


Our dividend goal and future dividends


TW Received vs Projected Dividends week 51

We planned to make $4,800.00 in dividend income in 2022. As of today, we received $5,741.75. This week, we completed our 2022 dividend goal. We also accumulated enough shares to start making $7,135.07 a year. Our monthly projected dividend income is $594.59, and our current monthly dividend income is $478.48.

TW Received vs Future Dividends week 51


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Posted by Martin December 25, 2022
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2022 SPX put credit spreads trading review – week 51

Last week we were not trading any new trades. We only had two box trades expiring, and because of the market’s sell-off, they were deep in the money. Adjusting these trades was not feasible, so I decided to let them expire ITM (calls expired OTM) and reopen new trades closer to the money, which will be easier and cheaper to manage. I hope to do so next week.

The expiring boxes delivered a small loss of -$20.00. Our account weekly trading was down by -0.05% while SPX lost -0.20%.

Our SPX account is up +1054.67% since the beginning of this program, and we have $40,326 in unrealized gains.


Initial SPX trade set ups


I dedicated a $3,600 initial amount that will be used to trade SPX PCS strategy per week. Today, the account is up at $41,567.95. However, due to the recent bear market, many trades are still open, and the funds are tied to those open trades. The trades need to expire or be closed for a profit to release the funds.

Our SPX strategy is designed as directional options trading. We are selling credit put spreads to collect premiums, and hopefully, these spreads expire worthlessly, or we repurchase them for a small debit.

We use a set of indicators, trend prediction (primarily based on moving averages, volume profiles, and trend forecasting), and market sentiment that generates bullish signals. The trading is based on a “trend-following strategy.” We open the trade if we have a bullish signal and a bullish trend. If we do not have a signal, we stay away. We also trade credit call spreads when we have bearish signals. In a choppy market, we stay away from or trade very short expirations (usually 1 or 2 days or up to 7 days), but the trading is muted as we need a trending market.

Unfortunately, today, the market is headline sensitive and can gap in either direction to fail and reverse. It is not easy to trade and not get whipsawed. That’s why we are managing our older trades and not opening new ones until we see a clear market direction.

Here you can see all our trades:

SPX PCS account value
Click on the picture above to see the entire list.

Last week trading


Overall, the strategy resulted in a +1054.67% gain last week.

Initial account value (since inception: 12/07/2021): $3,600.00
Last week beginning value: $41,587.95
Last week ending value: $41,567.95 (-0.05%; total: +1054.67%)
The highest capital requirements to trade this strategy: $19,995
Current capital at risk: -$13,326
Unrealized Gain: $40,326 (-302.61%)
Realized Gain: -$2,753 (20.66%)
Total Gain: $37,573 (-281.95%)
Win Ratio: 57%
Average Winner: $318
Average Loser: $460

As you can see, our account currently shows a realized loss of -$2,753.00, but we have $40,326 unrealized gains.


SPX PCS account value
SPX PCS account value

SPX PCS account vs SPX
SPX PCS account vs SPX index net liq

SPX PCS account vs SPX
SPX PCS account vs SPX index

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Also, if you like this report, hit the like button so I know there is enough audience wanting to see this type of report. If you have any questions or want to see anything else about my SPX trading, do not hesitate to contact me or comment in the comments section. Thank you!


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Posted by Martin December 23, 2022
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Market Outlook

It seems Santa is not coming to town this year. We received economic data that were better than expected, and the market sold off on fear that FED may tighten more because the economy is good. It is silly. On the one hand, the investors are panicking on fear of the US economy going into recession, and on the other hand, they are panicking when the economy is good and the FED may tighten and spark a recession. That’s how fickle the market is. So we sold off because the economy was too good. We would probably sell off if the economy weren’t too good, either.

Market Outlook

However, the market acted as expected. We sold off in the morning, true a bit more than I expected, but then rallied towards the end of the trading session erasing half of the losses. I expected to erase all losses, but I do not have a crystal ball, and the predictions are not the exact chart of what will happen.

Market Outlook

Tomorrow, I expect the market to be muted or even trying to recover today’s losses but eventually lose it by the end of the day and sell off before the weekend. So, expect a down day again.

The market managed to get above the support that it undercut this morning. That could be perceived as a good sign, but I am skeptical and do not think it will hold tomorrow. I would be surprised if it did, but it may happen. Anything can happen.

Market Outlook

Overall, I think we are undergoing an exhaustion process. The level of bearishness out there is so high that it justifies becoming bullish. For example, Tesla (TSLA) is so beaten up that I think the stock will soon see some bounce. And the market may see the same thing.

I anticipate markets will go up and through the big downtrend line. There are multiple reasons why and I won’t go into full details, but here are some key points:

#1- Market Sentiment. Almost every human I know is bearish on markets for the first quarter of 2023. The equity put/call ratio hit extremes not seen since 2008. That suggests massive put buying, which is counterintuitively bullish (institutions own hedges, so they are less inclined to sell).

#2- Fundamentals. The drop in earnings estimates has been in place for all of 2022. The most vulnerable groups based on valuation (e.g., high-flying tech stocks) have already come down 70%+ in most names. So, I think the slowdown is priced in and actually set up for some + surprises.

#3- Technicals. The downtrend line (see chart above) is so obvious to everyone. It becomes an obvious place for bearish (short sellers) to trade against. The stop-losses above that downtrend line are begging to be triggered on the move upward.

#4- U.S. Dollar has been moving sharply lower. Just as it was a major headwind for stocks previously, it should act as a tailwind for a trade higher in stocks. Also, Bonds have reversed sharply on the massive Yen drop. Stocks being up on that news is actually very impressive.

#5- My proprietary Bollinger band system has many buys and zero short setups. Suggesting that the market as a whole is on a big buy signal (in fact, the Dow Jones Industrials are on a b-band buy signal, use the symbol DIA if trading it).

Long story short, I have a lot of reasons to be a buyer. It feels very uncomfortable to be a buyer, which makes it probably the right thing to do.

Happy Holidays friends!

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