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Posted by Martin November 01, 2022
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Technical view: Airbnb (ABNB)

Airbnb reported earnings, and the stock crashed by more than 7% after-hours. In this technical view, we take a look at what happened:

Airbnb reported Adjusted Earnings Per Share (EPS): $1.79 actual versus $1.53 expected = BEAT

Revenue: $2.88 actual billion versus $2.83 billion expected = BEAT

Nights and Experiences Booked: 99.7 million versus 99.9 million expected = MISS

Airbnb said that Q3 2022 was its “most profitable quarter ever.”

The company guided 4Q revenue between 1.8 billion and 1.88 billion. Analysts expected 1.86 billion. That is in the middle of the guidance. Yet Wall Street sold off. What am I missing? I think I am missing nothing. Wall Street dudes are idiots. And that makes this company a buy in my book:

Technical view

ABNB is in stage #1. The stock continued its sideways move and refused to participate in last week’s rally. It has a resistance at $129 that the stock needs to clear before moving higher. The tech selloff may have impacted the stock and may resume its uptrend. It is still attempting to morph into stage #2. It is best seen on the weekly chart. If the market resumes a new bull market, the stock will continue higher too. At the current levels, it is a good opportunity to buy (but slowly, do not commit all your money). However, before buying, I recommend waiting for the company to report earnings. If they disappoint, the stock may drop lower.

Technical view

The stock is overvalued based on the company’s fundamental data. But this is a tech company with a good business model that competes strongly with the hotel industry. And it will trade with a premium to the stock price.
The chart below indicates the price compared to the company’s fundamental data. The orange indicates the fair value dashed line. The stock trades way above that line.
The trend is still weak but attempting to move higher. We invest when everyone panics, and this is the case.

Technical view

The stock is now BUY

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Posted by Martin November 01, 2022
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Market Outlook

Today, we saw a retreat from the strong rally on Friday. It could be the beginning of a new selling or just gains consolidation. Given that the VIX futures structure is still in contango, I would vote for a pause in the uptrend. We are still going to the 200-day MA in the near future. However, the FED is announcing new rates this week and it may change the entire story. They still can kill the rally.

Market Outlook

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Posted by Martin October 30, 2022
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2022 Week 43 investing and trading report

Last week was a successful trading and investing week. We traded many new options trades and opened new stock positions, trying to take advantage of the selloff in those stocks. I think, long term, these will pay off well.

Our NetLiq-cash-buying power ratio is improving, allowing us to accumulate more shares:

Cash - Net-Liq - BP 43

Our trading delivered +$1,403.00 premiums last week, ending October 2022 at +$4,049.00 (+6.47%) options income. Our net-liq value increased by +9.23% to $62,592.17 value. That is still a terrible result. Our overall account is now down -40.19% YTD.

Here is our investing and trading report:


Account Value: $62,592.17 +$5,779.74 +9.23%
Options trading results
Options Premiums Received: +$1,403.00    
01 January 2022 Options: +$8,885.00 +8.36%  
02 February 2022 Options: +$10,009.00 +10.34%  
03 March 2022 Options: -$1,662.00 -1.47%  
04 April 2022 Options: +$1,047.00 +1.19%  
05 May 2022 Options: +$8,604.00 +11.32%  
06 June 2022 Options: +$9,691.00 +13.73%  
07 July 2022 Options: +$8,717.00 +11.39%  
08 August 2022 Options: +$7,987.00 +12.15%  
09 September 2022 Options: +$2,997.00 +5.76%  
10 October 2022 Options: +$4,049.00 +0.10%  
Options Premiums YTD: $60,324.00 +96.38%  
Dividend income results
Dividends Received: $48.15    
01 January 2022 Dividends: $303.38    
02 February 2022 Dividends: $732.81    
03 March 2022 Dividends: $393.74    
04 April 2022 Dividends: $337.31    
05 May 2022 Dividends: $343.99    
06 June 2022 Dividends: $445.80    
07 July 2022 Dividends: $367.66    
08 August 2022 Dividends: $683.58    
09 September 2022 Dividends: $555.20    
10 October 2022 Dividends: $320.38    
Dividends YTD: $4,483.85    
Portfolio Equity
Portfolio Equity: $188,722.75 +$9,122.05 +5.08%
Portfolio metrics
Portfolio Yield: 5.60%    
Portfolio Dividend Growth: 15.73%    
Ann. Div Income & YOC in 10 yrs: $140,737.27 68.54%  
Ann. Div Income & YOC in 20 yrs: $33,675,010.51 16,399.37%  
Ann. Div Income & YOC in 25 yrs: $5,651,559,506.72 2,752,248.96%  
Ann. Div Income & YOC in 30 yrs: $10,747,008,964,248.40 5,233,678,290.21%  
Portfolio Alpha: 91.30%    
Sharpe Ratio: 7.32 EXCELLENT  
Portfolio Weighted Beta: 0.45    
CAGR: 274.03%    
AROC: 61.44%    
TROC: 7.15%    
Our 2022 Goal
2022 Dividend Goal: $4,800.00 93.41% In Progress
2022 Portfolio Value Goal: $151,638.03 41.28% In Progress
6-year Portfolio Value Goal: $175,000.00 35.77% In Progress
10-year Portfolio Value Goal: $1,000,000.00 6.26% In Progress


Dividend Investing and Trading Report

Last week we have received $48.15 in dividends bringing our October’s dividend income at $320.38.

Last week, we bought these dividend growth stocks:

– 20 shares of WBA @ $34.40
I will be accumulating WBA shares until I reach 100 shares. As of today, I own 50 shares.

– 5 shares of MSFT @ $248.73
I will be accumulating MSFT shares until I reach 100 shares. As of today, I own 35 shares.

– 2 shares of MAIN @ $35.89
I will be accumulating MAIN shares until I reach 100 shares. As of today, I own 12 shares.

Here is a chart of our account equity showing our accumulation goal and the value of all stocks in our account. It shows a nice upward-sloping chart as our equities grow. This is a result of our options trading and using premiums to buy dividend stocks:

Account Equity week 43

And here you can see the dividend income those equities pay us every year:

Annual Dividend Payout week 43


Growth stocks Investing and Trading Report


Last week, we bought the following growth stocks and funds:

  • 8 shares of GOOGL @ $94.70
    When everyone is selling and predicting the end of Google, it is time to buy. I will be accumulating until I reach 100 shares. As of today, I own 10 shares.

– 10 shares of AMZN @ $120.17
I started seeing people on social media saying that Amazon is worthless and possibly going bankrupt. This was a reminiscence of 2014 when people said the same thing when Amazon traded at $360 a share. Fast forward to today, and the stock was at $3,000 a share (pre-split price). So, when people say this, it is time to accumulate the stock.

I also sold all shares of PayPal (PYPL) as I think the company will suffer some set back soon due to their policy change.

Options Investing and Trading Report


Last week options trading delivered a gain of +$1,403.00 making our October options income +$4,049.00.


We were actively trading our SPX strategy that delivered $645.00 gain.


Expected Future Dividend Income

We received $48.15 in dividends last week. Our portfolio currently yields 5.60% at $62,592.17 market value.

Our projected annual dividend income in 10 years is $140,737.27, but that projection is if we do absolutely nothing and let our positions grow without adding new positions or reinvesting the dividends.

We are also set to receive a $6,890.51 annual dividend income ($574.21 monthly income). We are 4.90% of our 10 year goal of $140,737.27 dividend income.

Future Divi on YOC week 42

The chart above shows how our future dividend income is based on the future yield on cost and what dividend income we may expect. The expected dividend growth depends on what stocks we add to our portfolio and the stocks’ 3 years average dividend growth rate. It is interesting to see what passive income we may enjoy 10, 20, 25, or 30 years from now.


Market value of our holdings

Our non-adjusted stock holdings market value increased from $179,600.69 to $188,722.75 last week.

In 2022 we plan on accumulating dividend stocks, monetizing these positions, HFEA strategy, and SPX trading. We plan to raise more of our holdings to 100 shares to sell covered calls. We continued rebalancing our options trades that released buying power significantly. That allowed us to start repurchasing shares of our interest.

Stock holdings trading week 43

We aim to accumulate 100 shares of dividend growth stocks we like and then start selling covered calls or strangles around those positions. We also planned on reinvesting all dividends back into those holdings.

Investing and trading ROI


Our options trading delivered a +6.47% monthly ROI in October 2022, totaling a 96.38% ROI YTD. If our options income stays at this level by the end of the year, we will exceed our 45% annual revenue goal in selling options against dividend stocks.

Our entire account is still down -40.19%.

Our options trading averaged $6,032.40 per month this year. If this trend continues, we will make $72,388.80 in trading options in 2022. As of today, we have made $60,324.00 trading options.

Old SPX trades repair


We traded our SPX put credit spread strategy, which you will be able to review in my next report. The SPX strategy has held well so far, and our signals kept us from opening new aggressive trades.


Investing and trading report in charts


Account Net-Liq


TW Account trading Net-Liq week 43

This drawdown of our account is extremely discouraging. It’s like all previous gains were all wiped out. But this is just a temporary drawdown. I am not selling any stock positions despite the losses. I will keep buying more shares if possible. I also have losses in my options trades. I am rolling those trades to keep them alive and adjusting them slowly, one by one, until they expire as winners. Then, this terribly-looking chart improves. It will be a long process to get back up, but I am determined.

Account Stocks holding

TW Account holdings week 43

Last week, S&P 500 grew 34.86% since we opened our portfolio while our portfolio grew 11.51%. On YTD basis, the S&P 500 fell -29.91% and our portfolio -18.27%. We are outperforming the market.

The numbers above apply to our stock holdings only.

Stock holdings Growth YTD

TW Account holdings Growth YTD

Our stock holdings are starting to outperform the market. Hopefully, this trend will stay, and we will constantly do better than S&P 500.

Our 10-year goal is to grow this account to $1,000,000.00 value in ten years. We are in year two, and we accomplished 6.26% of that goal.

Our 6-year goal is to reach $175,000 account value to be eligible for portfolio margin (PM), and today we accomplished 35.77% of that goal.

Our 2022 year goal is to grow this account to a $151,638.03, and today we accomplished 41.28% of this goal.

I am afraid our account is no longer on track to accomplish our 2022 year goal. We may accomplish our dividend and options income goals, but our account balance (Net-Liq) will be down significantly. Of course, if the market finally rallies by the end of the year, it may all change, but if not, we will fail.


Investing and Trading Report – Options Monthly Income

TW Options Trading Income week 43

Investing and Trading Report – Options Annual Income


TW Options Annual Trading Income week 43

Our dividend goal and future dividends


TW Received vs Projected Dividends week 43

We plan to make $4,800.00 in dividend income in 2022. As of today, we received $4,483.85. This is in line with our projected dividend 2022 goal. We also accumulated enough shares to start making $6,890.51 a year. Our monthly projected dividend income is $574.21, and our current monthly dividend income is $373.65.

TW Received vs Future Dividends week 43


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Posted by Martin October 30, 2022
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2022 SPX put credit spreads trading review – week 43

Last week I traded a few SPX trades only. Most of them finished as winners, but the last one had to be rolled as the market jumped up too much. I didn’t expect that. Now I will not be opening any new trades until this one is gone, plus I will be repairing the old trades only.

Our trades delivered a $645.00 gain. Our account weekly trading is up by 1.73% while SPX gained 3.95%.

Our SPX account is up +956.00% since the beginning of this program, and we have $41,812 in unrealized gains.


Initial SPX trade set ups


I dedicated a $3,600 initial amount that will be used to trade SPX PCS strategy per week. Today, the account is up at $38,015.95. However, due to the recent bear market, many trades are still open, and the funds are tied to those open trades. The trades need to expire or be closed for a profit to release the funds.

Our SPX strategy is designed as directional options trading. We are selling credit put spreads to collect premiums, and hopefully, these spreads expire worthlessly, or we repurchase them for a small debit.

We use a set of indicators (primarily based on moving averages and volume profiles) and market sentiment that generates bullish signals. The trading is based on a “trend-following strategy.” We open the trade if we have a bullish signal and a bullish trend. If we do not have a signal, we stay away. We also trade credit call spreads when we have bearish signals. In a choppy market, we stay away from or trade very short expirations (usually 1 or 2 days or up to 7 days), but the trading is muted as we need a trending market. Unfortunately, today, we do not have a trending market (yes, overall, it is a down-trending market, but for short-term trades, it is choppy and not trending).

Here you can see all our trades:

SPX PCS account value
Click on the picture above to see the entire list.

Last week trading


Overall, the strategy resulted in a +956.00% gain last week.

Initial account value (since inception: 12/07/2021): $3,600.00
Last week beginning value: $37,370.95
Last week ending value: $38,015.95 (+1.73%; total: +956.00%)
The highest capital requirements to trade this strategy: $19,995
Current capital at risk: -$10,812
Unrealized Gain: $41,812 (-386.72%)
Realized Gain: -$7,240 (66.96%)
Total Gain: $34,572 (-319.76%)
Win Ratio: 56%
Average Winner: $304
Average Loser: $509


SPX PCS account value
SPX PCS account value

SPX PCS account vs SPX
SPX PCS account vs SPX index net liq

SPX PCS account vs SPX
SPX PCS account vs SPX index

If you want to receive trade alerts whenever we open a new SPX put credit spread or a hedge trade, you can subscribe to our service:



Note, if you wish to subscribe to multiple levels, you can do so by subscribing to one level only and then sending us an email that you want to be added to other levels too.

Also, if you like this report, hit the like button so I know there is enough audience wanting to see this type of report. If you have any questions or want to see anything else about my SPX trading, do not hesitate to contact me or write a comment in the comments section. Thank you!


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Posted by Martin October 30, 2022
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October 2022 $100 Challenge account review

The markets were improving in October, and so was our challenge account. It was growing again. We keep investing and building a base to monetize our positions. Our goal is to buy good quality stocks and use them to generate more cash that can be reinvested or used for spending. Ultimately, we plan on reaching the $75,000 value of this account. After an initial setback, we are again on track to reach this goal.

Accumulation phase

The account is still underperforming our goal but started growing again. We are investing in stocks of our interest and building equity positions first. After we build our equity, we will be wheeling the positions.

October 2022 Challenge account review


August 2021: $409.00 $397.71
September 2021: $512.00 $476.91
October 2021: $615.00 $632.37
November 2021: $718.00 $659.00
December 2021: $821.00 $802.08
January 2022: $924.00 $594.29
February 2022: $1,027.00 $283.87
March 2022: $1,130.00 $301.74
April 2022: $1,233.00 $350.56
May 2022: $1,336.00 $428.82
June 2022: $1,439.00 $459.70
July 2022: $1,542.00 $641.27
August 2022: $1,645.00 $653.32
September 2022: $1,748.00 $617.92
October 2022: $1,851.00 $829.46


$100 Challenge account review

From the chart above, the red dot (line) indicates the current account value, compared to the blue line (plan). Our account is underperforming our goal. But I expect this to improve with the market. We will keep buying assets and monetize them once we accumulate enough shares.

October 2022 Overall Challenge account review

The chart below indicates our account value compared to the overall goal and plans to grow the $100 investment into a $75,000 portfolio. As of today, we are still at the beginning of our journey.

Year 0: $100.00 $100.00 $100.00
Year 1: $1,300.00 $1,336.00 $459.70
Year 2: $2,500.00 $3,016.96 $829.46
Year 3: $3,700.00 $5,303.07  
Year 4: $4,900.00 $8,412.17  
Year 5: $6,100.00 $12,640.55  
Year 6: $7,300.00 $18,391.15  
Year 7: $8,500.00 $26,211.96  
Year 8: $9,700.00 $36,848.27  
Year 9: $10,900.00 $51,313.64  
Year 10: $12,100.00 $70,986.56  


$100 Challenge account review goal


October 2022 Challenge account Income


Total Invested in Stocks $1,016.81
Total Unrealized Profit -$200.32
Total Realized Profit -$1.17
Strangles Income -$1,316.00
Dividends Income $33.28
Deposits Total $1800.00
Cash $9.64
Net-Liq $829.46


If you want to see what investments we take and what trades and strategies we will use to grow this small account, join our program today and grow your money. We engage in safe investments, select strategies to maximize winning trades, and grow our portfolio. And you can do it too, today! We do not provide quick rich promises, gambling, or reckless strategies. We want our portfolio to grow steadily and preserve our capital while maximizing returns.

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Posted by Martin October 30, 2022
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Market Outlook Friday

I expected more of the bear trap today because of bad earnings from Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, but not such a ridiculously strong rally. We finished over 3.46% up today. The VIX futures were in contango, pointing to higher markets, so it was obvious that any pullback was temporary. But we had no pullback or little one (compared to today). This clears the path to higher prices next week. I still expect the market to go to 200-day MA at the 4,100 level. Once there, we will see some battle between bears and bulls and see if the bear market is over or if this is just a bear market rally.

Market Outlook Friday

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Posted by Martin October 28, 2022
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Market Outlook Wednesday

The chart below shows the trend after-hours; as you can see, the market sold off heavily. During the regular hours, we finished down -0.61%, and after hours -1.60%. Thanks to Amazon’s rapid selloff (the stock lost 20% AH). But the VIX is positive and in contango. That gives some hope that we will see volatility and large swings but overall, the market will go higher. Also, the market reached (briefly) our 3,900 resistance, and this selloff is consistent with that. So, this may be a pullback that could be expected. AMZN is just an excuse.

Market Outlook Wednesday

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Posted by Martin October 27, 2022
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Market Outlook Wednesday

The market erased all gains from today’s session as it faced serious headwinds from the tech earnings misses. Google and Microsoft missed, and everyone sold heavily (I was buying). META reported after-hours and has missed and lost 12% AH so far. In this case, I am not a buyer. Despite these issues, the market held well, and the VIX futures remained in contango. That may push the markets higher (I still think we might be going all the way to the 200-day moving average). Let’s see tomorrow how the market reacts to the base news from Meta. We could pull back to 3,790 before resuming the uptrend.

Market Outlook Wednesday

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Posted by Martin October 26, 2022
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Market Outlook Thursday

The market rallied again the entire day today, but this time, we are seeing the VIX futures terms turning bullish too. It has moved from backwardation into contango. This indicates that the traders are either fully hedged or turning bullish. Nevertheless, the path to higher prices is open. We may also experience a short squeeze and short covering. On Friday, we will have monthly options expiration, which means many puts people bought as protection will expire out of the money (the market will make sure to take money away from shorts). We are likely going to 200-day MA at 4,100 for now. Then we will see if we break above or sell off again. Of course, there may be pullbacks on the way up. Nothing goes up in a straight line.

Market Outlook Friday

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Posted by Martin October 25, 2022
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Market Outlook Thursday

The market rallied right at the start but then it sold off within an hour. I expected the selling to continue because the VIX was still negative, pointing to traders buying hedges. Right at 10:30 am ET the market turned up again and rallied the rest of the day. Despite VIX still being negative, it is slowly turning the odds to the bullish side. Nevertheless, I still am cautious about this trend.

Market Outlook Friday

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