Buying a home is one of the smartest investment decisions you can make. Despite being a huge expense you’ll likely be paying off for the next 10 years or more, it gives you added freedom, stability, and peace of mind. Here are five reasons you should entertain the thought of investing in a home. Continue reading →
Posts Tagged With 'investment'
Is a College Education Worth the Required Investment?
With the constantly rising costs of tuition each and every year, students are graduating from college with large amounts of debt to go with their diplomas. There are many critics that claim that graduating with this debt is not worth the educational achievements, stating that attending college delays starting a career. This prohibits students from Continue reading →
How to Manage Your Investments
Most of the people believe that they are very good in managing their finances. Financial experts also claim that when they ask their customers, many of them think that they have made their investments in effective way. This is mainly because they have been getting decent returns from whatever investments they have made. But many Continue reading →
Lending Club – easy money? Yes and no…
I am stunned how easy it is to invest with Lending Club. However, I do not say it is easy money, so do nothing when investing with Lending Club. An investor still should do the due diligent work, study the loans, diversify as much as possible and reinvest. If you plan to throw your money Continue reading →
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