Archive for April, 2009

Posted by MartZee April 24, 2009

Picks 04/20 – 04/24

No [tag]new picks[/tag]. Recently the market really improved and even though the new up trend faded a bit due to economic fears it still is up-trending. Some leaders already shown up and I have my “hot” candidates in my watch list. However I am still waiting for the right time to entry into some new Continue reading →

Posted by Martin April 18, 2009

Picks 04/13 – 04/17

No [tag]new picks[/tag]. There is nothing to buy out there. Existing holdings: 100% CASH Contribution this week: $0 Starting account value = $2,009.80 Account value = $2,009.80 (without margin) Buying power = $2,009.80 [tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = 0.00% [tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for APRIL 2009 = 0.00% Portfolio Gain/loss since inception = -17.62% [tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): Continue reading →

Posted by Martin April 11, 2009

Picks 04/06 – 04/10

No [tag]new picks[/tag]. There is nothing to buy out there. Existing holdings: 100% CASH Contribution this week: $0 Starting account value = $2,009.80 Account value = $2,009.80 (without margin) Buying power = $2,009.80 [tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = 0.00% [tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for APRIL 2009 = 0.00% Portfolio Gain/loss since inception = -17.62% [tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): Continue reading →

Posted by MartZee April 05, 2009

Early bull market? Avoid investing in this rally.

Early bull market? Avoid investing in this rally.

The [tag]stock market[/tag] was doing great last month. One would say that this was its bottom and now the market would grow and grow and grow… Others say the market has a capability to predict an economic turnover about six months ahead. Are we experiencing such prediction right now? Who knows. Recently I was watching Continue reading →

Posted by Martin April 04, 2009

Picks 03/30 – 04/03

No [tag]new picks[/tag]. There is nothing to buy out there. Existing holdings: 100% CASH Contribution this week: $0 Starting account value = $2,009.80 Account value = $2,009.80 (without margin) Buying power = $2,009.80 [tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = 0.00% [tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for APRIL 2009 = 0.00% Portfolio Gain/loss since inception = -17.62% [tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): Continue reading →