Archive for September, 2013

My inspiration in the last week #37

My inspiration in the last week #37

I often browse the internet to find ideas about investing, trading stocks, options, investing opportunities and strategies. I like to read about investors and what their investing/trading approach to create income you can live on is. Setting Your First Financial Goals – L Bee and the Money Tree – by Jordann Withdrawal Strategies in Retirement Continue reading →

Posted by Martin September 29, 2013

Comprehensive Tax Guide for Investors

Comprehensive Tax Guide for Investors

When tax planning season comes close, many individuals rush to tax experts to minimize their tax liabilities. Most of the times, it is observed that tax payers end up paying higher taxes than they are obliged to pay. Though lack of time to conduct proper tax planning is a reason, this can be also attributed Continue reading →

New Trade – Safeway Inc. (SWY) – put selling

New Trade - Safeway Inc. (SWY) - put selling

My previous put selling trade expired worthless netting me $220 income in premium. I still like this stock so I decided to open another naked put. But today I took a very conservative approach in selling new Safeway put. Why? The reason is that at this particular moment I do not have enough cash to Continue reading →

Trade exit – Taser Inc (TASR) covered call (13.47% profit); Safeway (SWY) put selling (9.57% profit)

Trade exit - Taser Inc (TASR) covered call (13.47% profit); Safeway (SWY) put selling (9.57% profit)

This expiration Friday I had two other option trades being closed. One was a covered call against Taser International and the other was a put selling against Safeway.     Taser International Inc. covered call assignment This trade finished as per I wanted, although from the beginning it wasn’t that clear and easy. But I Continue reading →

Trade exit – Realty Income (O) covered call expiration for 1.49% profit

Trade exit - Realty Income (O) covered call expiration for 1.49% profit

As I was worried last week how to deal with my covered call trade I opened on Realty Income – see the trade here, this trade has changed into what I wanted in the first place. See the original trade here. As I wrote in my previous reviews of the trade I mentioned that every Continue reading →

Posted by Martin September 22, 2013

How to Break your Bad Financial Habits

How to Break your Bad Financial Habits

Are your bad financial habits are holding you back from enjoying a debt free and financially independent life? Do you believe that you are in financial catastrophe from where it is impossible to come out? Your life is reflection of your current habits. In case, you have any bad financial habits then they may slow Continue reading →

Tomorrow is expiration Friday, will my Realty Income (O) covered call expire worthless or not?

Tomorrow is expiration Friday, will my Realty Income (O) covered call expire worthless or not?

I have a few option trades expiring tomorrow and they are all in good standing and most likely expire worthless. I also have Realty Income covered call trade open set to either expire worthless or execute. What will happen? I do not know. I do not know whether the contract expires worthless or will be Continue reading →

Trade adjustment – Kinder Morgan Partnership (KMP) addition #3

Trade adjustment – Kinder Morgan Partnership (KMP) addition #3

I hoped the price of Kinder Morgan Partnership will continue sliding down due to irrational selling triggered by a report issued by an analyst Kevin Kaiser of a research firm Hedgeye as I wrote in my yesterday’s post. Crazy reports like this may move stocks down and in the case of Kinder Morgan which was Continue reading →

Stop buying new investments, start saving a lot. A bubble is about to pop.

I had to say it although I do not know what is going to happen, but today’s move on the market was very surprising to me. It wasn’t the “surprising” halt on tapering efforts from the FED, but the Wall Street reaction what shocked me. Are we really dealing with a bunch of idiots on Continue reading →

Kinder Morgan suffers a large price drop, should you be worried?

Kinder Morgan suffers a large price drop, should you be worried?

If you are watching your Kinder Morgan partnership stock carefully (and that is the same with KMI or KMR) you may have noticed that KMP suffered a large drop recently. KMI even dropped almost 6% last week. Should you be worried and dump the stocks? No, that would be a bad move. First answer yourself Continue reading →