Archive for August, 2018

Posted by Martin August 20, 2018

Buying dividend stocks out right or timing the entry?

There are two camps among the dividend growth investors. One camp represent an idea that over the long run, it doesn’t matter whether you buy the stocks out right. As long as you keep buying regularly and for the next 20 years, the difference is negligible. The second camp advocates calculating the fair value and Continue reading →

Posted by Martin August 18, 2018

WEEKLY RESULTS, August 18, 2018

Last week was a good week. It was a bit choppy as Wall Street was worried abut Turkey, then wasn’t worried about Turkey, and on Wednesday it was worried about Turkey again. No matter what, Turkey became just an excuse for a shake out to get rid of weak hands and move on without them. Continue reading →

Posted by Martin August 06, 2018

Ignorance of media

It is truly stunning how ignorant people are when it comes to stock market and investing. In many human activities and jobs people usually go and educate themselves before they participate in that activity. If one wants to become a dentist, he or she goes to school and spends 10 years educating herself. If another Continue reading →

Posted by Martin August 03, 2018

July 2018 trading, investing, results

S&P 500  2,840.35 +13.13(+0.46%)  Dow 30  25,462.58 +136.42(+0.54%)  Nasdaq  7,812.01 +9.33(+0.12%)   July market was volatile and hectic to our trading and investing. Trump’s trade war, although archaic news, still rattle the markets and spook the investors. there is however no need to be spooked and be afraid of the market. The price action of Continue reading →