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Posted by MartZee June 19, 2009
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Picks 06/15 – 06/19

New stock picks this week:

No new picks

Existing & new holdings:

Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%)
SYNA 26 38.92 52.54 5.48
V 27 61.37 -125.82 -7.06

Contribution this week: $0

Starting account value = $2,093.10

Account value = $1,813.05 (without margin)

Buying power = $0

[tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = -13.38%

[tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for JUNE 2009 = -18.37%

Portfolio Gain/loss for 2009 = -17.95%

[tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): -31.32%

I made a costly mistake this week, which caused my portfolio lost more than allowed. Unfortunately I realized it too late. Well I corrected my strategy a bit, so hopefully next time this won’t happen again. I am going to write about this topic in my next post.

Are you interested in Reverse Scale Strategy and see how it works when implemented to even a small account?

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Recommended websites & blogs:

Dedicated to the process of identifying superior dividend investments…

Stock Market Analysis at DeepMarket

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Posted by Martin June 17, 2009
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GMCR stopped out

GMCR was sold on stop loss today:

06/17/2009  09:58:06 Sold 14 GMCR @ 55.3306

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Posted by MartZee June 17, 2009
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IP stopped out

International paper was sold on stop loss order today:

06/17/2009 09:52:49 Sold 55 IP @ 13.6306

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Posted by MartZee June 13, 2009
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Is Visa affected by delinquency?


The answer is easy – not, [tag]Visa[/tag] (V) is not affected at all. You may oppose this answer arguing that it is a [tag]financial institute[/tag], so when people stop paying their [tag]debt[/tag] in their Visa accounts the company gets hit. It is a big misunderstanding how Visa operates. Many people believe that Visa lends [tag]money[/tag] and even a friend of mine who trades [tag]stocks[/tag] told me when we spoke together and I informed him I bought some shares, that this may have been a dangerous move because these days delinquency ratio would grow up significantly.
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Posted by Martin June 13, 2009
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Market monitor – Sectors & Industries

Here are the sectors from the last week. Another shift in leading positions.

Last 30 days [tag]performance[/tag] (top 5):

Technology +10.54%
Basic materials +8.45%
Oil & Gas +5.05%
Consumer goods +4.81%
Financials +4.57%

(Data retrieved from [tag]financial[/tag] websites such as [tag]MarketWatch[/tag], [tag]MSN Money[/tag], [tag]Yahoo Finance[/tag], and others)

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Recommended websites & blogs:

Dedicated to the process of identifying superior dividend investments…

Stock Market Analysis at DeepMarket

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Posted by MartZee June 12, 2009
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Picks 06/08 – 06/12

New stock picks this week:

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc (GMCR)
International Paper Co (IP)

Existing & new holdings:

Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%)
GMCR 14 60.43 -25.05 -2.88
IP 55 15.81 0.58 0.07
SYNA 26 38.46 40.58 4.23
V 27 64.36 -45.09 -2.53

Contribution this week: $0

Starting account value = $2,254.50

Account value = $2,093.10 (without margin)

Buying power = $2,398.60

[tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = -7.16%

[tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for JUNE 2009 = -5.76%

Portfolio Gain/loss for 2009 = -5.28%

[tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): -20.71%

Although the stock market ended higher for the week, almost all my stocks in my watch list and in my account were hit hard. So, let’s see what will happen next week. Is this down trend beginning of a long term correction, or just profit taking? The most important would be Monday’s trading to find out.

Are you interested in Reverse Scale Strategy and see how it works when implemented to even a small account?

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Recommended websites & blogs:

Dedicated to the process of identifying superior dividend investments…

Stock Market Analysis at DeepMarket

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Posted by MartZee June 11, 2009
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GMCR – new position opened

Today I also bought Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc (GMCR). I bought 14 shares @ 62.11 and set my stop loss @ 55.31. Total risk per trade will be 11.02% which is 3% of the entire portfolio value.

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Posted by Martin June 11, 2009
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IP – new position added

Today I bought International Paper (IP). I bought 55 shares @ 15.80 and set my stop loss @ 13.60. Total risk per trade will be 13.68% which is 3% of the entire portfolio value. The stock broke up from a short consolidation and indicates following an up-trend.

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Posted by MartZee June 10, 2009


International Paper (IP)

International Paper (IP) is another stock which I am about to add to my portfolio. Today it broke from consolidation. Tomorrow I will review the stock in more detail and based on the trading results (if the price will continue up) I will buy this stock.

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Posted by MartZee June 08, 2009
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Citigroup to be dropped off of my portfolio

Citigroup to be dropped off of my portfolio

When I was looking at [tag]Citigroup[/tag] (C) as a potential [tag]buy[/tag], it was in the time when the [tag]price[/tag] was [tag]up-trending[/tag], creating new high highs and high lows and I considered this purchase a pure [tag]gambling[/tag]. I knew it and a was buying it with it in my mind. A pure [tag]speculation[/tag].


However, when I was buying (see the magenta arrow in the [tag]chart[/tag]), the [tag]stock[/tag] stopped creating the new high highs and high lows. I do not like what I can see on the chart. The stock is [tag]down-trending[/tag] or being in [tag]consolidation[/tag]. It has no [tag]momentum[/tag], which it had a few weeks ago.

I decided to drop this stock, but have it in my [tag]Watch list[/tag].

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Recommended websites & blogs:

Dedicated to the process of identifying superior dividend investments…

Stock Market Analysis at DeepMarket

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