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Posted by Martin January 19, 2009


Stock options results – January 2009

A month ago I started [tag]investing[/tag] into [tag]stock options[/tag] using the most [tag]basic strategy[/tag] called “[tag]Covered call[/tag]s”. The reason I started learning this strategy was to [tag]protect my investments[/tag] and create a steady monthly [tag]income[/tag]. However, prior investing the real [tag]money[/tag] I opened a [tag]virtual account[/tag] at CBOE for learning purposes. I wanted to try all possible situations, which may occur during the [tag]option[/tag] lifetime. During this month I have learned a lot, but still there is plenty to learn and some other questions raised in my mind, but overall I am grasping how Covered calls work.
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Posted by Martin January 16, 2009
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Picks 01/12 – 01/16

No [tag]new picks[/tag].

There is nothing to buy out there.

Existing holdings:

100% CASH

Contribution this week: $0

Starting account value = $2,009.80

Account value = $2,009.80 (without margin)

Buying power = $2,009.80

[tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = 0.00%

[tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for JANUARY 2009 = 0.00%

Portfolio Gain/loss since inception = -19.19%

[tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): -19.19%

Now the portfolio is 100% cash, waiting for the new confirmed rally. I transferred all money to a savings account and I will be saving more money for the new upturn, study the market and wait.

Are you interested in Reverse Scale Strategy and see how it works when implemented to even a small account?

Stay updated with Hello Suckers Hello Suckers Feed


$4.95 Trades + $.65 per Contract – Market or Limit, No Minimums. www.TradeKing.com

Get The Wall Street Journal for 75% off!

TradingSolutions: Financial analysis and investment software that combines technical analysis with neural network and genetic algorithms.

Click Here to get 4 Bonus Weeks of Investor’s Business Daily Digital Edition!

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Posted by Martin January 14, 2009
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Dow plunged 248 points and ended rally once again

Dow plunged 248 points and ended rally once again

The [tag]stock market[/tag] opened down, continued its downturn all day and counted its sixth [tag]loss[/tag] in a row. Bad [tag]economic data[/tag] slashed the [tag]rally attempt[/tag] to dust. Are we heading below 8000 points?

-248.42 -2.94% 8,200.14
-56.82 -3.67% 1,489.64
-29.17 -3.35% 842.62

The last [tag]rally[/tag] was mostly led by weak [tag]stocks[/tag] on low [tag]volume[/tag]. Leaders were lacking to [tag]breakout[/tag] from their bases and if it happened those breakouts failed anyway.

[tag]Dow Jones[/tag]

Tip: Bad economic data are sinking the market. We are in [tag]correction[/tag] again and it is not time for [tag]investing[/tag]. The best approach in the market like this one is to stay aside, open no new positions and wait in [tag]cash[/tag] until the market confirm itself in a [tag]new rally[/tag].


$4.95 Trades + $.65 per Contract – Market or Limit, No Minimums. www.TradeKing.com

Get The Wall Street Journal for 75% off!

TradingSolutions: Financial analysis and investment software that combines technical analysis with neural network and genetic algorithms.

Click Here to get 4 Bonus Weeks of Investor’s Business Daily Digital Edition!

#1 – Learn how to invest in stock, Proven stock market strategy –Discover How To Turn $1000 Into $1,000,000.00 In 5 Years Or Less…Guaranteed! Or Get $50 Cash For Wasting Your Time!

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Posted by Martin January 11, 2009


The stock market is growing, but on weak economic data

Quo vadis? The [tag]stock market[/tag] has been growing since December 8th, 2008 in a modest pace in spite of bad [tag]economic[/tag] data. Are we really at the bottom of this [tag]crisis[/tag]? [tag]Economists[/tag] say, the [tag]crisis is over[/tag], [tag]stock markets[/tag] are bottoming or turning back up, some [tag]stocks[/tag] are forming their [tag]pattern[/tag]s, but is it really over? Is it time to start moving [tag]money[/tag] back to our [tag]investing[/tag] accounts and get ready for new [tag]uptrend[/tag]? Economic data from December 2008 were surprisingly lower than expected, [tag]unemployment[/tag] claims worse than predicted. Some say we are heading to another [tag]financial[/tag] bubble, which will be even worse than all previous (www.weltonline.de) ones.

When taking look at the stock market [tag]chart[/tag], particularly [tag]Dow Jones[/tag], we can see its [tag]modest growth[/tag]. Both indicators – 21 day MA and 50 day MA are turning up. Even though we still can read in newspapers about bad economic data, unemployment rate is at 16-yr high (7.2%), some say that the crisis will continue well in 2009 year and some say that we are ahead another [tag]crisis[/tag], deeper than this one – treasury bonds crisis, the [tag]trend[/tag] holds up.

Dow Jones

When looking at the chart, the market is still holding its uptrend, mediocre one, but still going up in general. Last couple declines could be just a reaction to bad news or it can be a sign of the end of the [tag]rally attempt[/tag]. Let’s see what would happen in upcoming week.

Tip: It is not time to [tag]start investing[/tag] yet. Wait for the [tag]market[/tag] to confirm itself. This rally attempt can still fail next week. I would stay out of the market, watch potential [tag]winning stocks[/tag], add them to a watch list and wait. There always will be plenty of opportunities to [tag]buy winning stocks[/tag] when the rally confirms itself.


$4.95 Trades + $.65 per Contract – Market or Limit, No Minimums. www.TradeKing.com

Get The Wall Street Journal for 75% off!

TradingSolutions: Financial analysis and investment software that combines technical analysis with neural network and genetic algorithms.

Click Here to get 4 Bonus Weeks of Investor’s Business Daily Digital Edition!

#1 – Learn how to invest in stock, Proven stock market strategy –Discover How To Turn $1000 Into $1,000,000.00 In 5 Years Or Less…Guaranteed! Or Get $50 Cash For Wasting Your Time!

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Posted by Martin January 10, 2009
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Picks 01/05 – 01/09

No [tag]new picks[/tag].

There is nothing to buy out there.

Existing holdings:

100% CASH

Contribution this week: $0

Starting account value = $2,009.80

Account value = $2,009.80 (without margin)

Buying power = $2,009.80

[tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = 0.00%

[tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for JANUARY 2009 = 0.00%

Portfolio Gain/loss since inception = -19.19%

[tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): -19.19%

Now the portfolio is 100% cash, waiting for the new confirmed rally. I transferred all money to a savings account and I will be saving more money for the new upturn, study the market and wait.

Are you interested in Reverse Scale Strategy and see how it works when implemented to even a small account?

Stay updated with Hello Suckers Hello Suckers Feed


$4.95 Trades + $.65 per Contract – Market or Limit, No Minimums. www.TradeKing.com

Get The Wall Street Journal for 75% off!

TradingSolutions: Financial analysis and investment software that combines technical analysis with neural network and genetic algorithms.

Click Here to get 4 Bonus Weeks of Investor’s Business Daily Digital Edition!

#1 – Learn how to invest in stock, Proven stock market strategy –Discover How To Turn $1000 Into $1,000,000.00 In 5 Years Or Less…Guaranteed! Or Get $50 Cash For Wasting Your Time!

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Posted by Martin January 02, 2009
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Picks 12/29 – 01/02

No [tag]new picks[/tag].

There is nothing to buy out there.

Existing holdings:

100% CASH

Contribution this week: $0

Starting account value = $2,009.80

Account value = $2,009.80 (without margin)

Buying power = $2,009.80

[tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = 0.00%

[tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for JANUARY 2009 = 0.00%

Portfolio Gain/loss since inception = -19.19%

[tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): -19.19%

Now the portfolio is 100% cash, waiting for the new confirmed rally. I transferred all money to a savings account and I will be saving more money for the new upturn, study the market and wait.

Are you interested in Reverse Scale Strategy and see how it works when implemented to even a small account?

Stay updated with Hello Suckers Hello Suckers Feed


$4.95 Trades + $.65 per Contract – Market or Limit, No Minimums. www.TradeKing.com

Get The Wall Street Journal for 75% off!

TradingSolutions: Financial analysis and investment software that combines technical analysis with neural network and genetic algorithms.

Click Here to get 4 Bonus Weeks of Investor’s Business Daily Digital Edition!

#1 – Learn how to invest in stock, Proven stock market strategy –Discover How To Turn $1000 Into $1,000,000.00 In 5 Years Or Less…Guaranteed! Or Get $50 Cash For Wasting Your Time!

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Posted by Martin January 01, 2009
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Investing Resolution

The 2008 year is over. In spite of the crisis it was a successful year. My income increased and I have bought my own condo. This purchase prevented me from accomplishing my goals for 2008 year, such as building my emergency fund. I used most of my reserves for a down payment. In investing I changed my strategy and I believe this would help me to get better results in the new year. The market overall dropped down by 41% (Nasdaq), 34% Dow, and 38% (S&P 500). Many investors suffered huge losses, some lost everything, some made money on the other hand. The end of the year 2008 was very hectic. It was amazing watching all turbulence and bankruptcies across the entire economy.
Let’s hope the new year 2009 will be even better for all of you. I wish everybody, who suffered losses (money, job, etc), to recover quickly and start over more responsibly than many did last year.

The goal for 2009 is:

  • build my long term emergency fund and rise its balance back up to $5,000
  • learn more how to invest into stocks and options successfully and make min. 20% profit on stocks
  • learn options to make min. $100 a month income

The new year will be more about savings and increasing an income.
Happy New Year 2009 to all.

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Posted by Martin December 29, 2008
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Picks 12/22 – 12/26

No [tag]new picks[/tag].

There is nothing to buy out there.

Existing holdings:

100% CASH

Contribution this week: $0

Starting account value = $2,009.80

Account value = $2,009.80 (without margin)

Buying power = $2,009.80

[tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = 0.00%

[tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for DECEMBER 2008 = 0.00%

Portfolio Gain/loss since inception = -19.19%

[tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): -19.19%

Now the portfolio is 100% cash, waiting for the new confirmed rally. I transferred all money to a savings account and I will be saving more money for the new upturn, study the market and wait.

Are you interested in Reverse Scale Strategy and see how it works when implemented to even a small account?

Stay updated with Hello Suckers Hello Suckers Feed


$4.95 Trades + $.65 per Contract – Market or Limit, No Minimums. www.TradeKing.com

Get The Wall Street Journal for 75% off!

TradingSolutions: Financial analysis and investment software that combines technical analysis with neural network and genetic algorithms.

Click Here to get 4 Bonus Weeks of Investor’s Business Daily Digital Edition!

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Posted by Martin December 24, 2008
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Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas

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Posted by Martin December 23, 2008


Madoff’s lesson

America is shocked and people are angry, because they lost a lot of [tag]money[/tag] and the “government didn’t protect them”. Are we in socialism? [tag]Madoff[/tag] provided us with a very good lesson. One of the best actually. Unfortunately some people had to pay a large fee for it. A [tag]ponzi scam[/tag] is well known and one of the rules to recognize it would be: If something is too good to be true, do not trust it.
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