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Archive for September 18th, 2022

Posted by Martin September 18, 2022

2022 Week 37 investing and trading report

Another bad week for our portfolio. It dropped 12% again last week. But as you will see below, it is just paper losses. I didn’t sell any of my positions and in fact, I bought a few more shares of stocks I want to accumulate. My equity grew higher despite the selloff. So what is Continue reading →

Posted by Martin September 18, 2022

2022 SPX put credit spreads trading review – week 37

Last week was brutal. SPX lost over 4.7% and many of our SPX trades that were bullish are underwater again. I reversed trading to credit call spreads instead and try to manage the open trades by rolling them away and waiting for a better opportunity to manage them. It will be a long process.   Continue reading →