I would like to announce that I completed my first goal I set for 2013 and that was to reach 14% annual return rate. I am very happy about it, because with this rate of return, my investment will double every 5 years! My other goals are going well too. It looks like I under-sized Continue reading →
How to Spot Bad Notes in Lending Club Before They Turn Bad – Part 1
Since a few months ago when I claimed that I had zero In Grace Period, Late, or Defaulted notes in my Lending Club account, I have started receiving emails from other investors whether I would be willing to share my strategy how I avoid the notes before they turn bad. Originally I was just responding Continue reading →
Lending Club Performance
Recently I posted my Lending Club performance, showing my return rate chart from the beginning of investing, my account value growth and my interest paid. You can see it here. I also was claiming in several of my older posts that I was able to avoid default notes or even late notes due to my Continue reading →
Lending Club Holdings page
I really enjoy investing with Lending Club. I’ve been investing with Lending Club for almost 3 years and over that time I have developed a method of selecting, evaluating and watching new notes in which I want to invest and those I am already invested in. The method of watching the notes I already own Continue reading →
Focus on savings and investing with Lending Club
Recently I was evaluating my investment goals and the way I was saving money for investing. In many of my previous posts I preached a way of saving into non transaction fee mutual funds, which would allow investing small amounts let’s say $50 every month without paying a fee. Then I could see something I Continue reading →
Lending Club investing experience
If you ever heard about Lending Club, seen some ads about investing with Lending Club and making 9% or more, you probably wonder whether it works or it is safe investing. You probable tried searching on Internet to find out what others have to say about this type of investing. Are you confused about the Continue reading →
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