Someone asked. He bought 100 shares of SWK (Div Aristocrat, now one of those Kings). Stock was at $173.35 and dropped to $129 and he thought well it is a King, what could go wrong. Continued dropping to low of $72 and now at $117.33 and question is, what should I do to make money, do I just wait and it will be ok? He is ok buying another 100 shares. Any suggestions?
This amazes me all the time. People buy stocks and then ask what to do. Did you heck had any plan why are you buying it in the first place?
Same as many long term investors, they are long only till the next selloff…
If he bought in for a long haul of the next 20 – 30 years as a dividend growth investor, his question is irrelevant and since he is asking, it probably was not his intent (long term investor like Buffett, or didn’t do his homework).
If he bought for short term speculation to make a quick buck, he missed the boat and should have sold in February.
If you have a short term plan and now changing it into a long term plan because the stock fell down, you have no business in the stock market.
If you have a long term plan and now changing it into a short term plan because the stock fell down, you also have no business in the stock market.
Sort out what you want before you invest.
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