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Posted by Martin May 24, 2023
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Technical view: ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK)

Technical view

ARKK is in stage #4 but morphing into stage 1. The stock started moving down sharply. As the tech stocks recover, ARKK will follow. If you like risky investments, this could be a good ride. I won’t touch it with a long pole, though. The stock may be propped by risk-loving retail investors, but I think, ultimately, the stock will fail. The fund is filled with junk stocks that makes investing in ARKK very risky. The recent purchase of Palantir (PLTR) will not make any difference. It may have propped the stock and the fund briefly, but it won’t last long term. The fair value of ARKK is $38.43 so, it trades at fair value and it may stay here for a long term period.

Technical view weekly

The stock is now MODERATE SELL

This post was published in our newsletter to our subscribers on Saturday, May 20th, 2023. If you want to learn more about our stock technical analysis subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

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Posted by Martin May 20, 2023
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That damn debt ceiling!

The debt ceiling was put in place by Congress during World War I and its purpose was to shift debt management from Congress to the government. Before, it was Congress who approved all expenditures. But during the War, it became difficult for the government to go to Congress and get approval for increasing war effort costs. So, Congress shifted this manner to the government, but it established a limit after which the government must have sought Congressional approval. If approved, Congress raised the ceiling and within the new limit, the government could do its day-to-day operations. But that’s when the circus started.

Since then, Congressional parties used the debt ceiling for their petty agendas, holding the US economy hostage. When Republicans were in power, none of them had any issues raising the debt ceiling and Democrats opposed it. When Democrats were in power, the tables turned around. They had no issues raising the debt ceiling and Republicans opposed it. When you look at it from this perspective, you will see how petty and stupid these politicians are.

And since then, this debt ceiling limit, which was also designed to curtail the spending, failed to do so. The national debt rose nearly 400% in the last 20 years.

debt ceiling

But if you see politicians fighting over the spending, remember, next time when voting, that these politicians are fighting over expenditures such as Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, Veterans’ programs, higher education, department of health expenditures, education, justice, and veteran affairs (among others). These are the biggest mandatory and discretionary expenditures.

debt ceiling

Remember these politicians and in this case Republicans that they are the ones who will be responsible for your social security pay cut, or your Medicare failure. When at the voting booths, vote them out. They do not care about you. They have their retirements and Medicare secured but the government and they and their families will be taken care of no matter what. It is you who will be the useful fool cutting out your own welfare when you reach retirement.
Of course, you may be outraged over the raising expenditure and debt. You may be angry over Biden’s reckless spending, but you should not be supporting anything that cuts your benefits for which you worked hard your entire life and paid (involuntarily) into the system.

debt ceiling

Despite all this circus, the markets held well. There were rattles about the debt ceiling, but it seems that the market expects politicians to strike a deal in the end. At least for now. That’s why we are mostly flat with some wobbles around. And tech stocks even exploded upwards last week (mostly on better-than-expected earnings). The FANG index (FGNU) skyrocketed a whopping 16% last week!

It seems that investors are finally waking up and realizing that all the stocks like META, TSLA, NVDA, AMD, NFLX, AAPL, AMZN, SNOW, MSFT, or GOOGL are still the best growth stocks in the market and selling them out is foolish. The investors were selling out of these stocks, and today, they are hastily buying back at higher prices. You may argue that these stocks are overpriced, and they are, but they will perform well better in today’s FED environment than last year’s FED policy. These stocks will outperform the market this year.

The latest market worries are about the debt ceiling and regional banks turmoil. It is my opinion that both will be resolved. The banks had a way better week last week and the debt ceiling is still on the table. Both parties will have to give up some of their agenda and get the things done.

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Posted by Martin May 17, 2023
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Technical view: Apple Inc. (AAPL)

Technical view

AAPL is in stage #2. While all the “technical gurus” on CNBC were recommending selling Apple because it was technically doomed to go down when it approached the downward sloping trend line, the stock defied them all and kept rising, so I hope you were not listening to them and kept buying. The stock broke above that “magical line” and continued up. The stock is now approaching its all-time high price, so get ready for another wave of “TA gurus” on CNBC telling you why this is the time to sell. Although there may be a dip at that resistance level as weak hands will start selling getting out break even, eventually, that dip will be bought and the stock will go higher.

Technical view weekly

One reason all the bearish gurus will tell you to sell would be a dip in earnings, but they are looking at the short term, not long-term trend. Apple is no longer a device manufacturer. They are in staples industry now (their main revenue comes from all sorts of subscriptions and services revolving around the phones and not from selling the phones themselves). As Warren Buffett recognized this five years ago, people are now addicted to iPhones and if they have to choose between a new car or iPhone, they buy iPhone. And Apple does everything it can to keep people addicted. Just look at their latest savings account effort. So Apple’s revenue may be down this quarter, but it is rising long-term:

Technical view weekly

Company’s free cash flow is also showing a growing trend. There are dips and spikes on quarterly basis, but long-term trend is clearly up:

Technical view weekly

The same can be said about earnings:

Technical view weekly

Apple raised a lot of debt between 2013 and 2017 and again between 2020 and 2021 but started retiring that debt since. If the trend continues this will be a good sign.

Technical view weekly

Apple is paying dividends and the company increases it by 4.35% on annual basis. A 5-year average growth is 5.63%. That is also good:

Technical view weekly

But the biggest deal is shares buybacks. Apple is retiring shares outstanding on a very rapid speed. Their buyback rate is at 4.72% 5-year average (or 3% annually). They are now at the level last seen in 2000.

Technical view weekly

Apple is undervalued based on its recent EPS estimates. It trades at the average P/E valuation, but its expected fair value is way above the stock price. The fair value by 2025 is now at $216.91 a share, giving a potential for 10.23% annualized growth. However, the valuation window is closing and if the stock continues higher, is soon will be trading at its valuation and you may miss an opportunity to buy.

Technical view weekly

Technical view weekly

The stock is now AGGRESSIVEE BUY

This post was published in our newsletter to our subscribers on Saturday, May 14th, 2023. If you want to learn more about our stock technical analysis subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

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Posted by Martin May 12, 2023
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Here we go again, the market circus continues.

Once again the market’s participants are freaking out about known issue that is probably no issue at all anymore. No one knows what is going on. The Media are trying to explain to us who pooped first but in the end, they are as clueless as everybody else. And the market circus continues.

In the morning, futures were up and the markets rallied led by tech stocks. Then they turned around and nosedived. Some blame banks, others easing inflation, or coming recession. Yes, it is the recession that has been coming since 2022 but has not arrived yet. And since it is the most anticipated recession in the US history, it will be coming for some time in the near future. And it may even arrive in the end if enough circus makers will feed the hydra of recession fear.

market circus

So, what’s the deal here? I think, the problem is that we received consumers’ sentiment report and it showed that people are not as eager to buy crap as they were in 2021. And suddenly, all the naysayers are screaming in unison “We told you so.” They fear that consumer will stop spending his hard earned money, companies will report less profits, and the economy will fall into the recession. Finally.

But the problem with this narrative is that the labor market is still extremely strong. Stronger than what the FED would like to see. And the stronger the labor market is, the more money a consumer makes and he is always ready to buy a new TV. Or go for an expensive vacation. I know it first hand as my family just purchased a vacation in Oregon that would cost arm and leg… you know, the flight, car rental, hotels, food… and new and fancy gifts in the gift shops on the main street in Portland.

My entire portfolio is hopelessly bleeding red, except Google (GOOGL) and Icahn’s IEP. Yes that same IEP that was trashed by Hindenburg not so long ago and crashed 40% is up 6% on shares buyback announcement. MPW crashed over 7% today after the company beat all estimates on their EPS and revenue. I guess they must have said something about their tenants and it was probably something nasty, so investors pooped their trousers.

Other than that, it is a nice, calm and steep rock falling on the floor today. Nothing to be worried about. For sure, the market circus is not over yet. It may end once we find out who the clown is.


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Posted by Martin May 11, 2023
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Technical view: Restaurant Brands International Inc. (QSR)

Technical view

QSR is in stage #2. This could become another Texas Roadhouse restaurant if done correctly. Patrick Doyle is a great CEO and has a very good track record of turning struggling businesses around and making them profitable. I think this could be another opportunity to make this a great investment although the stock is overvalued when compared to the company’s underlying adjusted operating earnings. The weekly chart indicates that the stock moved nowhere since 2017. If my expectations for Patrick Doyle will be correct, this may change.

Technical view weekly

The company pays dividends, and the current dividend yield is 3.14% (dividend payout per share is 2.20). The company increases its dividends every year by a decent 4.1% (5-year average annual growth), or 1.85% annually. Nothing extraordinary but given the nature of this company, I think it is acceptable.

Technical view weekly

The business’s revenue is steadily growing at 9.25% annually. That is good news for this company. I consider these positive metrics. We only saw a decline in earnings in 2020:

Technical view weekly

Unfortunately, the free cash flow is erratic. A one-year average is -13.79%, 2-year growth is +18.51%, and 5-year average is again -7.33%. A bit of a zig-zag performance:

Technical view weekly

QSR’s debt is large and growing. The company doesn’t have enough cash to cover the debt. That is very negative.

Technical view weekly

Given the valuation of the company and its financial situation, I think it is not a complete disaster. There are worse investments out there. Nevertheless, this still makes this investment a speculative one. When investing in QSR, invest small amounts of money. I also recommend utilizing options to lower the cost basis and generate income.

Fundamentally, the stock is overvalued, trading ways above its estimated fair value of $52.03 per share:

Technical view weekly

Technical view weekly

The stock is now MODERATE BUY

This post was published in our newsletter to our subscribers on Saturday, April 29th, 2023. If you want to learn more about our stock technical analysis subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

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Posted by Martin May 09, 2023
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Airbnb (ABNB) drops 12% AH

Market participants exercise their idiocy once again. Airbnb, Inc. (ABNB) came out with quarterly earnings of $0.18 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.10 per share. This compares to a loss of $0.03 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.

This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 80%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this company would post earnings of $0.27 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.48, delivering a surprise of 77.78%.

Yet the idiots out there were disappointed because bookings didn’t meet the arbitrary expectations of Wall Street. The same idiocy we saw recently with many stocks (example given is Netflix and their subscribers, or Apple and the number of sold iPhones, etc.). Generally, this number doesn’t matter. Next quarter, it can be a totally different number and the opposite story. Reacting now to the past numbers that are already history is idiotic. Look ahead. Look to the future. What is the prospect?

But this is a great opportunity to add shares of this company to a portfolio. I ranked this stock as an aggressive buy in my weekly newsletter and this selloff provides an even better opportunity.

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Posted by Martin May 09, 2023
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Technical view: Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL)

Technical view

GOOGL is in stage #2. and extremely undervalued. The stock is recovering from the recent bear market very fast. It reached its intermediate resistance, but it seems to have the momentum to breach it. Despite all bearish talks, GOOGLE is improving its finances, and cutting costs, and that is what investors like. It will have eventually a very positive impact on the stock price. During 2020 and 2021 the company over-hired its staff so, now it is time to cut unnecessary employees. People think that this is bad for the company and the economy, but in 2020-2021 the hiring spree was unusual and extreme. The company is just returning to its normal employment levels.

Technical view weekly

Google sports a growing revenue. You can see only a few drops during 2020 and 2022. But at the end of 2022, we could see its revenue back up and higher. Its 5-year average revenue growth is at 18.66% and that is really good for a mature tech company.

Technical view weekly

Free cash flow is also growing though in 2022 we saw a slowdown. It is recovering since then:

Technical view weekly

The company has plenty of cash on hand and very little debt, although lately, we can see the cash going down. That can be a result of investments or R&D expenses.

Technical view weekly

So, let’s check the expenses of the company. We can see rising expenses at R&D. That could be caused by investments in AI development.

Technical view weekly

Google increased shares outstanding significantly in 2014. Since 2019, the company started buybacks and slowly decreased the shares outstanding. We can see a jump in the last quarter of 2022. Let’s see if it is just a temporary thing or if the company will be issuing more shares and diluting shareholders.

Technical view weekly

Fundamentally, the stock is very undervalued, so this is your opportunity! Do not miss it, it may not happen again.

Technical view weekly

Technical view weekly

The stock is now AGGRESSIVE BUY

This post was published in our newsletter to our subscribers on Saturday, April 22nd, 2023. If you want to learn more about our stock technical analysis subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

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Posted by Martin May 07, 2023
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April 2023 Investing and Trading Report

As bears are trying to push their gloom and doom agenda, predicting the end of the world, our trading and investing did really well this month. We collected over $16k in options premiums. Even our dividend income exceeded my expectations as we collected over $800 this month. I am satisfied with the results.

I still believe this market bear is over and despite all the bearishness, we are in fact recovering from a mild recession. While bears are expecting a recession, I think we already had it. You can read my newsletters to see my take on the market and economy. And I still think, the bears will get kicked in their groins hard even though we may see volatility when the investors will freak out but then switch to FOMO the very next day. It is a typical behavior of an ending bear market.

Our cash to buying power dropped a bit as we continued reinvesting our proceeds:

Cash - Net-Liq - BP 04

Our options trading delivered $16,410.00 gain last month (22.86%). Our net-liq value increased by 0.83% to $71,771.33 value. Our overall account is up 15.28% YTD and -31.41% from when the bear market started in January 2022.

Here is our investing and trading report:


Account Value: $71,771.33 $588.61 0.83%
Options trading results
Options Premiums Received: +$16,410.00
01 January 2023 Options: +$1,466.00 +1.97%
02 February 2023 Options: $2,754.00 +10.34%
03 March 2023 Options: -$1,462.00 -2.05%
04 April 2023 Options: +$16,410.00 +8.54%
Options Premiums YTD: +$8,890.00 +12.39%
Dividend income results
Dividends Received: +$820.22
01 January 2023 Dividends: +$407.13
02 February 2023 Dividends: +$731.21
03 March 2023 Dividends: +$482.14
04 April 2023 Dividends: +$820.22
Dividends YTD: +$2,451.23
Portfolio Equity
Portfolio Equity: $212,125.76 +$12,857.03 +6.45%
Portfolio metrics
Portfolio Yield: 5.75%
Portfolio Dividend Growth: 22.13%
Ann. Div Income & YOC in 10 yrs: $397,276.83 178.15%
Ann. Div Income & YOC in 20 yrs: $5,543,226,341.54 2,485,716.95%
Ann. Div Income & YOC in 25 yrs: $90,749,191,879,564.90 40,694,135,607.19%
Ann. Div Income & YOC in 30 yrs: $119,892,328,439,280,000,000.00 53,762,623,894,706,400.00%
Portfolio Alpha: 6.96%
Sharpe Ratio: 6.37 EXCELLENT
Portfolio Weighted Beta: 0.49
CAGR: 229.40
AROC: 12.80%
TROC: 14.23%
Our 2023 Goal
2023 Dividend Goal: $8,000.00 30.64% In Progress
2023 Options Income Goal: $70,000 23.39% In Progress
2023 Portfolio Value Goal: $96,532.51 74.35% In Progress
6-year Portfolio Value Goal: $175,000.00 41.01% In Progress
10-year Portfolio Value Goal: $1,000,000.00 7.18% In Progress


Dividend Investing and Trading Report


In April 2023 we have received $820.22 in dividends bringing our dividend income at $2,451.23.

Last month, we bought these dividend growth stocks:

– 1 share of TSN @ $60.84
This purchase was a reinvestment of an option premium.

– 5 shares of POOL @ $340.03
I initiated investing in this company and I plan to accumulate 100 shares.

– 25 shares of VICI @ $32.84
VICI is a great REIT underappreciated by investors. So I am adding it before they find out.

Here is a chart of our account equity showing our accumulation goal and the value of all stocks in our account. It shows a nice upward-sloping chart as our equities grow. This is a result of our options trading and using premiums to buy dividend stocks:

Account Equity March 2023

And here you can see the dividend income those equities pay us every year:

Annual Dividend Payout March 2023


Growth stocks Investing and Trading Report


In April 2023, we bought the following growth stocks and funds:

  • 15 shares of GOOGL @ $105.84
    I am accumulating this stock now to reach 100 shares after which we will start selling covered calls.
  • 6 shares of NVEI @ $43.11
    I am accumulating this stock now to reach 100 shares after which we will start selling covered calls. It is a purely speculative trade.

  • 2 shares of CROX @ $121.77
    I reinvested options premium when selling credit call spread.


Options Investing and Trading Report


In April 2023, our options trading delivered a loss of $16,410.00. This was an unexpected result. Most of the income came from SPX trading, others came from selling covered calls.

We sold covered calls against these companies:

Sold 1 ARCC Sep15 covered call for 0.15
Sold 1 BAC May19 covered call for 0.28
Sold 1 ENB Oct20 covered call for 0.53
Sold 1 JXN May19 covered call for 0.63
Sold 1 OHI Sep15 covered call for 0.45
Sold 1 PMT Jul21 covered call for 0.40
Sold 1 TMUS Apr28 covered call for 0.77
Sold 1 TRIN Jul21 covered call for 0.10
Sold 1 GAIN Oct20 covered call for 0.20

We also sold many vertical spreads for income.


Expected Future Dividend Income


We received $820.22 in dividends last month. Our portfolio currently yields 5.75% at $71,771.33 market value.

Our projected annual dividend income in 10 years is $397,276.83, but that projection is if we do absolutely nothing and let our positions grow without adding new positions or reinvesting the dividends.

We are also set to receive a $7,481.56 annual dividend income ($623.47 monthly income). We are 1.88% of our 10 year goal of $397,276.83 dividend income.

Future Divi on YOC 02

The chart above shows how our future dividend income is based on the future yield on cost and what dividend income we may expect. The expected dividend growth depends on what stocks we add to our portfolio and the stocks’ 3 years’ average dividend growth rate. It is interesting to see what passive income we may enjoy 10, 20, 25, or 30 years from now.


Market value of our holdings


Our non-adjusted stock holdings market value increased from $199,268.73 to $212,125.76 last month.

In 2023 we planned on accumulating dividend stocks, monetizing these positions, HFEA strategy, and SPX trading. We plan to raise more of our holdings to 100 shares to sell covered calls. We continued rebalancing our options trades that released buying power significantly. That allowed us to start repurchasing shares of our interest.

Stock holdings trading week 03

We aim to accumulate 100 shares of dividend growth stocks we like and then start selling covered calls or strangles around those positions. We also planned on reinvesting all dividends back into those holdings.


Investing and trading ROI


Our options trading delivered a 22.86% monthly ROI in April 2023, totaling a 22.53% ROI YTD. We plan to exceed our 45% annual revenue goal in selling options against dividend stocks.

Our entire account is still down -31.41% from when the bear market started. However, in 2023 our account is up 15.28% YTD.

Our trading averaged $3,274.80 per month this year. If this trend continues, we will make $39,297.60 in trading options in 2023. As of today, we have made $16,374.00 in trading options. This is below our projected goal. Based on the goal, we should average $5,834 options income per month. But I hope, as the year progresses, we can increase options income to our goal.


Premium SPX trading


We traded our SPX put credit spread strategy we provide signals to our paid members. You will be able to review the results in in our next post. Last month, the Premium SPX strategy provided -$1,303.00 loss (-2.54%) while SPX delivered +1.46%.


Investing and trading report in charts


Account Net-Liq


TW Account trading Net-Liq 04

The drawdown of our account is highly discouraging, but it started improving. I am not selling any stock positions, and I will be buying back those I sold to release our Buying Power. On top of that, I will be buying more dividend-paying shares as much as possible.


Account Stocks holding


TW Account holdings 04

Last month, S&P 500 grew 44.14% since we opened our portfolio while our portfolio grew 15.90%. On YTD basis, the S&P 500 grew 11.41% and our portfolio 6.42%. We are underperforming market.

The numbers above apply to our stock holdings adjusted by options premiums.


Stock holdings Growth YTD


TW Account holdings Growth YTD

Our stock holdings are underperforming the market. Hopefully, this trend will stay, and we will constantly do better than S&P 500.

Our 10-year goal is to grow this account to $1,000,000.00 value in ten years. We are in year two, and we accomplished 7.18% of that goal.

Our 6-year goal is to reach $175,000 account value to be eligible for portfolio margin (PM), and today we accomplished 41.01% of that goal.

Our 2023 year goal is to grow this account to a $96,532.51, and today we accomplished 74.35% of this goal.


Investing and Trading Report – Options Monthly Income


TW Options Trading Income 02

Investing and Trading Report – Options Annual Income


TW Options Annual Trading Income 03


Our dividend goal and future dividends


TW Received vs Projected Dividends 03

We planned to make $8,000.00 in dividend income in 2023. As of today, we received $2,451.23. We also accumulated enough shares to start making $7,481.56 a year. Our monthly projected dividend income is $636.80, and our current monthly dividend income is $204.27.

TW Received vs Future monthly Dividends 03


I have a favor to ask. If you like this report, please, hit the like like button button, so I know that there is enough audience that like this content. Also, if there is something you want to know or you want me to change this report to a different format, let me know in the comments section.


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Posted by Martin April 30, 2023
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Why bears will get hammered even more

Market bears are bearish as never before. It is stunning. But unfortunately, they are on the wrong side of the market. Their asses will get kicked badly as we are recovering from a recession. I say “recovering” because we were in a recession already. But the bears failed to recognize it, and they expect it yet to come. I don’t think it will come. As inflation eases, companies and the economy will be improving.

In 2020 everyone thought the economy would crash into a deep recession and the businesses would come to a halt. They overestimated the impact. As we saw a sharp recovery, the businesses realized that they were wrong, and the economy was booming. They went on a buying spree. But they were ordering online goods, home improvement tools, merchandise, hardware, etc. They thought people would stay home forever, working from home and remodeling their houses, using Zoom and other online services, streaming movies, and trading stocks. Companies were desperate to hire people, and they hired anyone who applied, even though he or she wasn’t needed but was willing to say “yes.” Even today, businesses still offer sign-up bonuses! They, again, overestimated the Covid and post-Covid impact. Stimmies didn’t last.

In 2021 we saw a sharp recovery, a boom! The stock market rallied like never before. The businesses reported record earnings and hired an enormous number of new employees. And once again, it was overrated.

In 2022 companies failed to meet Wall Street’s unrealistic expectations, and everybody was shocked; how come a company that sported an average EPS in the pre-covid era of 2.00 per share, reported 5.00 per share in 2021, suddenly reported 2.90 in 2022? It was obvious to every normal person with critical thinking that 5.00 EPS per share was not normal, and expecting businesses to report anything close to that number was a pure utopia. But this was not obvious to Wall Street analysts drunk on spectacular gains in the 2021 dream, and they euphorically expected more… like a drug addict who needed more, but it was doomed to crash. And add to it inflation that was sparked by shortages of everything across the board, and the calamity was brewing. And suddenly, all these euphoric bulls flying to the moon turned into bears and predicting crashes, the end of the world, and catastrophes never seen before.

But as these former bulls were wrong with their bullish expectations, they are again wrong with their bearish expectations. We entered this earnings season with S&P 500 EPS expectations of $50.76 a share. So far, 53% of S&P 500 businesses reported earnings, which came out at $52.02 a share! The largest EPS growth we have ever seen! And as we all know, the market is driven by earnings. If earnings stagnate or go down, markets stagnate or go down; when earnings go up, markets follow. And if we, God forbid, extrapolate earnings to the remainder of the S&P 500 companies that are to be reporting soon, we may easily see an EPS of 54%! And if this happens, expect the market to follow. An 8% jump this quarter can easily happen! Can you imagine what will happen to the bears?

And we see this improvement across the board of well-known businesses: Chipotle, Microsoft, Churchill Downs, Meta Platforms, Google, Boeing, etc., etc., etc.! I have always said that in the stock market, it is earnings, earnings, and earnings that matter the most! We are beating them!

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Posted by Martin April 27, 2023
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Bears are getting their asses kicked, and it will get worse for them

Amazon (AMZN) reported earnings, and the stock soared more than 7% AH. That will obliterate the bears more as the stock will spur upward pressure in tomorrow’s open market. The GDP report and economy indicate that there will be no recession. Some market analysts, like Ed Yardeni, even think that we actually already had a recession and we are now recovering from it. I agree with him.

I also think that the low of this bear market was in October 2022, and we are now in an early stage of a new bull market. The choppiness and volatility are typical for this stage. It indicates that bears are in denial, trying to add more and more bearish positions as they refuse to accept the trend reversal and think that this is just a dead cat bounce. But that is not the case. Not this time. All bad news and bad future outcomes were priced in, and there is no more bad news coming. But if you are an idiot bear, you think the economy will collapse, you do not know why or what would cause it, you just have guts feeling, so you load up more puts and short positions. Just check the level of bearishness in any survey. Those levels were not seen even during the 2008 financial crisis! Do you really believe this is worse than that? And if so, why?

As the bears buy more puts and short more stocks, bull jump in every dip this creates. And the more bears short this market, the more they get hurt. And one day, they will finally give up and reverse their trading. That will be the moment we will have to recognize and get out. The market will see the parabolic spike before reversing and hurting these former bears once again.

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