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Posted by Martin April 28, 2017
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Why I stopped contributing to 401k despite “free money”

This post was originally published on March 13, 2017

As soon as I posted my article about flaws of 401k and why I stopped contributing to it I had a reader telling me that I forgot about 3% – 4% employer match which is free money.

It is a good point from him and although I replied to him in the comments, I decided to re-post my response as a separate post.

Originally, I didn’t include the match because I consider it insignificant and with no benefits to anyone to sway one’s mind and invest into the 401k “ignorance” plan.

Many used the employer match card as the most significant benefit and that you shouldn’t leave the free money on the table.

But in fact, the free money is just luring you into a trap from which there will be no escape. There will be no escape for the next 20, 25, 30, or 35 years (unless you change job and convert the 401k into a self directed plan such as IRA or ROTH IRA). But even after that period of time, at the very end, when you start withdrawing money, you will be punished for your ignorance and pay dearly for that “free money”.

The question is, is it really free money? And what are you giving up to get the free money? Is it worth it?

In my opinion, the answer is a resolute NO.

Let’s take a look at a few flaws of the free money.


 · 4% employer match


Let’s establish some base point before we proceed.

In my previous post Why I stopped contributing to 401k I wrote that in order to meet the savings rate of what the financial industry is telling us to have to retire comfortably a young person, fresh from college at 27 years of age and gross salary of $55,000 per year must be saving almost 19% of his salary to meet the goal.

That means, he or she would have to save $800 every month or $400 bi-weekly.

On top of that, your employer will provide you with 4% match of free money.

That “free money” will be ~ $84 bi-weekly.

($55,000 / 0.04 / 52 = $42 weekly match * 2 = $84 bi-weekly match)


 · Is it worth it?


Is it still all worth $84 every two weeks to offset all negatives of the 401k when participating in the defined contribution plan?

Let’s take a look at some numbers then.

The “free money” may look nice when you are just starting your 401k, but once you save and invest 30 thousand dollars or more, this “free money” will never be able to offset benefits of your own investing or trading (for example dividends).

Once you will be able to buy at least 1000 shares of dividend growth stocks, with initial 3% dividend yield, dividend growth 3%, then after 10 years your YOC will be almost 6% and your dividend income $158/mo which matches the “free money”.

Look at the table below for the growth of your account and dividend income if you reinvest the dividends:

Year Income Yield on Cost Account Value
(1) 2017 $900 3.00% $30,900.00
(2) 2018 $954.81 3.18% $31,854.81
(3) 2019 $1,013.84 3.38% $32,868.65
(4) 2020 $1,077.49 3.59% $33,946.15
(5) 2021 $1,146.20 3.82% $35,092.35
(6) 2022 $1,220.45 4.07% $36,312.80
(7) 2023 $1,300.78 4.34% $37,613.58
(8) 2024 $1,387.80 4.63% $39,001.38
(9) 2025 $1,482.17 4.94% $40,483.55
(10) 2026 $1,584.66 5.28% $42,068.21

Data used for calculations:
Starting yield: 3%
Dividend growth: 3%
Shares held: 1,000
Cost per share: $30.00
Years to hold: 10

If you buy 1000 shares and reinvest your dividends, your account will grow to $42,068.21 just on the dividends (add to it capital gains!) which is 4.02% dividend annual gain. Your yield on cost will increase from 3% to 5.28%.

Your annual dividend income will almost match the “free money”. And this example doesn’t take into account your continued contributions which will make your account growing even faster.

Imagine what I can do with the money when trading options and making 10% monthly (which is what I currently make)!

And here it is what your account would look like 30 years later:

Year Income Yield on Cost Account Value
(1) 2017 $900 3.00% $30,900.00
(2) 2018 $954.81 3.18% $31,854.81
(3) 2019 $1,013.84 3.38% $32,868.65
(4) 2020 $1,077.49 3.59% $33,946.15
(5) 2021 $1,146.20 3.82% $35,092.35
(6) 2022 $1,220.45 4.07% $36,312.80
(7) 2023 $1,300.78 4.34% $37,613.58
(8) 2024 $1,387.80 4.63% $39,001.38
(9) 2025 $1,482.17 4.94% $40,483.55
(10) 2026 $1584.66 5.28% $42,068.21
(11) 2027 $1,696.08 5.65% $43,764.29
(12) 2028 $1,817.40 6.06% $45,581.69
(13) 2029 $1,949.66 6.50% $47,531.35
(14) 2030 $2,094.04 6.98% $49,625.39
(15) 2031 $2,251.89 7.51% $51,877.28
(16) 2032 $2,424.69 8.08% $54,301.97
(17) 2033 $2,614.16 8.71% $56,916.13
(18) 2034 $2,822.21 9.41% $59,738.34
(19) 2035 $3,051.02 10.17% $62,789.36
(20) 2036 $3,303.05 11.01% $66,092.40
(21) 2037 $3,581.11 11.94% $69,673.51
(22) 2038 $3,888.40 12.96% $73,561.91
(23) 2039 $4,228.57 14.10% $77,790.47
(24) 2040 $4,605.79 15.35% $82,396.26
(25) 2041 $5,024.84 16.75% $87,421.10
(26) 2042 $5,491.21 18.30% $92,912.31
(27) 2043 $6,011.22 20.04% $98,923.53
(28) 2044 $6,592.13 21.97% $105,515.66
(29) 2045 $7,242.37 24.14% $112,758.03
(30) 2046 $7,971.65 26.57% $120,729.68

Again, the calculations above do not take into account additional contributions. It only shows compounding of reinvested dividends on a one time investment of $30,000 dollars invested in a high quality dividend growth stock and quite conservative yield and dividend growth.

If you add additional contributions, mix of other dividend stock (so your initial yield would average closer to 5% than 3%), and capital gains of your stocks, then the numbers above will be even higher.

Below is an extrapolation of my own account. My account is yielding 5% and dividend growth rate is 9.44%.

My portfolio in the next 25 years:
(my retirement eligibility; quarterly dividend compounding)


My dividend portfolio, which is currently worth $21,000 dollars +/- and yields 5% at 9% dividend growth is basically set to provide me with enough income in the future.

Even if I contribute zero dollars from now on and just maintain the existing stocks in the portfolio I will end up with $906,996.63 dollars annual income (in today’s dollars) from dividends alone.

Do you still think it is worth investing into 401k because of the “free money”? Will your 401k be ever able to provide you dividend income matching that one of my existing portfolio?

Just for comparison, my 401k plan, currently worth $80,000.00 made $1,438.75 dividend income. My own ROTH IRA worth $21,000.00 brought in $883.48 in dividends.

My 401k plan, with all the free money, under-performed income of my ROTH IRA by staggering 42%!

Do you still believe, it is worth it to lock your money for the next 30 years in a lousy 401k because of free money?


 · More punishment for free money ignorance


If you still think it is worth to invest into 401k because of free money, let’s review what’s awaiting you at the end of the savings cycle when you reach the retirement phase and start withdrawing money.

If we compare our own self-built dividend growth portfolio vs. 401k plan withdrawals rules what it would look like?

Taxes and death.

Dividend growth portfolio (in IRA, or taxable account)

In my own dividend portfolio I will be withdrawing dividends ($75,583 monthly in today’s dollars, $906,996.63 annual dividends income; see table above).

I will not be required to sell a single stock in my portfolio. Thus if in IRA or taxable account, I will not be required to pay any capital gain taxes. If in a taxable account, will only pay 15% tax on qualified dividends. With my ROTH IRA, I will pay nothing.

If we happen to be in the middle of the crisis or panic selling you do not need to worry about the value of your portfolio. All you will be looking at is your never ending, intact, dividend income. Your income will still be safe (you just need to watch for the companies to keep paying dividends. Most of the companies in my portfolio raised dividends during 2008 crisis!

401k plan

With 401k plan, in order to get income or withdraw cash from the plan, you will have to sell your shares of mutual funds. The mutual funds do not generate cash which would be readily available for withdrawal. Any distribution or dividends are immediately re-invested and there is no option to stop this reinvestment.

You will have to sell.

And what if there will be a financial crisis and you will have to sell when everybody is panicking?

And even if you will be selling on top of the bull market, your withdrawal will be taxed as an ordinary income. And good luck getting below 25% bracket with no exemptions available.

Are you still convinced it is worth the “free money” of $84 bi-weekly?


 · The “free money” lure is still not worth it


For this initial insignificant boost of “free money” I am not going to block my savings for 30 or more years when I can achieve more than that as my calculations above indicate.

Everybody can do the same! Investing into dividend growth stocks is not difficult and not a rocket science. As I said before, if you can buy bread in a grocery store, you can buy dividend stocks. It is that simple.

Do not let the financial industry involved in providing and managing 401k plans robbing you your own money.

For example, from 1995 to 2008 the Fidelity Magellan Fund charged its clients $4.8 billion of dollars in fees! That’s $369 million dollars every year of YOUR money! The entire industry fee revenue was $88 billion dollars in 2015, up 76% from 10 years ago. (Source: “2015 Fee Study: Investors are Driving Expense Ratios Down”, Morningstar, 2015).

Let me ask you a question. What does it take to manage a mutual fund which would cost $4.8 billion dollars which you cannot do on your own for yourself?


 · Acknowledgement


All my calculations above were based on a one time investment of 1000 shares at $36 a share, initial dividend yield 3%, and dividend growth 3%.

I acknowledge that in the first few years the investing dynamic may not be any better than 401k or as shown in my calculations since a young person starting his/her savings will not be able to come up with $36,000 dollars immediately (which is a case for mutual funds too), so additional “free money” contribution match may be helpful.

However, at a savings rate of $800 monthly, it would only take 4 years to save enough money when the income from dividends greatly exceeds the mediocre benefits of 401k and free money addition.

Hope this helps to show flaws of luring people into 401k by providing “free money” which actually are not free at all.

In the end, you will pay for that free money dearly by lost opportunity and fees!

Any questions?

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Create your own mutual fund

This post was originally published on July 28, 2013

Have you been investing in mutual funds your whole investing career but recently you were thinking what it would look like if you start investing into individual stocks?

Maybe your very first thought was diversification. Your account is still small and you won’t be able to buy more than 5 stocks at this point and that makes you uncomfortable. You know that experts recommend at least 30 stocks in your portfolio to reach a decent amount of diversification.

But how can you buy 30 individual stocks when you just started saving and investing and all you can save is $100 monthly? What if you would have an opportunity to build your very own mutual fund of stocks you want to own?

Well, today you have that opportunity and it is very simple. And you do not need millions to do it. You can start your own mutual fund with just 250 dollars (it’s like buying your first position in a mutual fund, right?).

You can build your own mutual fund

Yes you can build your own mutual fund and it will not cost you anything and you do not need millions or billions to start your own mutual fund. I found this opportunity thanks to my friend and fellow investor Wayne Bow who sent me the link to a great service which would allow it.

A broker which allows you creating your own mutual fund is Motif Investing. And how does their service work?

Once you open an account, which is for free, you can create your own mutual fund, which is called a Motif. You can add 30 of your favorite stocks into the motif (portfolio) and you can create as many motifs as you wish. And more on that, the broker will give you a bonus up to $150 to trade with.

Want to make 150 dollars right after opening an account?

If you open an account, Motif Investing provides you with up to $150 bonus. If you deposit for eaxmple 1250 dollars and make 5 trades, you will have 12% profit right there!

Get up to $150 when you start trading at Motif Investing. Learn more.


I already did it myself and will be reporting my progress soon.

I created my own dividend growth stocks motif. I added stocks I want to invest in, but my current taxable or ROTH accounts do not allow me buying them all. With Motif investing I could create my own motiff of all stocks I like and I will be able to buy them all.

Here is a screen of my own dividend stocks mutual fund:

Motiff part 1

Dividend Income Motif – Part 1 – Click to enlarge

Motiff Part 2

Dividend Income Motif – Part 2 – Click to enlarge

How it works?

Once you created your own motif (your own mutual fund) and funded your account, you can start buying your motif. The minimum investment to buy a motif is $250. For each motif purchase or sell you will pay $9.95 commission, which is in line with other brokers. If you want to be purchasing individual stocks (outside of the motif) then the fee is $4.95 per the stock or ETF.

When you buy a motif, you will be buying fractions of all stock inside your motif, the exact same way as you are purchasing your mutual funds in your 401k. For me this is an excellent idea how to stay diversified even with small money.

You can be buying not only your own motif, but you can also buy motifs of other investors. You can create as many motifs as you wish and be buying them all. So although one motif is limited to 30 stocks, you can create two motifs or three motifs and be buying 30, 60, or 90 stocks and their fractions as long as you reach your dividend investing goal.

And of course you can set your own desired allocation in each industry or individual stocks within the motif and you can always change that allocation to reflect your market anticipation. Isn’t that a cool idea?

The broker allows you opening all sorts of accounts such as individual, joint taxable, IRA, ROTH IRA, Rollover IRA, etc.

I think this is a great idea how to invest your retirement money in stocks you want the same way as if you invested in a mutual fund. I liked this idea a lot, so I opened an account with Motif Investing and I will invest with them. I will report on this blog how that investing worked.

What do you think, is it a good investing idea?

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Posted by Martin April 25, 2017
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TECK short strangle

UPDATE: Apr 25, 2017

BTC 1 TECK Apr28 24.00 call @ 0.02 debit

The company reported earnings this morning before market opening. The stock tanked almost 6%. This was great for our remaining calls.

We closed our call side of the trade this morning. As of now, we are out of the entire trade for a profit.

We originally collected 0.22 credit per contract:
Total = 0.44 or $44 dollars credit

We closed both legs for 0.02 per each:
Total = 0.08 or $8 dollars debit

Total profit = $36 in 5 days (0.85% or 61.95% annualized profit)


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Posted by Martin April 24, 2017
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La Liberté guidant le peuple (Second French Revolution)

SPX trend reversal

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Posted by Martin April 21, 2017


How to start with very small money?

Are you a small investor as I am? Are you a beginner? Do you think you cannot afford investing because you do not have enough money?

Do you want trade stocks however?

I consider trading stocks as my hobby. I like it. I like the game, its adventure and danger. I am also full of emotions when trading and trying to control them. One of my friends trades stocks as a game too. He has no background, no knowledge, he just plays it as betting horse racing. He says, “when the stocks are down I feel offended and do not look at them at all and they come back begging for my attention”. This is how he made his first $10,000 dollars within two weeks. I envy it and I tried to find out why it worked for him while I was loosing money. He simply didn’t allow his emotions take action and sell his stocks when they displayed initial losses while I was selling to cut losses quickly. It is a good strategy however you shouldn’t cut those losses too quickly, otherwise you start collecting losses one after second.

Well, let’s talk how to start when you have no money and no idea. I did it this way three years ago:

Opening trading account
Review your salary and your family budget. Write it down on paper. Write down how much money flows into your household. I recommend considering only regular income instead of seasonal unless the seasonal income is regular too (for example a summer help or a winter ski school instructor, etc.).
After that, write down all your mandatory expenses only (such as mortgage, tuition, rent, insurance, etc.).
Then you would be able to see, how much money you have left for your personal expenses (or your household). Now you can ask yourself a question: “How much money I can afford save aside?” Is it $50 a month? $100 a month?

There are many brokerage houses out there. Go to the internet and do some research what are their conditions to open a new account. I personally trade with TD Ameritrade and they require min. $2000 to open the account. You can try Sharebuilder. I think they have no minimum and low trade commissions. But I do not know all of them, so you should do your own search and study. You can go to MSN Money
and search through other brokers.

If you however decide for TD Ameritrade, you would need a minimum amount of 2000 of dollars to open the account. Then go to your local bank and open a Time savings account (I opened 91 day savings account) and start transferring your $50, $100 or whatever you decided to save into this account. Do it regularly every month and prior you start spending the money. Whenever you receive your salary, send your minimum to your savings account. No matter what, no questions, no excuses. Do it. Do not touch that money and let them grow. Soon you would be able to open the new account and transfer the money into it.

During the saving period you will have enough time to study the stock market, stocks, strategies, read books, create your control loss plan, journal, etc. Overall you make yourself ready to trade. You can open a Stock simulator and there you can try your strategies as well as try how it works (placing orders, executing, creating portfolio, etc.).

After you have your new account opened, do not stop saving your money on your savings account. If you have no reserves I strongly recommend building your emergency savings.

Always consider your money on your broker’s account as already lost. If you cannot afford it, continue in saving as long as you would be able to afford it.

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Posted by Martin April 17, 2017
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New STX strangle trade

Trading strangles can be very profitable trade if done correctly. Trading strangles during company earnings can be even more profitable. But is can also be quite dangerous. I am posting a new trade for you all to watch, follow or paper trade.
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Posted by Martin April 17, 2017
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Trading Diary #6 – did we just experienced a reversal?

How I see today’s price action in the stock market. Could this be a downtrend reversal? If so, we may see a resumed rally. We also rolled some of our US Steel (X) strangles into the next week.
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Posted by Martin April 16, 2017


Trading Diary #5 – stock market in confirmed downtrend

As I wrote in my last trading diary #4 the market struggled to break the downtrend line.

Here is a chart I posted the other day to show my point stating that the market had to break above the line (marked with blue arrows):

SPX trend struggle
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Back in December 2016 I opened a triple play trade using Energy Transfer Equity, L.P. (ETE) as underlying.

I was selling cash secured puts as long as I got assigned into the stock.

After I got assigned, I kept the stock, collected nice dividend, and started selling covered calls. Today, my covered calls ended in the money and got assigned. I sold my stock.

This ends this trade and on Monday I will start the cycle again by selling new cash secured puts.

Here is the ETE trade review in numbers:

Open date Strike Option Premium Trade Status
12/2/2016 15.00 puts 0.52 rolled
12/21/2016 17.00 puts 0.21 rolled
12/28/2016 19.00 puts 0.45 assigned
01/23/2017 19.00 calls 0.35 expired
02/27/2017 19.00 calls 0.28 rolled
03/09/2017 19.00 calls 0.34 expired
03/27/2017 19.00 calls 0.26 assigned
04/07/2017     2.41  


Total Premiums Received: $241.00
Dividends Received: $28.50
Total Revenue: $269.50
Total Revenue %: 14.18%
Total Revenue Annualized: 40.77%
Days In Trade: 127


The dividends from this trade have been reinvested using DRIP program. I bought additional 1.505 fractional shares of ETE. These shares will bear dividends and I will continue reinvesting them.

This will ensure my stake in ETE will continue slowly growing.


 · What’s next?


On Monday, I will start selling new cash secured puts (CSP) – a new triple play cycle.

I plan on selling April 28 expiration 19 strike puts on Monday. Here is what the trade order would look like:

STO 1 ETE Apr28 19.00 put
@ 0.36 credit limit GTC

The expected ex-date is May 5th, 2017 (not confirmed yet) so the shares must get assigned in April 28th in order to own the shares before the ex-date (which would be the following Friday).

If the puts won’t get assigned, I will let them expire worthless and purchase 100 shares of ETE outright on Thursday the following day.


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Posted by Martin April 06, 2017


March 2017 options income

March 2017 trading turned out to be successful again although at first not expected.

As I mentioned in my previous posts about options trading I dedicated this year to consolidate my trades from previous year. I opened a few trades which I no longer like and I got stuck in those trade by first over-trading and then rolling them far away. Now I sit on those trades and they are dead money.

So, I decided to sequentially get rid of those trades. In previous months I closed a few trades for a loss, but offset that loss by new trades. I was successful in January and Fenruary this year.

I did the same in March 2017. But I closed too many trades in March. At least I thought so. I closed trades for $2,600 dollars loss.

But I was able to trade this loss out and finished the month with gains.

My plan for March 2017 was to make $1,717.35 dollars of income.

Although I haven’t met our goal, given the circumstances that I was offsetting a loss, I am happy to say that we were able to make $1,619.74 dollars of option income.


 · Options Trading Strategy


Over time since I learned trading options I went from trading spreads, single naked puts, later added naked calls and landed on trading strangles. Many people are afraid trading strangles. They do not know how to protect themselves when having naked calls trades. I was afraid too until I found out that it is not as dangerous as others say.

I am not saying that there is no risk, but if you know how to handle the risk, you will be able to navigate through strangles with no fear.

Over time I developed my own rules and strategy. You can review it in this section.



Are you Ready to Trade?

If you like results of our trading open yourself an account with OptionsHouse.com and start trading with a low commission rates + free virtual trading tool!

Your new trading account will come with a paper money account and will be immediately funded with $5,000 of virtual money for you to test the options trading and if you join our trading group on Facebook you can get a guidance, ideas, and trading education. Before you commit your real hard-earned money you can use the virtual account to test our strategies, learn, and ask all questions you need to learn options trading.

Once you learn and get ready, start trading live account and earn monthly income similar to ours. And we will be happy to assist you with that.

Seize the opportunity. Open a new OptionsHouse Account Today! Open and fund an OptionsHouse account to receive up to $1,000 worth of commissions on online trades for 60 days.



 · Options Trading Results


As stated above our trading in January was really great and we made $1,619.74 dollars.

Below you can see all data and progress in our trading account:

Month-to-moth trading results

Trading results

(The red dots on the chart indicate income estimate, blue bars actual earnings.)

In March 2017 we made: 49 trades
Total trades in 2017: 136 trades
March 2017 options trading income: $1,619.74 (47.27%)
2017 portfolio Net-Liq (net)*: $2,708.97 (-32.62%)
2017 portfolio Net-Liq (gross)*: $23,208.97 (-5.35%)
2017 portfolio Cash Value (net)*: $28,141.97 (20.10%)
2017 portfolio Cash Value (gross)*: $48,641.97 (10.72%)
2017 portfolio Equity (net)*: $33,328.97 (4.20%)
2017 portfolio Equity (gross)*: $53,828.97 (2.56%)
2017 Liability/Debt: $20,500.00 (0.00%)
2017 overall trading account result: -28.25%

* The numbers marked as “net” and “gross” are results with loan (liability) included (gross) or excluded (net).



We are presenting you our month-to-month business performance review:


In March 2017, we made money to offset closing bad trades and yet ending up with gains.

However, these gains were immediately blocked by other existing trades and a few new trades.

The biggest problem was a $LULU trade. The company missed by very little when reporting earnings but provided weak guidance which sank the stock more than 20%. This trade had negative impact on our net-liq and overall account results.

However, I consider it a temporary decline since we haven’t closed any trades in our portfolio. There fore, once those trades get better again (by rolling , closing, offsetting etc.) our net-liq will go up again.


 · Options Trading April 2017 outlook


Last month, my March outlook was quite optimistic.

Until the market presented itself in a reversal and decline.

In my last Trading Diary #4 post I wrote that the market retreated from the recent highs. I expressed a hope that the market could pushed up and break the downtrend.


As you can see in the chart above, the market is stuck with fighting between bears and bulls. But it cannot break the downtrend line. Anytime the price breached the downtrend line it was immediately sold off.

This was also happening on the downside and the market fell to the support or even below, it was immediately bought by buyers.

However, my overall bias is bearish. Nothing disastrous, but I expect the stocks sliding lower until the market breaks up.

What do you think about options trading?

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